- Wall priming - a necessary intermediate stage of repair work
- Where is the primer used?
- Best universal primer
- Primer for wallpaper. Which one to choose?
- How to apply the primer correctly to the walls?
- What kind of impregnation should I choose for wallpapering?
Pre-priming walls for wallpaper is a preparatory stage, and should not be neglected. But not everyone uses this stage before wallpapering. In this connection, the question arises, what does this process give? Do you need it in principle, and if so - which one to choose a primer for walls under the wallpaper? This article is devoted to these important issues of repair.
to the contents ↑Wall priming - a necessary intermediate stage of repair works
As for wallpapering, the preliminary impregnation of walls will ensure not only better quality gluing, but also a more presentable and beautiful appearance.
Why do I need priming?
- Strengthens the surface. The building mixture of this type penetrates deep into the pores of the upper layer of the wall and acts as a binding material, which significantly strengthens the structure of this layer. Allows you not to allow the destruction of the wall, while providing it with dynamic or static loads.
- Saves materials used for further repairs. This applies to the tiling of wall surfaces, and gluing them with wallpaper or ordinary painting. The pores of the top layer of the wall are filled with soil, creating a thin, but dense film, which subsequently interacts with this or that material. After such finishing the glue will be distributed more evenly, hence - its consumption will be less.
- The degree of adhesion between the applied material and the top layer of the wall is increased. Adhesive materials designed for wallpapering are better attached to the primer, thus, it is possible to achieve more reliable adhesion of materials.
- There are no perfectly smooth walls, as practice shows, and wallpaper, glued to an unprimed surface, can disclose their flaws in the form of spots after a while, or even start moving away.
Where is the primer used?
The technology of gluing most types of wallpaper provides for mandatory primary treatment of walls with a special coating. But the main thing here is to correctly determine which primer to choose for the walls under the wallpaper.
Pre-priming does not require only high-quality painted surfaces, as well as walls covered with strong finishing putties. It is necessary to apply strengthening impregnation on loose, crumbling surfaces.
back to content ↑Best universal primer
Various types of impregnations are sold in construction shops, which besides strengthening also other useful properties, for example, a soil of deep penetration. As an impregnation, you can use dilute adhesive for wallpaper, but still, it is better to choose a special construction mix. It is an inexpensive guarantee of a quality subsequent wallpapering. If you still think primer under the wallpaper - which one to choose, the best option for wallpapers is a special white construction mix.
Features of using white impregnation:
- The mixture can be applied to almost any surface( painted walls, old wallpaper, plasterboard walls), while helping to smooth the color.
- Perfectly suited such a construction mixture for the subsequent gluing of non-woven wallpaper, which are translucent, and wallpaper for painting.
- Before its application, the walls must be cleaned of the remains of wallpaper, which exfoliate, paint, seal with crack filler.
- Apply the impregnation by brush, roller or spray gun. The packing is always accompanied by the instruction, where it is indicated, in what proportion should the composition be diluted with water.
- The instructions also indicate the drying time of the formulation. On average, it is from 6 hours, but it is recommended not to start sticking earlier than a day later.
Important! When choosing a tool, you should pay attention to both the type of surface where it will be applied and the type of wallpaper that will be glued on it. For example, for liquid wallpaper suitable:
- primer for deep penetration;
- acrylic.
Primer for wallpaper. Which one to choose?
All primer mixes can be divided into two main categories:
- For absorbent surfaces( concrete, putty, plaster, brick).
- For non-absorbent surfaces( metal structures, ceramic coatings, oil paint).
Primer for absorbent surfaces
For such surfaces, a deep penetration primer is usually used - it is available as a liquid concentrate. After applying the impregnation to the wall, it becomes rough, which ensures a high degree of adhesion between the base and the top layer.
Primer for non-absorbent surfaces
For this type of surface, a primer is used that simply increases the degree of adhesion, giving a smooth surface roughness. Such a product is sold in a plastic container and is, as a rule, a paste-like mass.
Important! Ground mixtures are produced in the form of concentrated soil, diluted impregnations and dry material. At the same time, the quality of the product does not suffer. You can choose a finishing solution in any form that is convenient for you.
to the contents ↑How to apply the primer correctly to the walls?
First of all, after purchasing a suitable primer, take care of the necessary tools.
Tools for applying the mixture
To perform the priming work you will need:
- Tray for the breeding of formulations;
- Building roller;
- Hand brush;
- Spatula.
The order of applying the primer to absorbent surfaces:
- First of all, it is necessary to prepare the surface for applying the primer:
- To do this, plaster and level the walls, remove various contaminants and dust from their surfaces.
- If there are large depressions on the wall, they must be removed with a cement-sand mortar.
- Surface coated with oil-based paint, swollen and peeling areas should be removed using a spatula.
- Dilute the mixture with water as indicated in the instructions given on the packaging by the manufacturer. Pour out the resulting mass into the cooker tray.
- The next step is the direct application of the primer. Immerse the construction roller in the container. Make sure that there is not too much of this mixture on the roller.
Important! Apply a thin layer of soil. If a thick layer is applied, the reverse effect can be obtained, since in this case a film is formed on the surface of the soil after drying, which can easily peel off.
- After the application of the primer, wait for the time to allow the formulation to dry well.
Important! Be sure to check how well the surface has dried out:
- Slide your palm against the wall. The hand should not get dirty.
- If the traces on the palm remain, you need to apply another layer of soil.
Procedure for applying primer to non-absorbent surfaces:
- The initial stage, as in the situation above, is preparation. The surface is shpaklyuyut, level, cleaned from dust and dirt. Also, depressions are eliminated, if any.
- Before starting to work, you must carefully mix the primer mixture in the bucket, as it includes polymers and quartz sand, which can peel from each other, which is unacceptable.
- After this, impregnate the substrate with a thin layer from the bottom up. To do this, it is convenient to use a hand brush, which it is desirable to wash immediately after the treatment.
Important! After the mixture is dried on the brush, it will be almost impossible to clean them.
to the contents ↑What kind of impregnation should I choose for wallpapering?
In modern building supermarkets there is a very wide choice of soil for walls. But still, the issue of choosing a primer still remains relevant. For the right choice, you need to take into account the material of the walls, the humidity in the room and the time necessary for the drying of the impregnation.
Impregnation with glue
The choice of primer depends primarily on the material of the walls. The cheapest option for priming the surface is to impregnate the walls with conventional wallpaper glue. The main advantage of such a soil is a decrease in the absorption of moisture by the working surface, but it will not protect against the appearance of possible spots on the wallpaper.
Important! Use such a primer is possible only for perfectly even bases.
Adhesive primer
If you need to glue wallpaper on walls that do not absorb moisture well, for example, with plaster or paint finish, then it is necessary to use an adhesion primer for such a surface.
Depending on the composition, the adhesive primer happens:
- Acrylic.
- Alkyd.
- Glyftal.
- Mineral.
- Perchlorovinyl.
Important! As already mentioned before before the priming of the walls, it is necessary to clean the surface and pozatirat all chips and cracks.
Next it is very important to choose the right soil, because of its composition depends on the quality of wallpapering and the final result. But what is the best primer under the wallpaper and which one to choose in order to get the ultimate wall? Let's consider in more detail each kind of soil.
Acrylic primer
One of the most common and universal impregnations, which corresponds to almost all the requirements of consumers. It is used most often for the preparation of brick, concrete, wooden and plywood walls.
Important! Acrylic primer is contraindicated for impregnation of bases where there is black metal.
Characteristics of the acrylic primer:
- is odorless;
- dissolves easily in water;
- dries quickly - enough 5 hours;
- universal - suitable for most surfaces.
Alkyd primer
This mixture is used for the preparation of wooden surfaces. Perfectly suitable for country houses.
Important! When applying such a primer to the wood, a durable layer is formed, on which not only wallpaper, but also other finishing materials are excellent.
Types of alkyd mixtures depending on the composition:
- Primers based on zinc chromate. They have a wide range of actions, which allows them to be used for structures of various materials.
Important! Exceptions are only the walls covered with plaster and plaster.
- Primers based on zinc phosphate. They are used to impregnate walls before painting them with alkyd paints.
Characteristics of alkyd solutions:
- are suitable for both external and external applications;
- provide almost perfect coupling with any surface;
- can be used before laying tiles;
- are applied before painting or wallpapering;
- drying time of the soil - 15 hours.
Glyftal Primer
Glyftalic impregnation is perfect for wood and metal. Due to its composition, it creates the right layer. The soil dries within 24 hours.
Important! Use glyptal primer is recommended only for rooms with low humidity. Otherwise, it loses its properties, and the result of the work done can upset you.
Mineral primer
Mineral primer includes cement, gypsum and lime, so it is ideal for impregnating concrete and brick surfaces. The drying time of the impregnation is from 3 to 24 hours, depending on the volume of the room, the characteristics of the wall material, its density.
Perchlorovinyl Primer
Used for external and internal work. It tolerates low temperatures well. Apply such a primer for brick, concrete and metal walls.
Important! At a high temperature in the summer, perchlorovinyl primer dries in 1 hour.
Primer for liquid wallpaper
Liquid wallpaper by its consistency and composition are decorative plaster. They are based on cellulose and silk fibers with fastening agents.
For liquid wallpaper as a primer use a suspension of white color or a transparent emulsion. Walls are primed in 3-4 layers in order to level the surface and eliminate the possibility of spots after rolling liquid wallpaper.
Important! For better adhesion of fibers and partitions, it is recommended to use acrylic soils of deep penetration.
On a smooth surface it is necessary to apply a primer containing quartz dust. Thus, you get a structural and rough surface, and the liquid wallpaper will lay down without breaks, smoothly.
Important! Such a primer can be made on its own, by adding fine fine sand or quartz( marble) dust to conventional impregnation.
Now that you know all the basic types of soil for wall covering, you can easily decide which wall primer to choose under the wallpaper specifically for your repair. In any case, do not abandon the priming process and do not save on it, because the result and the overall picture of the appearance of the walls depends on it.