- Ultrasonic repeller from cockroaches - principle of operation
- Does the result depend on the power of the device?
- How does an ultrasonic repeller affect insects?
- Are the devices effective?
Ultrasonic Repeller Marks Ultrasonic rotor repeller is a fairly fashionable and simple device. To date, you can buy this device, and the fate of insects will be solved in just a few weeks. They will not find any other way out than to leave the house. Moreover, along with the mustached friends, spiders, flies, and other harmful insects, who like to live near a person, but who do not endure ultrasound, will also leave. But you can get this result only with the purchase of a really high-quality device. Is there such in the modern market?
to the contents ↑Ultrasonic repeller from cockroaches - the principle of action of
The principle of the ultrasonic repeller of cockroaches can be fully understood from its one name only - this device forms ultrasonic waves. They are distributed over the area that the device covers.
The most important thing in principle is the ultrasound is precisely the action of ultrasound on the parasite's body.
Important! The sound itself must necessarily be familiar to insects, because many of them communicate with the help of such signals. For example, mosquitoes transmit ultrasonic signals to one another, which indicate that they are looking for a partner or they warn about the imminent danger.
But cockroaches are not able to transmit any signals with the help of ultrasonic waves. These insects simply lack the organs for frequency conversion. That's why we can firmly say that ultrasonic repeller from cockroaches is also effective, as well as a similar signal against bedbugs or humans.
Important! Certain frequencies of sound waves are capable of causing panic attacks and threats in living organisms, thereby achieving the result of the escape of insects from a particular room.
to content ↑Does the result depend on the power of the device?
Many ultrasonic devices from cockroaches have a very small capacity, which, according to the developers, is enough to successfully repel insects. But here it is important that the frequency positions are clearly maintained, because:
- the small power of the ultrasonic device can not exert the slightest influence on insects;
- in residential houses can not be set and repeller of cockroaches with very high capacity, it can affect not only this type of insect, but also human including.
Important! According to numerous reviews, an ultrasound deterrent with too much power, after several days of use, caused severe weakness, as well as a headache. The same applies to pets.
to Contents ↑How does an ultrasonic repeller affect insects?
It can not be said that an ultrasound device can not destroy cockroaches at all. If the insects stay in the zone of its influence long enough, then the nervous system gradually begins to collapse, which by itself can lead to their death.
Important! In general, these changes in the system are possible when considering that the cockroach repeller will have very high power.
to the contents ↑Are the devices really effective?
Studies that are aimed at studying the effectiveness and feedback about ultrasonic repellents have shown quite amusing results.
Important! Extremely extensive tests were conducted at the University of Kansas in 2002, where the results showed that the scarers were quite effective in repelling cats, dogs, some insects, for example crickets, but these devices have virtually no effect on cockroaches. Bugs and ants reacted to all the devices.
Nevertheless, the study also showed that subjects who reacted to ultrasonic waves will soon get accustomed to this noise. This means that it is harmless for them.
In a real situation, even those models that have confirmed their success in a variety of tests, hardly have a chance to confirm it where the signal level can be blocked by furniture or walls. The problems of human security are practically not affected.
Important! There are cases when ultrasound from cockroaches had an adverse effect on telephone sets, knocked down the settings of security alarm systems, provoked disconnection of hearing aids.
The situation with respect to other living organisms is as follows:
- Ultrasound against cockroaches can harm rodents and rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs - cultivated, decorative individuals.
- Dogs and cats can partially hear ultrasonic waves, but they showed absolutely no concern about this.
Important! The manufacturer of an ultrasonic repeller must back up his claims with scientific tests. State services are obliged to do this.
to the table of contents ↑ultrasonic repeller brands Acquiring an ultrasonic repeller of cockroaches is now simpler than the simplest - there is not enough room for them on the shelves of market stalls in their online stores. A large number of such devices come from China, usually they are of low cost and of rather questionable efficiency.
Important! A lot of checks confirm that some models can not, not that cockroaches, even mosquitoes scare off.
The most powerful ultrasonic repellers, suitable for operation in residential areas, will help reduce the activity of cockroaches, but in a small area, in close proximity to the installation site. But such scarers are much more expensive.
Banzai LS-927
This is the development of the Taiwanese market. According to numerous reviews about ultrasonic devices about cockroaches - the only really effective tool. From it, cockroaches in fact within 2-4 weeks of its use leave the room.
Important! The downside of this device is that it is unsafe. Sleep next to him is strictly prohibited, as well as install next to him cages for pets. He makes a squeak that can be heard even by a person.
With these characteristics, it is worth considering whether to replace scarers with low-toxic insecticides? You can also try to make by yourself ultrasonic repeller cockroaches. On the Internet, on the forums you can easily find out where and how you can buy ultrasound from cockroaches, presents diagrams and a description of the order of assembly of the device. For people who understand electrical engineering, to make such a device will not be very difficult. For a specialist - the more so this is a fairly simple task. But the final adaptation will have the same drawbacks as the clockwork: it will either be inefficient, or harmful to humans.
Typhoon LS-500
This is a powerful domestic ultrasonic repeller for cockroaches and mice. According to experts, many studies were conducted on the quality and efficiency of the product. It was the Typhoon LS-500 that provided the highest level of anxiety for insects in the area affected by their sound.
Important! Manufacturers argue that the device quite effectively cleans from cockroaches and mice. It operates within a radius of 75 meters around itself. Good in operation in that it has a plug on the cable - this provides a certain mobility of the device.
Ixus KY-6182
It has the same characteristics as the Typhoon, but costs a little less and weighs less.
Air Comfort XJ-90
This is a device that completely discredited itself with absolute uselessness. As a matter of fact, it represents already all checked up earlier analogue - the same non-working repeller of cockroaches under other name "Zenet".
Pest Reject
It is produced in the USA.According to the manufacturer, it works on an area of up to 220 square meters and the effect comes only after one week of use.
It's surprising that the manufacturer's instruction is recommended, in the first week of using this repeller to combine it in operation using traps, as well as gels. With this approach, it is not surprising that during a week of sticking and pooping, they successfully destroy a significant part of the insects without using a repeller. Accordingly - the conscience of the manufacturer will be clean.
Usually it does not leave feedback. That's why it's a pretty good reason to ponder why it costs literally a penny.
We hope that we helped you to clarify the situation to the account of ultrasonic devices from cockroaches. To try this method or not is now up to you, based on how much you are willing to spend money, energy, time on various adaptations and ways of fighting, as far as you care about your personal safety. The conclusion can be made one: most of these devices will not save you from the invasion of insects and the market is more crowded with "consumer goods" than really high-quality devices.