How to remove mold from clothes and prevent its reappearance?


  • Causes of mildew on the fabric and prevention of the problem
  • The most effective methods for combating mold on clothing
  • Unusual, but very effective folk approaches

If things are stored incorrectly, you can face not only a voracious mole, but also the appearance of mold on the fabric,accompanied by a musty specific odor. Inventing how to remove mold from clothes, you must immediately abandon the option that involves ordinary washing. Without appropriate chemical treatment, spores of the parasite will only be fixed between the fibers and will begin to multiply actively when exposed to favorable conditions.

Mold on clothes can appear regardless of the type of raw material, the phenomenon is equally susceptible to synthetics and natural materials. In this case, the variant of exposure to stains directly depends on the type of tissue. What will remove contaminants in one case will not work or spoil the fibers - in another.

Causes of mildew on the tissues and prevention of

development Unaesthetic and unpleasant smelling stains on your favorite products will never appear if they are provided with the appropriate conditions:

  1. Mold replicates actively in the presence of moisture and heat. Before you remove washed, ironed or just taken things into the closet, you need to make sure that the surface of the fabric is completely dry.
  2. Mold on clothes will not appear if special moisture absorbers are laid between layers of clean linen.
  3. Linen chests and cabinets should be regularly ventilated, and their contents shaken, dried and re-laid.
  4. Clean and dirty things can not be stored in the same compartments.
  5. Do not allow excessive humidity in the premises where clothes are stored.
  6. Wardrobes are not recommended to be placed close to the wall, you need to leave a few centimeters for free air circulation.

If the listed events did not help or were ignored, and the mold on clothes did appear, do not immediately run to dry cleaning. From an unpleasant phenomenon can be got rid and at home.

The most effective methods of combating mold on clothing

The optimal solution to the problem depends on the type and color of the material. Therefore, before you wash mold from clothes, you need to evaluate its quality and texture features.

  • Spots that appear on natural flax, cotton or white wool can be removed in two stages. First we soak things in a concentrated solution of laundry soap, especially stubborn stains in addition to three bars. After half an hour again rub the problem areas and carefully rinse the products. Then, for a few seconds, immerse the items in a peroxide solution( a tablespoon of 3% of the product for half a liter of water) and rinse thoroughly again.
  • If you carefully read the label of Domestos, you can find out that the manufacturer himself recommends it as a bleach. It is this remedy that can bring out the old mold on clothes. You just need to dilute the concentrate well, otherwise it will affect the color of the product.

  • In some cases, you can get rid of stubborn stains only by boiling. In half a liter of water, add a tablespoon of bleach. We put the spoiled things into a boiling liquid and observe the reaction of the tissue. As soon as the dirt is gone, we take out the things, rinse them in hot water and dry.
  • From the surface of colorful cotton, the problem is removed by ordinary chalk. We rub it into powder, sprinkle stains, cover with a layer of toilet paper and iron it with a hot iron. It only remains to remove the remnants of the mixture from the surface.
  • To clean the surface of linen cloth, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of ammonia in half a liter of hot water. If you soak the product in such a solution for half an hour, then it will be possible to easily remove the formations together with the odor.
  • Mold on silk clothing is easily eliminated with turpentine. On the affected area, we apply a little turpentine, three, sprinkle with talc and iron through toilet paper with a hot iron. All dirt must pass from the fabric to the interlayer.
  • Synthetics are best restored using ammonia. It must be diluted with water twice and applied to stains, then rinsed. Only first you need to check the harmlessness of the technique in an inconspicuous area.
  • Universal compound is a composition of medical alcohol and ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is dissolved in a liquid base and rubbed into problem areas. If you get rid of dirt and smell, you can dry the products and then erase it with the traditional method.

Advice: Before washing the mold with one of the suggested methods, it is recommended to rub a little gruel from the soda powder diluted in water into the contamination. Just rub it into problem areas, knead the material and rinse.

Unusual, but very effective folk approaches

Some landladies, before washing clothes from clothes with one of the methods listed, try the folk remedies. They are absolutely harmless to the matter, and often help remove spots even faster than aggressive chemicals.

  • Pulp of fresh onion grind into a homogeneous slurry and apply to soiling, stand for 20 minutes and rinse. To get rid of a sharp smell, you can by airing things in the fresh air.
  • The mold on the clothes, together with the smell, is removed by soaking it in curdled milk for 12 hours. After the specified time, the product should be rinsed and washed in a traditional way.
  • Neutralize unpleasant odor will help lemon juice. We apply a fresh liquid to the tissue, after the material is impregnated, sprinkle the stain with salt. We are waiting for the thing to dry completely and erase it in a typewriter or manually.

The described methods are not recommended to be used too often, it is possible to provoke the destruction of fibers. It is better to take care of clothes properly and not to allow the appearance of mold in cabinets and chests of drawers. Dirty clothes, too, should not be hoarded for weeks, it is best to wash it regularly, without giving the fungus a chance.