Rating of the best orthopedic mattresses by user reviews

Many of us suffer from incorrect posture. In some cases, it even hinders sleep, since we can not get comfortable in bed. To fix the situation in this case is only able to purchase an orthopedic mattress. Do not lie on it with comfort unreal. And similar products are recommended to children, so that in the future they definitely did not have problems with posture. Although this does not negate the fact that children need to be taught to sit properly at a desk and desk.


  1. Orthopedic mattress of which firm to buy
  2. Rating of the best orthopedic mattresses
  3. Best children's orthopedic mattress
  4. Best mattress orthopedic mattress
  5. Best standard orthopedic mattresses
  6. What orthopedic mattress to choose

Orthopedic mattress of which firm to buy


It is "Ascona" that produces in Russiathe greatest quantity of mattresses. In its assortment there is a lot of ordinary products, but the most popular now use orthopedic mattresses, although they are much more expensive. The company delivers not only finished products, but also offers to assemble the mattress on its own - in the manner of the designer. For this purpose, there is a special service on the official website. Then it remains only to wait a few days and receive the goods. This allows you to choose a mattress of ideal height, dimensions, as well as the stiffness and variety of the spring unit you need.


As you have already understood, mattresses under this brand are produced in Russia. This trademark was created in 2003.A distinctive feature of "Afalina" products is their destination for the youngest. The company produces only children's mattresses. And it's not as easy as it seems - products must be given maximum hypoallergenic. All mattresses are made from environmentally friendly and modern materials. As a result, buyers of such products are satisfied - to find negative feedback on the mattress "Afaline" is almost impossible.


Another Russian company engaged in the manufacture of orthopedic mattresses. In its assortment there are absolutely different products. They differ in rigidity, the presence or absence of memory effect and many other parameters. The company offers to purchase not only adults, but also children's, as well as sofa mattresses.


LONAX produces not only mattresses, but also various bedding. For example, a buyer can purchase a complete set for sleeping in a new or renovated apartment - a bed, a mattress, a mattress pad, pillows, a blanket and even a bedside table! Will only buy bedding - his company LONAX has not yet produced. And the buyer has the opportunity to order the creation of a custom-sized mattress.


For the production of Plitex mattresses, not only environmentally friendly but also very reliable materials are used. The buyer even receives a three-year warranty - so the company is confident in the durability of its products. It should be noted that the company mainly produces mattresses for very young children. She has been doing this for more than ten years. Now all suppliers of fillers for mattresses certify their products according to the Eco-Tex standard. This suggests that there are no harmful substances inside Plitex products that could be hazardous to health.

Rating of the best orthopedic mattresses

In today's rating, based on user feedback, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Variety of the base;
  • Type of filler;
  • Width and length;
  • Stiffness of both sides;
  • Memory effect;
  • Presence or absence of the "Winter-Summer" effect;
  • Product height;
  • Form;
  • Other features of the mattress;
  • Complaints of the owners;
  • Price in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Best children's orthopedic mattress

Ormatek Kids Comfort

If you want your baby to sleep perfectly and not suffer from allergies, then you need to consider purchasing Ormatek Kids Comfort. This product has a width of 60 to 120 cm, as well as a length of 120 to 200 cm. This allows you to pick up a similar mattress, not only for the child, but for the mother. Although primarily designed for children.


  • The basis of independent springs;
  • Combined filler;
  • Different stiffness at the top and bottom sides;
  • More than 500 springs in place;
  • Bunny cover included;
  • Traditional rectangular shape;
  • Not the highest price.


  • Not detected.

Reviews on Ormatek Kids Comfort indicate that this is the best mattress for a child. The children of buyers sleep on this product with pleasure, without knowing any problems. Is not that what the parents want?

The best crocheted orthopedic mattress

Ormatek Softy Plus

It's an excellent specimen, which almost does not increase the visual dimensions of the sofa. This is explained by the minimum height of the mattress, which is only 6 cm. At the same time, the product withstands a load of up to 90 kg in place - an excellent indicator!


  • Average rigidity on both sides;
  • Springless base;
  • Filler made of polyurethane foam;
  • Cover from coarse calico included;
  • Habitual rectangular shape;
  • Quite low cost;
  • Excellent smoothes the joints of the corner sofa;
  • Has been in shape for many years.


  • Not the biggest choice of length of a mattress.

Comments on Ormatek Softy Plus show that people are happy with their purchase. Many of them write that they now can not go to sleep without using such a mattress, on a bare sofa. So be careful, orthopedic mattresses are addictive!

The best standard orthopedic mattresses

Ascona Victory

An excellent mattress for a bed with an optimal price tag. The product is created on the basis of independent springs, so that the load from the body is evenly distributed over the underlying mattress. This is facilitated by the number of springs, exceeding 500 pieces per seat.


  • It is able to withstand any load;
  • System of independent springs;
  • 550 springs in place;
  • Presence of impregnation;
  • Large range of width and length;
  • Traditional shape - rectangular;
  • Can serve at least a decade.


  • Some customers seem tough;
  • There are instances that are quickly fastened.

The main advantage of this mattress is that it can sleep even 110-kilogram person - the product must return its form in the morning. However, the responses to Ascona Victory make one wonder whether it is worth risking your money. The fact is that some mattresses from this series begin to behave inadequately after a year.

Ascona Fitness Arena

Dear, but very high-quality mattress. It can be guaranteed to serve for decades, no matter how hard you test it. The secret of such a long service life lies in the mattress filler, which is coconut coir.


  • Independent springs;
  • Rectangular shape;
  • Can withstand up to 140 kg in place;
  • The effect of "Winter-Summer";
  • Filler in the form of coconut coir;
  • 550 springs in place;
  • Rigidity - slightly above average;
  • Wide ranges of length and width.


  • Not everyone can afford.

This mattress is able to withstand even heavier people. Strictly speaking, the reviews on the Ascona Fitness Arena testify just to the fact that this product will seem to be quite tough because it was not created for them. Anyway, a mattress costs every ruble spent on it. A special manufacturing technology has been applied here. A lot of springs contributes to the competent distribution of the load. In a word, you have a perfect dream.

Ascona Balance Status

It turned out that the products of "Ascona" are the easiest to find in any city in Russia. That is why in our today's selection most of all orthopedic mattresses of this company. But if the previous product was very high price tag, then Ascona Balance Status belongs to the middle price segment.


  • Virtually any size;
  • Habitual form;
  • Not the biggest height( 19 cm);
  • Independent springs inside;
  • Combined filler is used;
  • Rigidity - above average;
  • Very long service life.


  • The price is still not the lowest.

Reviews for Ascona Balance Status indicate the long life of this mattress. At many buyers it is used already within two-three years - for this time it was not pinched and in general looks as new. Because of the small height of the mattress, one can think of its poor moisture resistance. However, in fact, he is not afraid of water at all, just like very heavy people.

Which orthopedic mattress to choose

The problem of any mattress is that the buyer quickly forgets the name of the purchased product. In this regard, a rare man guesses to write a review on his mattress. That is why many very good orthopedic products were left out of our collection.

1. If you are going to buy a mattress, you first need to find out its purpose. Want to change the surface of the sofa? Then for you created sofa mattresses, the main feature of which is the minimum height. The best choice in this case will be Ormatek Softy Plus.

2. Well, if you are interested in a children's mattress, then pay attention to Ormatek Kids Comfort. This product is created on the basis of independent springs, and it perfectly copes with a small load.

3. Among the traditional mattresses, the perfect options are Ascona Balance Status and Ascona Fitness Arena. The first one is cheaper, but from it you will not get the maximum of impressions. The second mattress has an improved technology of creation, thanks to which it can serve almost forever. The best choice for those who want to make the bedroom ideal!