- Indoor air condition
- How to clean the air in the house
- Home air purifiers
The state of human health, in the first place, depends on the air that it breathes. People often complain about the deterioration of the ecological situation, but at the same time forget that the atmosphere in the house depends solely on them. Cleaning the air of dust is simply necessary if you want to create a cozy and comfortable environment indoors and at the same time to protect yourself from health problems. With the help of this article, we will share with you the most effective and popular ways to create an enabling environment inside the house.
to Contents ↑Indoor Air Condition
This may surprise you, but contrary to popular belief, street air is often much cleaner than the airspace of your home. There are a lot of sources of air pollution in the house, but the most popular of them is dust.
Important! According to numerous researches of scientists, for a year on each square meter of a room about 8 grams of dust contamination is concentrated. Proceeding from this, it becomes clear that regular cleaning of air from dust is, at least, a pledge of your good health.
The composition of dust often includes the following components:
- microscopic textile fibers;
- skin particles;
- fungal spores, as well as mold;
- a variety of bacteria;
- vegetable pollen;
- Outdoor Soot;
- the smallest bugs-saprophytes and products of their vital functions.
The main danger of house dust is the allergic substances contained in it. Sensitive people, subsequently air pollution, can develop such diseases as eye inflammations, allergic rhinitis, skin inflammations, cough and even asthma.
Important! The longer a person has to contact an allergen, the greater the chances of developing negative effects on the body and the manifestation of a variety of diseases.
Also, the air in your home is constantly polluted by cooking fumes. Surely, each of you noticed an unpleasant smell from small fatty droplets, as well as soot, which forms during frying. This particular flavor has nothing to do with a deliciously smelling food. If there are smokers in your house, an additional factor of air pollution in the form of tobacco smoke appears.
Important! The smell of smoking products is very difficult to get out of the room, often it does not disappear even during a week of active airing.
You should already have guessed that the clean air of our apartments and houses is very difficult to name. That's why you should think about what kind of cleaning the air from the dust and what kind of moistening will be most convenient in your case.
Important! After cleansing the air, you will notice how much you feel better, as well as the mood of relatives.
to the contents ↑How to clean the air in the house
Most housewives are thinking about the question: "How to clean the air of dust?".In fact, there are several effective methods. You can clean the air of dust and harmful substances in the house in the following ways.
Frequent airing of the room
Try to open windows at every opportunity, because there is much less dust on the street than in your apartment. Airing will improve the atmosphere in the room, and it is best to conduct such procedures in the morning and evening.
Important! Stagnant air creates quite favorable conditions for the development of mold and fungal spores. The more in your apartment will be fresh air, the more often the air will be cleared of dust, the less danger it will hide.
Moisturize the air
Especially topical moisturizing is in the cold season. This is due to the effect of heating, which dries air and creates favorable conditions for the development of dust.
Small debris can hang in the atmosphere for a long time, and accordingly - will enter the respiratory tract and irritate the mucous membranes of our body.
Important! Humidify the air with a special device or by setting a pleasant interior element in the room in the form of an artificial fountain or an aquarium.
Purchase special air cleaner
In the modern world of technological progress, various devices for cleaning and ionizing air can be found on the market. Qualitative adaptations have several degrees of purification and create all conditions for pleasant and comfortable breathing.
Use the vacuum cleaner
When cleaning the premises with a cheap vacuum cleaner that is equipped with a cloth bag for garbage and primitive filters, you will be able to get rid of visible dirt. Raised with warm air currents fine dust, distributed around the room and will continue to poison your life.
It is best to use modern vacuum cleaners that not only hold dust particles well, but also humidify the air in the room.
Important! Do not use fresheners or air flavors, because they do not get rid of dust and germs, but only hide the unpleasant smell in the room. Such tools mask the problem, but do not get rid of its causes. In addition, such aerosols and liquids often contain dangerous to human health gases that can cause an allergic reaction, as well as provoke the development of respiratory system diseases.
to the contents ↑Home air purifiers
Specialized devices for cleaning air from dust work by passing air through your filters from your room. As a result - the device eliminates allergens, toxic substances and dust, which can interfere with your breathing and adversely affect your health.
Important! The effectiveness of such a device depends on the type of filter that performs the main cleaning work.
In the modern air purification technology, several types of filters are used:
- Mechanical - they can detain large dust particles, but are practically powerless before plant pollen, microorganisms and fungal spores. To date, this type of filter is considered quite outdated and inefficient.
- Coal filters really help to substantially clean the air of dust in any room. But such devices need regular replacement, about once a season. The effectiveness of such filters is significantly reduced in conditions of high humidity.
Important! Coal filters will have a much better effect if used in conjunction with other cleaning systems.
- HEPA filters are a highly technological device that can detain even the most microscopic particles of dust, poisonous substances and pollen. Such purification systems are recommended for allergy sufferers because they neutralize almost all dangerous substances.
Important! Sometimes HEPA filters, for the best effect of cleaning the air from dust, are impregnated with special antibacterial compounds.
- Water filtration systems - practically wash the air, passing it through the water. As a result, when passing through purification, the air returns to the room not only clean, but fresh and moisturized.
We hope that with our advice you will be able to create a pleasant and at the same time comfortable atmosphere inside your home. And the air that you breathe, will not conceal a hidden threat to your health.