The best tooth whitening toothpads

Whitening toothpastes allow you to lighten your teeth at home in one or more tones. Their principle of operation is based on mechanical action on the surface of the enamel or deeper layers of the tooth tissues with the help of abrasives or enzyme additives. Incorrectly selected whitening paste can seriously damage the teeth, becausethe composition may contain sharp and hard particles that scratch the enamel and, due to this, temporarily lighten it. Quality pastes have a low level of abrasiveness, they contain enzyme additives, minerals, extracts or extracts of plants. The list of the best whitening pastes, which we prepared based on the recommendations of dentists, will help you choose an effective and safe product.

  1. Whitening toothpaste which company choose
  2. The best whitening toothpaste
  3. What whitening toothpaste to buy

Whitening toothpaste of which company to choose

We have prepared a rating of companies whose products have high quality characteristics. These manufacturers are constantly evolving and do not cease to amaze their customers with revolutionary innovations. Thanks to new technologies, scientists create products that provide gentle care for teeth and gums. Clinical tests and studies confirm the effectiveness and quality of products.

The most popular manufacturers of this segment are:

1. WhiteWash

2. Oral-B

3. Lacalut

4. Parodontax


These companies retain the leading position of hygiene products for oralcavity for many years.

The best whitening toothpastes

WhiteWash NANO

The composition contains an innovative complex Enamel Repair, which helps to effectively whiten teeth and prevents the appearance of caries. Nano-filled particles restore the damaged enamel and reduce the sensitivity of the teeth. Xylitol has an antibacterial effect. Use recommended adults and children from 7 years. With regular application, the paste returns shine to the teeth and gently whitens them. The volume is 75 ml. Advantages:

  • whitening effect is visible after 7 days of use;
  • micropolishing particles restore damaged enamel and prevent the destruction of hard tooth tissues;
  • protects against aggressive acids;
  • reduces the formation of bacterial plaque;
  • freshens breath.


  • high cost.

Diamond glow Swiss Smile

Paste belongs to the luxury class. The main feature is the content of the smallest diamond particles, which whiten teeth, give them a brilliant shine and shine. These particles are very small, so do not damage the enamel. They delicately remove pigmented plaque and old darkening. Suitable for everyday use and maintenance of a shade of teeth after professional whitening. In addition, this paste has anti-inflammatory properties and protects against bacterial plaque. The volume is 75 ml. Advantages:

  • gently whitens teeth, gives them a beautiful shine and radiance;
  • result after one application;
  • compensates for the lack of minerals in the hard tissues of the tooth;
  • restores the smoothness of the enamel and prevents its destruction;
  • promotes healthy gums;
  • contains no harmful blowing agents, so the paste is safe for daily use.


  • cost varies from $ 60 to $ 110.

Lakalut white

The paste contains the finest particles( abrasives), due to which it gently removes bacterial coating and polishes the tooth enamel to a shine. Also, the paste contains fluorides, which fill the deficiency of minerals in the hard tissues of the tooth and reduce the sensitivity to cold, sweet, hot food. The manufacturer recommends using pasta courses: daily for a month, then an interval of 3-4 weeks. The volume is 75 ml.


  • carefully bleaches the enamel;
  • makes the teeth smooth and beautiful;
  • removes pigment and microbial deposits;
  • affordable price;
  • does not scratch tooth enamel;
  • reduces bleeding, inflammation;
  • protects against caries and gingivitis.


  • is not suitable for people with a high content of fluoride in the body.

Natura House Extra Bleaching

Paste contains 98% of natural ingredients. Thanks to the improved formula( papaya, vitamin E, Icelandic lichen), the paste removes old darkening from food, giving the teeth a natural white color. To restore the natural brightness of the smile and to protect the oral cavity, xylitol is used. And calcium and fluorine help to protect against caries. Daily use is recommended. The volume is 100 ml.


  • affordable price;
  • pleasant mint flavor;
  • restores natural whiteness of teeth;
  • removes stains on the enamel;
  • strengthens and protects hard tooth tissues from destruction;
  • saturates the enamel with minerals;
  • gives a lasting effect of fresh breath.


  • is not suitable for people with fluorosis.

Perfect White Black

This paste has an enhanced whitening effect and is more suitable for smokers. Its main feature is the content of activated carbon, which effectively cures plaque, yellowing, stains on the enamel from tobacco smoke, coffee, tea, berries, wine, etc. Activated charcoal does not scratch the enamel completely, because it does not scratch the enamel.has low abrasive properties. The effect of the application is noticeable after several uses. Regular application is recommended for clarification of enamel. The volume is 100 ml.


  • bleaches the enamel for several tones;
  • is suitable for everyday use;
  • does not damage hard tooth tissues;
  • gives a pleasant mint breath;
  • strengthens and restores enamel coating, thanks to the content of fluorine and calcium;
  • reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity.


  • contraindication: intolerance to toothpaste components.

Blend-a-med White Luxe 3D

The new formula allows you to remove up to 90% of the darkening on the enamel for 5 days of regular use. The paste contains a pearl extract that creates an ultrathin reflective film. The smile gets radiance and shine after the first use. The innovative formula Silica provides three-dimensional whitening and enriches the tooth enamel with the necessary mineral components. The volume varies from 75 to 150 ml.


  • affordable price;
  • gives the enamel a noticeable sheen and shine;
  • returns natural whiteness;
  • feeds the enamel with minerals;
  • gives a pleasant fresh breath;
  • prevents the formation of plaque, stone.


  • pyrophosphates in paste composition can cause tooth sensitivity.

Oral-B White 3D

Special particles penetrate hard-to-reach places and create the effect of three-dimensional whitening. After the first use, a thin reflective film is created on the teeth, which gives the teeth a natural shine and radiance. Enamel noticeably brightens after a week of use. Further regular use protects against the formation of new darkening and staining. The volume is 50 ml.


  • affordable price;
  • is a pleasant mint flavor;
  • is authorized for regular use;
  • eliminates pigmentation spots and darkening of teeth after a week of regular application, protects against their reappearance;
  • instant effect of radiant, shiny teeth;
  • prevents caries, it normalizes the acid balance;
  • prolonged fresh breath.


  • is not recommended for individuals with a high content of fluoride in the body.

Colgate Optic White

The paste contains effective polishing granules of blue color. When cleaning teeth, they are activated and form a blue foam. Surface stains are eliminated without damaging the enamel. The effect of bleaching is temporary, therefore regular maintenance is necessary to maintain a clarified shade of enamel. For 1 week of use, this paste brightens teeth by 1 tone. Also, the paste can be used to prevent tartar and plaque. The volume is 75 ml.


  • low cost;
  • taste good;
  • effectively removes plaque;
  • eliminates darkening from the surface of the teeth;
  • teeth become whiter after several applications.


  • in the composition of the sulfate laureate;
  • short-term whitening effect;
  • is not recommended for people with painful tooth sensitivity or thinning enamel;
  • is recommended to use courses for 4 weeks.

Gentle whitening Parodontax

Pasta has a complex action: gently whitens teeth, prevents inflammation and bleeding gums, prevent caries. Mineral salts and extracts of natural herbs help to eliminate bleeding gums and return the teeth to natural whiteness. The paste has a relatively low abrasiveness, so does not thinen enamel with frequent use. It is recommended to use it for a month, then take a break for several weeks. The volume is 75 ml. Advantages:

  • for a long time freshens breath;
  • gently whitens teeth, giving them a natural natural shade;
  • often does not thin out tooth enamel;
  • wound in the paste has astringent and toning effects, giving the gums elasticity and elasticity;
  • gives a feeling of freshness and cleanliness in the mouth;
  • is suitable for the prevention of bleeding, inflammation of the gums, caries, calculus;
  • effectively removes plaque, prevents the appearance of tartar.


  • is a specific salty taste;
  • is not recommended for people with thin enamel and increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • is not suitable for children under 14 years.

SwissDent Gentle

This paste has a gentle effect on the enamel.has the lowest level of abrasiveness. It most delicately whitens teeth, does not damage enamel, does not cause sensitivity. The basis is a unique formula with ground calcium peroxide and fruit enzymes. Dental plaque is gently removed, and polishing agents make the enamel smooth and shiny. Contains fluoride, which prevents the destruction of hard tissues of the tooth, is an excellent prevention of caries. Suitable for everyday use. The volume is 100 ml.


  • effectively eliminates darkening and staining from coffee, tobacco, tea;
  • paste is suitable for the prevention of gum disease;
  • does not harm tooth enamel;
  • prevents the destruction of hard tooth tissues;
  • is suitable for sensitive teeth;
  • is a pleasant aftertaste, a lasting refreshing aroma.


  • whitening effect is noticeable no earlier than a week of regular use.

What whitening toothpaste to buy

1. Whitening paste, which is suitable for sensitive teeth - WhiteWash NANO.

2. Toothpaste, which gently and effectively whitens teeth, thanks to the smallest diamond particles - Diamond glow Swiss Smile.

3. If you need a toothpaste that returns natural whiteness, it is better to purchase Lacalut white or Careful Whitening Parodontax.

4. Pasta that gently whitens teeth, has an affordable price and is suitable for daily use - Natura House Extra bleaching.

5. Smokers will benefit from Perfect White Black toothpaste.

6. Pastes that give teeth shine and radiance after one application - Blend-a-med White Luxe 3D, Oral-B White 3D.

7. Toothpaste that bleaches teeth after several uses - Colgate Optic White.

8. SwissDent Gentle - toothpaste with the most delicate and gentle whitening.