How to cleanse the skin of acne?

  • Contents:
    • Causes of Acne Disease
    • Stages of
    • Disease Acne Treatment
    • Home Remedies for Acne Skin
    • Facial Masks
    • Proper Nutrition
    • Expert Advice:

    Modern people often ask how to cleanse the skin of acne, because they causea person's moral discomfort, lead to the emergence of various complexes. Acne is a disease, which is caused by a violation in the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands of the body, which produce an excessive amount of cutaneous fat. When small particles of the non-peeled epidermis, dust, the remains of cosmetics are attached to the fatty secretions, it can create favorable conditions for the reproduction of various pathogenic bacteria on the surface of the skin, and within them. As with all this ugliness to fight, we will consider in this article.

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    Causes of Acne Disease

    Before starting to get rid of various rashes on the surface of the face and body, it is necessary to determine the causes of their appearance:

    • Hormonal failures that occur most often in adolescence at the stage of growing up. Perhaps the appearance of acne on the face of women during menstruation, pregnancy, after an abortion or after the onset of menopause.

    Important! Similar problems can also hide in the violation of the genitourinary or endocrine system.

    • Increased by nature secretion from the sebaceous glands, as well as skin prone to frequent acne. More oily skin is more quickly contaminated, which leads to blockage of the excretory ducts and the formation of inflammation.
    • The expanded pores of the body easily penetrate dust and other contaminants that cause the appearance of black spots, the emergence of infection inside tissues, as well as the formation of painful internal acne.
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    Disease stages

    It is common in medical circles to divide Acne disease into three main stages, which, at one time, the prescribed treatment depends:

    Light form

    At the initial stage of the disease, mild acne is seen. With the timely, and most importantly - the right treatment, they are easy enough to get rid of, not allowing more serious manifestations of the disease.

    Important! If the amount of acne does not exceed ten, then exclusively external treatment is used.

    It is effective to use anti-inflammatory ointments, various tonics or lotions for rubbing the skin in which alcohol is not contained.

    Important! To get the best result, you need to normalize the diet, excluding from the diet fatty, smoked, sweet, floury, as well as dairy products.

    Medium form

    If the face has an amount of urae of 10-40 pieces, this means that the patient has the second stage of Acne. In such cases, the doctor may be prescribed internal antibiotic therapy, which involves the use of external anti-inflammatory cosmetology.

    Complicated form

    During the third stage, the patient's face acquires a red tint, the inflammation is clearly visible, and the skin is almost completely covered with pimples. The appearance of rashes can also be observed on the shoulders, back, buttocks and in the decollete. Treatment of such manifestations should be carried out under the compulsory supervision of a dermatologist.

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    Treatment of acne

    It will not be possible to get rid of acne symptoms in a few days or even weeks. To achieve a noticeable and permanent result, therapy should be long-lasting and comprehensive.

    Important! Be sure to visit a dermatologist before beginning acne treatment.

    Before helping to cleanse the facial skin of acne, the doctor will diagnose and correctly select the drugs for further treatment:

    1. If a hormone disorder is found, a specialist can sometimes prescribe a course of contraceptives for women.
    2. If a severe form of Acne is detected, the physician may prescribe systemic antibacterial therapy.

    Important! Remember that all medications prescribed by a doctor and cosmetic products act individually, some help them well, and some do not.

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    Home methods to cleanse the skin of acne

    To remove skin rashes is very difficult, but, unfortunately, not every patient is able to complete the full course of cosmetology treatment. In addition, quality drugs have a fairly high cost. However, there are a huge number of methods, each of which is designed to solve a specific problem: fighting black dots, eliminating inflammation, healing. It is especially important to provide the necessary care for the skin surface before and after procedures.

    Where to start?

    For carrying out the cleaning procedures it is necessary: ​​

    1. Wash thoroughly with soap and hands, and the neck and face area with special foam or gel.
    2. Do not apply scrub to damaged skin.
    3. Cooked healing broths should be stored in the refrigerator or frozen in ice cubes.
    4. Lotions and masks that are made from several ingredients are not subject to long-term storage. Use them immediately after preparation.
    5. With prolonged constant use of drying agents, your skin will need additional moisturizing. In this case, you need to choose only those drugs from which you will not have new rashes.


    Helps to cleanse the face of acne and dry the rash special anti-acne medications that can be purchased at pharmacies:

    • retinoid ointment;
    • zinc ointment;
    • ichthyol ointment;
    • "Differin";
    • "Baziron AS";
    • Skinoren;
    • "Zinerit";

    Get rid of excessive skin fat

    To make oily skin less shiny, you can use three methods:

    • If you rub the skin with a lemon tonic, you can contribute to the disappearance of pigmentation, reduce the number of black spots and eliminate oily shine. To achieve the desired result, you must first remove the makeup and apply the product twice a day.

    Important! To make a medical tonic, take 1 tablespoon of salicylic acid and lemon juice, which are mixed with 2 tablespoons of boiled or purified water.

    • When applying hydrogen peroxide, you can get rid of the spots left after acne. It will eliminate redness and reduce the fat content of the skin. Take 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide, vegetable oil( olive, peach or coconut) and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. With this tool, treat the face, neck and décolleté area.

    Important! The procedure should be carried out not more often than once a week, immediately after that apply to the skin moisturizer.

    • Boil 100 g of oatmeal in boiling water, add 1 tablespoon of honey to the cooled gruel( better than lime).Apply the mixture on face and other problem areas, hold for about 20 minutes. After the procedure, the product should be washed off with warm water.

    Important! Such therapy will help to cope with the reddening of the skin and at the same time it will clean the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands.

    How to narrow skin pores?

    Cosmetic salons use special cooling masks to narrow the skin pores. At home, you can also cleanse the skin of acne without spending a lot of money on the procedure. The mask can be prepared by one of the following instructions:

    • Take one tablespoon of honey, baking soda and fresh milk. Mix everything, apply on your face with light massage movements. Then rinse the mask, apply a moisturizer to the skin.

    Important! To conduct such a procedure is recommended no more often than once in 5-7 days.

    • Grind in a mortar two or three tablets "Streptocide".In the resulting powder add a few drops of boiled water, mix the ingredients until the formation of not too thick gruel. Apply on face, then wait 2 minutes and wash. After finishing the cleansing procedure, a little nutritious cream should be applied to the skin.

    Important! The antibiotic will cope with the pathogenic bacteria, help get rid of subcutaneous acne, and prevent the appearance of new ones.

    • In equal quantities, combine natural grape juice, decoction of celandine and spaghetti, sold in any pharmacy. Apply the product to areas with dilated pores, after 5 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

    Important! It is very important to avoid getting into the eyes, because it can cause burning and irritation of their mucous membrane.

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    Facial masks

    It will help to normalize the skin condition using special nutritional and cleansing cosmetic masks. Prepare them at home can be, following the following recipes:

    Recipe number 1

    Clear the skin from acne help mask, prepared from:

    • 1 tablespoon gelatin;
    • 1 tablespoon dried chamomile flowers, diluted in 100 ml of milk.

    All ingredients are mixed and placed for 40 seconds in a microwave oven. Then again, everything is thoroughly mixed, the cooled finished product is applied to the skin of the face. Wash off the mask after it has hardened.

    Important! It is recommended to repeat the procedure every week.

    Recipe №2

    Acne can be dried with finely grated household soap and water. The mixture is whipped until a thick foam forms, mixed with the same amount of salt and applied to the face. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes.

    Important! This procedure should be repeated every other day. Results will be noticeable in two weeks.

    Recipe №3

    Grind oat flakes into a flour, add 1 tablespoon of flour and two drops of lemon essential oil into a glass of kefir. After applying, keep the mask on the skin for 20 minutes.

    Important! After a month of application, black dots will disappear and acne will pass.

    Recipe No.4

    Mask for oily and problem skin can be made from:

    • 4 tablespoons of white cosmetic clay;
    • 3 teaspoons ground cinnamon;
    • 5 tablespoons of sea salt;
    • is a chamomile infusion on water.

    All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and, after applying to the skin of the face, stand for about 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

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    Proper nutrition

    To quickly cleanse the skin of acne, it is necessary to eat and include the following microelements and vitamins in the diet:

    1. Zinc - reduces the production of fat secretion. This microelement is in hard cheese, buckwheat groats, peas, beans.
    2. Vitamin A - normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, which reduces the amount of acne. This vitamin is found in carrots, pumpkins, sweet peppers, peaches, lean meats.
    3. Sulfur - acts disastrously on pathogenic microbes, prevents their reproduction and growth. It is found in avocados, greens, lettuce, broccoli, watermelons, asparagus, nuts, garlic and cabbage.
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    Expert tips:

    1. In the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed it is necessary to wash and clean the skin with a tonic. After that, a moisturizing cream is applied to the skin, which is selected according to the type of your skin.
    2. For washing and rubbing the skin, use decoctions of medicinal herbs( chamomile, calendula, sage, strings).It is best to freeze them in ice molds and wipe their face in the morning or evening. Plant nutritional components that are included in this composition will help to eliminate inflammation and eliminate redness of the skin, soothe it. And the cold will narrow the dilated holes of the pores.
    3. You need to eat less spicy, salty, fatty, smoked food, adhere to the principles of healthy eating. This will help the body to improve and purify from the inside, which will have a beneficial effect not only on the condition of internal organs, but also on the appearance of the skin.

    We hope that the recommendations in this article will help you effectively cope with the problem of acne on the face. Over time, you can sincerely enjoy your own beauty and external appeal.