The best varieties of courgettes for open ground

On almost every dacha there must be a corner where vegetables are grown from the family of pumpkin - zucchini. Truck farmers love it for unpretentiousness in care, good yield, versatility of use and taste characteristics. In addition, a vegetable of this category is considered very useful due to its rich vitamin and trace element composition. To date, there is a huge variety of species of this fruitful plant. We tried to choose the best varieties of courgettes for open ground. When compiling the list, the opinion of dacha owners was taken into account.


Odessa 52

Odessa 52 opens the list of the best zucchini varieties that are suitable for planting in the open ground. This is an early ripening type of vegetable, the technical maturation of which occurs already for 6 weeks after planting the seeds. The flesh of the fruit has a slightly yellowish color and has good taste characteristics and density. They are very compact and do not exceed in length 20 centimeters, and in weight 300 grammes. Odessa 52 is not susceptible to disease and is not whimsical in care. In cooking it is used for cooking caviar, canning, as well as for everyday home dishes.


Vanyusha F1

Vanyusha F 1 is a good grade, suitable for planting in open field. Marrows of this species ripen quite early: the harvest is collected about 1.5 months after the seeds are dispersed. The shape of the fruit is classical, elongated with a small ribbing. In length, they can reach up to 40 centimeters, and in weight gain up to 1.2 kilograms. Vanyusha F1 is not susceptible to many diseases, which is largely determined by its value in horticulture. It is equally important in cooking, where it is appreciated for its excellent taste and tender flesh. The variety tolerates all weather conditions well, but at the same time prefers to grow and mature quickly in warm and humid conditions.


Gold F1

Gold F 1 is great for landings in the open. The medium-ripening variety brings the first harvest 1.5 months after planting the seeds. Vegetable rind has a very beautiful, golden color. The courgettes grow very large: up to 50 centimeters and weighing up to 3 kilograms. The value of a variety lies in its resistance to disease. To prepare ragout, use young, still green fruits, but fully mature enough to be suitable for canning for the winter. In addition, this type of good yield.


White swan

The white swan is included in the list of the best varieties, which can be used for both open and closed ground. Fruits have an elongated, compact shape with a mass of up to 800 grams. The white swan is not susceptible to disease and is quite unpretentious in care. But at the same time, the vegetable requires periodic watering and loosening of the soil. It has a thin and smooth peel of light color. The pulp of a medium-density vegetable, very juicy, delicious and tender. High technical and taste characteristics allow using this kind of cooking for any purpose in cooking. The fruit harvest is suitable for 7 weeks after planting the grains.



Astoria is one of the best varieties of the pumpkin family, intended for planting in the open ground. Marrows of this kind are very demanding to moisture and require well-fertilized soil. Fruits of a cylindrical shape can grow quite large and reach a weight of up to 2 kilograms. Under a smooth peel of greenish color hides a light creamy, juicy and dense flesh. To prepare everyday dishes Astoria is suitable in the middle ripeness phase. When the fruits reach full technical maturity, they become harsh and more suitable for conservation. The average period of maturation is 1.5 months.



The Negro is a good grade, related to early ripening. Harvest can be collected already in the fifth week after planting seeds. This kind of zucchini is good for planting in the open ground. Fruits of Negrotenka have average thickness and weight, which usually does not happen more than one kilogram. Its name was received from the skin of a dark green color, under which lies a delicious, juicy, with a slightly greenish tint, a tender and dense flesh. Due to its density, the vegetable is universal, so it can be used as a preservative for winter preparations, as well as cooking vegetable stews, fritters and other delicious dishes.


Iskander F1

Iskander F 1 is an excellent variety of courgettes, distinguished by a rich harvest and excellent taste. Fruits have an elongated, compact shape and a weight of no more than 0.5 kilograms. The first harvest can be collected already on the fortieth day after planting, after which the bushes will bear fruit for a long time. The variety is quite unpretentious, and staunchly tolerates cool weather conditions. In addition, the vegetable boasts immunity to many zucchini diseases. In cooking, housewives can use for any purpose, thanks to its taste and good density.


Gribovsky 37

Gribovsky 37 is one of the best varieties for planting in the open ground. This is an old, kind, time-tested kind of zucchini, which is so popular with gardeners and gardeners. In fruits, the form is slightly different from the classical one and is distinguished by a small pot-belliedness. Vegetable does not require special care, and also has good immunity to many vegetable diseases. After planting to full maturation should take 1,5-2 months. In cooking it is used, both for harvesting for the winter in the form of conservation, and cooking everyday dishes, thanks to the remarkable taste characteristics.


Belogor F1

Belogor F 1 are early maturing zucchini intended for open ground. This variety has excellent yield, and also it is characterized by precocity. The technical maturity of the fruit comes in one to two months. At the same time they are not very large, and can grow to a maximum of 1 kilogram. Cylindrical forms of zucchini have a smooth, greenish surface. This variety has a white and tender pulp with good density. It is used not only for cooking everyday dishes, but also for conservation. Before planting, it is worth considering that Belogor F1 loves heat, light and moisture.


Apollo F1

Apollo F The 1 is one of the most productive varieties that are designed for outdoor planting. Ripen quickly enough: for 5 weeks after planting, you can harvest. And the weather conditions do not affect the rate of ripening of the vegetable. Fruits have a classic elongated shape, with a greenish tinge, in weight can reach up to one and a half kilograms. These zucchini have excellent taste characteristics, and have a very delicate but at the same time dense flesh. The variety is still appreciated by the fact that it is not susceptible to cold, and it grows well even in shady places.