- General scheme of creating ventilation in a private house
- Is there a natural or mechanical ventilation system?
- Air supply
- Extract
Build a house with your own hands and know about all the necessary systems for organizing a healthy microclimate inside the building? This article will consider ventilation in a private house with their own hands. Scheme of work and choice of components should be thought out as carefully as possible before the beginning of the arrangement. Otherwise, a discrepancy in the quality of air purification can provoke a rapid destruction of the entire building finish, and even cause health problems for all tenants at home.
to content ↑General scheme of creating ventilation in a private house
Ventilation in a private house is arranged according to the following algorithm:
- Calculation of air exchange.
- Selection of duct sections.
- Selection of the type of ventilation system.
- Drawing a scheme for ventilation of a private house with your own hands. These are such jobs as definition:
- location of fan devices;
- fence fresh places;
- exhaust air emissions;
- of the passage of air ducts.
Natural or mechanical ventilation system?
In order for a person to be comfortable in the house, it is necessary to organize and maintain an optimal microclimate. In this case, it is important not only the optimal air temperature, but also an indicator such as the speed of its movement.
Important! The lower the speed, the more comfortable stay indoors. Thus, in terms of comfort, natural ventilation has an undeniable advantage.
If the house is equipped with supply and exhaust mechanical ventilation with fans installed on the hood and air intake, the air exchange will be more intense than in a residential room with natural air exchange.
In this case, the speed of the air flow is.
- For natural ventilation - up to 1 cubic meter per hour.
- For mechanical ventilation - from 3 to 5 cubic meters per hour.
However, there are nuances that can not be avoided without mechanical ventilation. As the velocity of the air jet increases along the channel, the size of the required section increases:
- It is not always possible to place a channel of large cross-section in the wall.
- It is not very aesthetic to put the channel out of the wall, as in some public and office buildings.
Therefore, it becomes necessary to use a mechanical type hood. But it is not always possible to arrange only a natural flow of air into the room.
to content ↑Air supply
Let's consider its main sources, as well as measures to increase the amount of fresh air. As already mentioned, the arrival of fresh airflow into the room can be both natural and forced. Consider in more detail how to do ventilation in a private house with your own hands.
This is an air leakage through the leaks of walls, windows and doors of a house. If the area of housing is small( about 100-140 squares), and in the windows old wooden frames are used, then such a natural inflow is sufficient for good ventilation, especially if we take into account the additional airflow through the walls and the doorway.
The installation of modern windows with profiles made of metal-plastic ensures greater air tightness of the room. Airing helps to solve the problem of air entering the room.
Often use the installation of a plastic window in the position of ventilation. This method has its drawbacks:
- Significant heat losses.
- Cooling of the window block and adjoining slopes in the winter, as a result - the formation of condensation.
Important! Full air exchange is carried out within 0.5-1.25 hours.
Ventilation with the help of fully opened windows is devoid of the indicated disadvantages:
- The room is fully ventilated in 4-10 minutes.
- Window constructions do not cool, condensation does not form.
Important! If you ventilate the room with fully open windows and doors, then the air exchange time is accelerated to 2-4 minutes, but you need to beware of drafts.
Use of window and wall inlet valves
The use of metal-plastic window constructions seals the room. There are no technologies that provide for the abandonment of looseness. The designers solved this problem by equipping the window structures with ventilated adjustable slots in the upper part of the window.
If you have already installed a plastic window of a "traditional" design, you can solve the problem as follows:
- By installing wall inlets. Wall inlet valves are circular nozzles that are completely mounted to the wall and closed on both sides by grilles. The internal grilles are adjustable, from closed to open. It is advisable to install valves at window openings so that they can be masked by curtains. In addition, the incoming air in this case falls into the zone of action of the radiators located under the windows.
Important! If you install the supply valve behind the battery, the air entering the room immediately warms up.
- Valves can be equipped with filters, temperature and humidity sensors. They are recommended to be installed in the bedroom, dining room and hall, to observe the direction of air movement: from "clean" rooms to household( bathroom, kitchen, bathroom).
- The air-supply valves in houses with walls insulated with vapor-proof materials( for example, foam, EPS) proved to be well-proven.
Important! The amount of fresh air supplied by the supply valves is from 50 to 100 cubic meters per hour. To determine the required number of valves in the house, there is a special calculation method for drawing up a scheme of ventilation of a private house with their own hands.
Forced flow with the use of
fans Sometimes in the calculation it turns out that it is necessary to install supply valves under each window. If you do not want to do this for reasons of aesthetics, the problem can be solved by forcing fresh air from the fans.
The ventilation system in a private house with its own hands( supply system) includes:
- Ventilation network.
- Ventilation equipment.
The ventilation equipment, in addition to the actual fan, includes:
- Silencer.
- Filter.
- The air valve.
- Calorifer.
Important! The filter cleans the incoming air from the dust particles. With the help of the air heater, the air warms up during the cold season( not all systems are equipped with air-heaters).There are electric and water type heaters. Hydraulic heaters are more expensive, because their installation is associated with the additional use of mixing units.
The ventilation network contains:
- Air ducts.
- Devices for the distribution of air flow.
- Intake grilles.
Important! If the house uses a mechanical method of supplying and extracting air, then to save energy spent on heating, experts recommend installing a recuperation system.
to the contents ↑Extract
If you are building a house from scratch, then in the project you need to provide ventilation ducts in the walls of such premises as kitchen, bathroom and bathroom. If there is no possibility for the arrangement of internal wall channels, they are carried out as ad hoc mines.
There are such types of channels for ventilation in a private house:
- Internal, placed in a brick wall.
- Extension channels.
- Ventilation hanging boxes.
- Output to the roof of the ventilation shaft.
Natural air extractor
If the air volume is small, then natural exhaust is enough. In the interior of the room, the channel is closed by means of a ventilation grill.
Mechanical type extractor
It is used to reduce the cross-section of the ventilation duct required for natural air extraction. The problem is helped to solve the exhaust fans, which are installed in the bathrooms, kitchens and bathrooms.
The most popular of the exhaust fans are concealed installation devices and wall-type devices.
Important! Comfortable fans are equipped with humidity sensors. Such a device operates until the specified air humidity is established in the room. The cost of such devices is somewhat higher, compared with conventional ones.
When choosing a fan, you should pay attention to models equipped with rubber bushings for noise absorption. The device works with less noise.
Principle of air recuperation
If the house has an air conditioning system, the air coming from the street is partly cooled. In order to reduce the load on the air conditioner, install recuperators. The essence of this principle of ventilation in a private house is as follows: the cooled exhaust air, passed through the recuperator, cools the warm fresh air from the street.
Installation of ventilation in a private home is a very serious matter, which it is desirable to entrust to specialists. However, the basic knowledge that we have shared in this article will never interfere.