- Uric acid - what is the norm?
- Causes of increased urate acid content
- How to get rid of increased uric acid in the body?
- How to remove uric acid by folk remedies?
- How else to help your body?
In the body of each person there is such a substance as uric acid and in some people the question arises from time to time: how to remove uric acid by folk remedies. The essence of the problem is as follows. This product of metabolism is formed during the cleavage of purines, which are rich in products such as liver, beer, anchovies, dried beans. Most often, uric acid dissolves in the blood, then enters the kidneys and is excreted. If you are concerned about the deposition of salts, then make a blood test for the content of uric acid. If the content of this substance is increased, then the question is how to get rid of uric acid? You will learn about this from this article.
to Contents ↑Uric Acid Indices - Which Is the Norm?
The normal level of uric acid ranges from 3 to 7 mg / dd. If the content exceeds the norm, medical supervision and treatment are necessary. An increased concentration of human uric acid can lead to a number of diseases, such as:
- urolithiasis;
- atherosclerosis;
- ischemic heart disease;
- gout.
Causes of increased urate acid content
Here are some of the main reasons that lead to this disease and the need to wonder how to remove uric acid by folk remedies:
- Kidney diseases. If the kidneys are damaged or diseased, the body is not able to remove the purines.
- Endocrine diseases. Such diseases as diabetes or acidosis, or a violation of the endocrine system can increase the level of salts in the blood.
- Pathologies. Obesity, cirrhosis, preeclampsia, psoriasis, hypothyroidism.
- Some diseases. In particular, Hodgkin's disease, sickle cell anemia, hereditary genetic disorder - Lesch-Nayhan syndrome also contribute to the development of the disease.
- Medications. Some medicines have a side effect. The result of prolonged use of such drugs is an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood.
- Incorrect power. People suffering from hyperuricemia should abandon foods containing an increased amount of purines. These include: liver, kidneys, tongue, brains, red meat, legumes. Also, you should limit the amount of salt when preparing all dishes, do not consume fat, alcohol, smoked products, spices and sugar.
Important! The main food with increasing levels of uric acid - fruits, vegetables and cereals.
to the contents ↑How to get rid of the increased content of uric acid in the body?
If a high concentration of uric acid salts is found in the blood, the doctor will definitely prescribe you a treatment. All the necessary medicines will be used to reduce pain, as well as to eliminate the cause of unwanted symptoms.
Important! In the treatment it is necessary to combine the intake of medications and adhere to a diet that normalizes the level of acid in the blood.
To get rid of uric acid and treatment in general has a beneficial effect on your body, follow these tips:
- Reduce the consumption of foods rich in purines.
- Drink plenty of fluids. Water increases the excretion of urine. Drink 8-16 glasses of liquid per day in order to reduce the acid content in the blood.
- Relieve weight. Excess weight increases the risk of gout. Obesity leads to various diseases.
- Follow the recommendations of doctors. Take prescribed medications.
- Give blood regularly and see a doctor.
- Pay attention to the presence of the following elements in your body: molybdenum - it removes uric acid from our body, besides it is an excellent prophylaxis of gout, copper - controls the acid content in the blood.
Important! Do not self-medicate. Medicines should be prescribed by a doctor.
to the contents ↑How to remove uric acid by folk remedies?
In folk medicine, there are a number of methods for effective control of uric acid salts. Use in the fight against this ailment infusions and decoctions. Here are some common ones.
- Brew in 1 liter of boiling water 1 tbsp.well chopped husks of string bean pods.
- Boil for 2 hours in a water bath.
- Strain and drink 1 tbsp.three times a day.
It helps to remove uric acid from the body of nettle juice. Take 1 tsp.three times a day.
To make a decoction from the leaves of cranberries, do this:
- 20 g of leaves brew in a glass of boiling water.
- Insist for 30 minutes.
- Apply to 1 tbsp.three to four times a day.
Decoction of birch leaves is also very easy to prepare. And this folk remedy helps very effectively and quickly remove uric acid. Act in this situation as follows:
- Brew in 2 cups of boiling water 2 tablespoons.shredded birch leaves.
- Boil the solution for 10 minutes.
- Let it brew for about 30 minutes.
- A strained broth take ¼ cup while eating.
Chamomile, sage, calendula
Infusion of chamomile, calendula or sage flowers is prepared as follows:
- 200 g of flowers, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water.
- Allow to stand for 2 hours.
- Obtained infusion strain and add to the foot bath. The water temperature should be around 34 ° C.
- Gradually lower the temperature to 26C and immerse your feet for 20 minutes.
- After 3-5 baths, relief will come.
Important! Recommend to conduct a course of 20 procedures, then make a 20-day break and repeat the event again.
to the contents ↑How else to help your body?
Elevated levels of uric acid in the blood can lead to joint disease. When treating joint diseases, use medicinal herbs and products that promote the removal of salts from the body. We offer some simple folk recipes:
- Apples are decoctions and infusions from them.3-5 Unpeeled apples slice. Boil for 15 minutes in a sealed container. Let it brew for 4 hours. Throughout the day, drink prepared infusion - little by little.
- To cleanse the body of salts, use honey and raisins. Take 1 kg of honey and 1 kg of raisins. On an empty stomach eat a handful of raisins in the morning. After that, do not drink or take food for 2 hours. The next morning eat 1 tbsp.honey.and also eat food and water only after 2 hours. Alternate honey with raisins until they run out.
- Celery and parsley is a healing mixture from the deposition of salts. It will take 100g of celery, 100g of parsley( a stem with leaves and roots).To prepare the broth, cut the celery and parsley, pour 0.5 liters of water. Boil the mixture for 5-7 minutes. Let it brew for 30 minutes, then strain and wring out. In the resulting broth squeeze the juice of one lemon and add 2 tablespoons.honey. This mixture must be drunk a day.
Important! The recommended course of treatment is 1 month. Then take a break for a week and repeat. The result will be visible after 5-7 days, as the kidneys will work better and you will get rid of edema.
The increased content of uric acid salts is not a verdict. They can and must be disposed of in order to lead a normal, healthy lifestyle. Follow the advice and recommendations outlined in this article, and the illness itself will leave you.