Rating of the largest removable apartments in Moscow

The second, third and even fourth waves of financial crisis, predicted by analysts, do not scare fans of elite housing. Rent an apartment in Moscow - the pleasure is not cheap, and if it comes to luxury housing, the price becomes truly impressive. As, however, and the apartments, striking in its size and decoration. We bring to your attention rating of the largest removable apartments in Moscow according to analysts of the portal Bazanda.ru.


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The seven-room apartment located on Bolshaya Tatarskaya Street is the mostmodest in the presented top ten. Apartments with an area of ​​470 "squares" can be rented for $ 40 thousand per month.


Two-level apartment in Ostrovniy proezd( ZhK "Fantasy Island"), although more in area( 476 "squares"), but will cost less - "only" 35 thousand per month.


Two-storey house with a plot, located on Flotskaya Street, also fell into the rating of rented housing. With an area of ​​about 500 square meters, the rental price is $ 11,000 per month.


Five-room apartments on the Aviation Street with an area of ​​500 "squares" are rented for a monthly fee of $ 19,000.


Four-level townhouse on Nezhinskaya street with an area of ​​516 square meters has five bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, a jacuzzi, a gym and a sauna. All this luxury will cost $ 25 thousand per month.


Apartment in ten rooms in a four-story mansion, located in the heart of the capital, has an area of ​​526 "squares" and costs $ 40 thousand per month.


A six-room apartment in two levels on Minsk street with an area of ​​550 square meters will cost the tenant $ 30 thousand per month.


The 12-room apartment on Aviation Street in the classical style with the area of ​​576 "squares" costs $ 29 thousand monthly. The apartments are luxuriously decorated with various elements in the "palace" style: columns, stucco molding, gilded accessories.


The apartment on Leninsky Prospekt took an honorable second place with an area of ​​580 square meters. The apartment has 3 bedrooms, a dining room, a living room, a study and a dressing room. The interior design is designed in the Art Nouveau style with the use of wood, marble and leather elements. The cost of rent is $ 32 thousand per month.


The apartment with an incredible area of ​​900 "squares", located also on Leninsky Prospekt, became the undisputed leader of the rating. The tenant has 6 rooms, a swimming pool, a sauna, a jacuzzi, a glass elevator, and a fireplace. The author's design is made in classical style, the most expensive materials are applied in decoration. The cost of housing is appropriate - $ 35,000 per month. Although, according to experts, when located in the center of the capital, such an apartment would cost 30-50 percent more.