Many clients of Sberbank are interested in how the country's largest bank operates for the New Year holidays, namely December 31, 2015 and Christmas holidays in January 2016.
Mode of operation of Sberbank of Moscow December 31, 2015
December 31, 2015 Sberbank offices in Moscow will work on a reduced schedule of work, i.ะต.will be closed one hour earlier than usual. Offices located in shopping centers on December 31 will work in the mode of shopping centers. The exceptions are branches in the following shopping centers: Our hypermarket is on 47 km of Moscow Ring Road( Sberbank branch is open from 10 to 18:30), Cheryomushki at Profsoyuznaya 56( 10-18), Kalita on Novoyasenevsky Prospekt 7( 10-20), Seasons onKutuzov Avenue 48( 11-17), Victoria on the Autumn Boulevard 12( 10-16), Gorbushkin yard on Bagrationovsky Prospekt 7( 10-15), Trumplin on Yartsevskaya 25A( 9-16), Pike, Shchukinskaya st., 4210-17), Solar wind, Ul. Marshal Katukova 25( 10-17), Kaleidoscope, Ul. Skhodnenskaya, 56( 10-21), City, Ryazan Avenue, 2 Corp. 2( 10-18), City, Highway Enthusiasts, 12, Building 2( 10-17), L 153 at Lublin 153( 10-17)), Our hypermarket, Yaroslavl highway, 54( 9-18), Golden Babylon, Mira pr-t, 211, building 2( 10-18).
Schedule of Sberbank of Moscow January 1, 2016
On the first day of 2016, only one Sberbank office in Moscow will be located, located at the Kaleidoscope Shopping Mall at the address:Shodnenskaya, 56 from 13:00 to 22:00 without a break.
Mode of operation of Sberbank of Moscow January 2, 2016
The following branches of Sberbank are working on this day: in the shopping center "Cheryomushki", Ul. Profsoyuznaya 52( 12-18), in the shopping center "ConcordMarket" on Shabolovka 10, page 2( from 12 to 18), in the shopping center "Kalita" on Novoyasenevsky Prospekt 7( 10-21), at the Vnukovo airport( 8-20, break from 14 to 15), TC "Tramplin" on Yartsevskaya 25A( 9-21), TC "Victoria" on the Autumn Boulevard 12( 10-21), TC "Vremena Goda" on Kutuzovsky Avenue 48( 11-22), TC "Gorbushkin Dvor" on Bagrationovsky Avenue 7( 10-15), SC "Shchuka", Shchukinskaya St., 42( 10-19), 771 Department, Shmitovsky Proezd, 16, building 1( 10-17),Shopping center "Kaleidoscope", Ul.(10-22), TC "Afimol", Presnenskaya embankment, 2( 10-22), 1174 department, Earth shaft, 24/30, p. 1( 10-16), the shopping center "Our Hypermarket",Yaroslavskoye sh., 54( 9-20), 1745 department on Pleshcheeva, 4( 10-15), shopping center "Golden Babylon", Mira pr-t, 211, building 2( 10-20), at the airport "Sheremetyevo""(10-18), 1016 department, in Zelenograd, building 1106( 10-16).
The schedule of the Savings Bank of Moscow from 3 to 8 January 2016
During this period, several dozen branches of the Savings Bank will operate in Moscow, the list of which and the mode of their work is in the attachment to the article.
Mode of operation of the Savings Bank of Moscow on January 9, 2016
January 9, customer service will be performed by the bank's units on Saturday.
The schedule of the Savings Bank of Moscow January 10, 2016
January 10, customer service will be carried out by the bank's units, on duty on Sundays.
Mode of operation of the Savings Bank of Moscow since January 11, 2016
Since January 11, all Sberbank offices in Moscow will operate as usual.
All data on the operating mode of the Moscow branches of the Savings Bank are taken from the official website of the Savings Bank of Russia.
see also Beneficial deposits of Sberbank for individuals in 2016