- Causes of dark areas in the armpit zone
- Removing the problem of underarm stains at home
- Peeling from underarm spots
- Skin softening and bleaching
- Recommendations for the prevention and disposal of unwanted spots on the skin in the armpit:
mouse red stains? It is necessary to find out the cause of their occurrence and immediately take up the treatment of such symptoms. Such manifestations can be caused by various diseases or a violation of any body functions. Consider the main reasons for the formation of spots under the armpits.
to content ↑Causes of dark areas in the underarm zone
Red spots under the armpits can occur due to the sensitivity of the skin. This is a kind of reaction to irritants:
- Improper depilation or shugaring in this zone.
- Shaving with poor-quality or blunt machines.
- Components of deodorant. Often, deodorants that effectively protect against sweat, have in their composition alcohol, which can lead to skin irritation.
- Violation of basic hygiene rules.
- Accumulation of dead cells of the epidermis.
- Allergic reaction. It can occur in various areas of the skin, including in the armpit. Allergies can occur on foods such as flour products, sweets, seasonings and spices.
- Hyperpigmentation. This problem often affects pregnant women, the level of hormones in which significantly exceeds the norm. Over time, pigmentation spots pass by themselves.
- Heredity is one of the causes of the appearance of dark areas in various areas of the skin.
Also, the spots under the armpits can be the result of some diseases, for example, diabetes or prediabetes. Other variants:
- Acanthokeratoderma is a disease that affects the patches of the armpits, groin and neck. Requires medical examination and proper treatment.
- Hidrogen is a disease of the sweat glands located in the axillary region. It has a purulent character and is caused by the virus of Staphylococcus aureus.
- Vitiligo is a disease that can cause white patches under the armpits. The nature of this disease has not been fully investigated, therefore a reliable method of its treatment is not found.
Removing the problem of spots under the armpits at home
Some vegetables and fruits have antibacterial, antiseptic and acid properties, so they can easily help lighten the skin.
- You can wipe the red spots under your arms with a piece of potatoes.
- The second option involves a different method of action - grate the vegetable on the grater, treat the damaged areas with potato juice and leave for 10 minutes. At the end of time, rinse the juice with water.
This vegetable can be used similarly to recommendations for potatoes. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice to the cucumber juice, a little turmeric and mix everything to the consistency of the paste. Apply this mixture to the stains, and after half an hour, rinse.
This fruit will help quickly remove dead skin cells and gently lighten it:
- Rub a slice of lemon darkened skin areas, then rinse with water and apply moisturizer if you feel dry.
- You can make a paste of lemon juice, turmeric, yogurt and honey. Apply the minutes for 10 minutes.
- Rinse with warm water.
Important! Lemon is too aggressive for sensitive skin and can provoke increased pigmentation. Therefore, it is used very carefully, testing previously in small areas of the epidermis.
to content ↑Peeling from underarm spots
Black spots under the armpits can be the result of accumulation of dead skin cells. In this case, you should conduct the peeling procedure.
A glass of cane sugar mixed with 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Achieve a homogeneous consistency. On the damp skin, apply the mixture and lightly rub for 1-2 minutes. Use this mixture twice a week during hygiene procedures.
Pasta made from soda and water will be an excellent gentle scrub for the underarm zone.
Important! The use of soda in such cases can lead to a change in the pH balance of the skin in the armpits, resulting in a medium favorable for the development of opportunistic fungi and microbes, and the inflammatory reactions of .
Peel the dried orange peel to a powder. Add the pink water and milk. Massage movements rub the prepared paste with an area with spots 10-15 minutes, then rinse them with water.
Skin softening and whitening
You can also use products available in most housewives that will not only rid the skin of unwanted darkening, but also make it tender and softer.
Prepare a paste of 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 tablespoon of flour and 1 teaspoon of cottage cheese. For 15 minutes, apply the prepared mixture, then rinse with cold water.
Mix the rice flour with vinegar until it forms gruel. Such a mixture to feel and see the effect, it is enough to apply on red, black spots under the armpits for 10-15 minutes, and then wash off with warm water.
Coconut oil
This product has in its composition vitamin E, with which the skin becomes lighter. Before bathing, oil is rubbed into the skin for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with mild soap and warm water.
Important! Coconut oil should be used every day or every other day to achieve the desired result. Also this product is considered a natural deodorant.
Nut Flour
Mix the flour with yogurt, a small amount of turmeric and a lemon. Apply a thick paste to the skin and leave for 30 minutes. With warm water, remove the mixture after the time has elapsed.
Important! Apply this mixture should be for two weeks every day, after - it will be enough to have one procedure a week.
to the contents ↑Recommendations for the prevention and disposal of unwanted spots on the skin in the armpit:
- If the appearance of spots is caused by diabetes, then it is necessary to exclude starch and sugar from your diet.
- Eliminate all possible allergens from your diet, the only way to prevent and remove allergic spots.
- Decide on the best way for you to remove hair under your arms. If this is a shave, then use only new sharp razors. If this is other methods, then use the services of a professional.
- Read the deodorant and antiperspirant carefully before buying. Natural remedies will not contain the following substances: PEG, parabens, flavors, synthetic ingredients, antibacterial agents that provoke hormonal disorders, compounds of aluminum and petroleum products.
In any case, if you notice red spots under the armpits or spots of a different shade, immediately consult a dermatologist. A qualified specialist will help to find the cause of defects on the skin and prescribe the correct and safest treatment.