Choosing an orthopedic pillow - what you need to pay attention to before buying

British experts, analyzing the consequences of sleep disturbance, concluded that there are indirect or direct links between full sleep and relationships in society, human energy level, the ability to concentrate, the propensity for depression, the state of the immune system and even the work of the heart. It turns out that every third adult person is familiar with insomnia.

When we go to bed, we continue in the imagination to make plans for tomorrow, to argue with the spouse, talk with the girlfriend, tell the truth to the boss - we do everything we can not do before going to bed. The result is often insomnia, a short sleep at dawn, a heavy head and a sense of frustration all day. I think that these feelings are familiar to many people.

But nervous tension is not the only, though the most common, cause of insomnia. Back pain from constant sitting in the office, driving a car, at home at the TV does not allow to fall asleep much. And if in a dream too it is not possible to have a rest properly, fatigue accumulates, and in time can turn into an illness.

Sometimes, in order to solve the problem, which has become a way of life, you need to make very little effort. Perhaps you have already forgotten how well you can feel by simply having a good night's sleep. To begin with, try simply to change the pillow, it's quite simple, and the result can be unexpectedly pleasant. Just do not need to "change the awl to soap."Try, as you will sleep on an orthopedic pillow.

These pillows are designed to make you feel good both in a dream and after awakening. At first glance, orthopedic pillows seem strange, so they differ from the usual feathers or feathers.

The main difference between orthopedic pillows and the usual ones is that they support the neck in a comfortable position, saving us from having to choose a comfortable pose for sleeping. Already there are similar pillows for both the waist and other problem areas of the body. The effect is achieved due to the special shape and moderately soft, but elastic and elastic materials. We can say that the orthopedic pillow is the result of a long evolutionary path and modern technologies.

How to find "your" pillow

Sleep on the orthopedic pillow will be serene, and the spine, which is in a normal position, at least during the night rest, will bother you much less often, but you should not wait for miracles. With the serious problems that have already arisen, you need to go to the doctor. And yet, it is better to buy an orthopedic pillow, it will reduce pain, reduce the burden on the spine, allow you to sleep well. In addition, you will not have wrinkles on the neck and the second chin.

Pillows of an orthopedic pillow come in different heights, most often from 8 to 14 cm. The orthopedic pillow needs to be selected individually. Since it is most physiological to sleep on the side, when calculating the height of the roller, it is necessary: ​​

  • to measure the length of the shoulder( the base of the neck is the edge of the shoulder);
  • add a couple of centimeters, given that the mattress is pressed under the weight of the body.

For example, the length of your shoulder is 10 cm, add 2 cm and get the figure 12 cm. The difference in a couple of centimeters does not matter.

It's harder to pick up a pillow with very wide shoulders. You need to find a pillow with the highest roller, and if its height is not enough, you can put another flat pillow or a folded terry towel under the pillow.

  • If you like to sleep on your back, the pillow can be of medium height( 8-10cm), but stiff.
  • For sleeping on your stomach a low soft pillow is suitable.
  • If the mattress is rather soft, slightly increase the height of the roller.
  • If you notice that you put your hand under your head, then the pillow is low.
  • When the pillow is too high, a person sleeps restlessly, often changing the position of the body.
  • If you fall asleep on your side and wake up on your back, the pillow is likely to be too low, or maybe the mattress is uncomfortable, and the body tries to find a comfortable position at night.

Orthopedic orthopedic pillows are rectangular, measuring 60x80 cm or 40x60 cm.

There are already small children's orthopedic pillows, even pillows for newborns.

What's inside of them?

Down and feather pillows often cause allergies, with synthetic pillows this is extremely rare. If you are prone to allergies, give preference to synthetic pillows. If the pillow is made of viscolic or foam with memory, washing is counter-indicative - moisture irreversibly changes the structure of the material. Two or three ventilations per year will be enough.

Orthopedic pillows never consist of pure latex - it's pretty hard and heavy stuff. After foaming into the latex add a few other materials, from which the cushions become elastic and soft.

Latex cushions are pets in the company of their orthopedic sisters, they are chosen more often than others. Latex is a foamed rubber, it serves a long time and is reliable. Do you know how difficult it is to part with your favorite cup or pillow? You can use this pillow for at least ten years. In addition, latex can easily be adjusted "by itself", simply cutting off the pillow superfluous. Covers for latex pillows are made of air-permeable material.

Pillows with "memory" are soft and hard. They are made on the basis of polyurethane or a mixture of latex and memolilatex( viscosology).These materials were created specifically for American astronauts, and this speaks volumes. Foam, which consists of such pillows, can not serve as a breeding ground for bacteria and does not cause allergies.

Polyester cushions are relatively inexpensive. Granules, rolled into balls, with silicone grease allow you to give the cushion the desired size, simply adding or removing balls from the pillow. These pillows are recommended to be beaten every day, so that the granules will not stick together, and then the polyester filler will be soft and last for a long time.

When the head falls on such a pillow, the polyester balls go around all the protrusions and cavities of your body, providing the most comfortable position for rest. Polyester is very hygienic, the pillows perfectly carry machine wash, dry quickly, serve up to eight years. When buying a polyester pillow, you need to pay attention to the quality of production, in particular, to the seams - the stitches must be short so that the seam is strong.

That the neck

did not hurt What to do, if serene sleep is hampered by pain in the neck. With osteochondrosis it can be difficult to get on the pillow so that the pain subsides. Only the correct position of the neck and head allows all muscles of the back to relax, otherwise the ligaments overextend and the osteochondrosis does not pass almost never, and its aggravation is repeated more often.

Because of osteochondrosis, blood flow in the vertebral arteries slows down, atherosclerotic plaques appear, headaches and dizziness occur, vision is disturbed, ringing in the ears. In a word, there are many states that do not allow us to lead a normal life.

To avoid the situation when osteochondrosis leads to disability, it is better to buy an orthopedic pillow, and make your sleep both enjoyable and useful.

Sometimes, to get used to an orthopedic pillow, it takes a few days, but then you will be surprised that you could sleep somehow differently.

If you have a long flight in an airplane, travel by bus or car, do not be lazy - buy a special orthopedic pad that you can put under your neck. Believe me, the trip will not be so tiring, your muscles will be able to relax.

A special cushion in the form of a cushion or crescent should be quite soft, but it is good to maintain the shape, the ends of the cushion support the neck in the correct position.

Let's sum up

Now that we know how to choose an orthopedic pillow, let's try to generalize the information:

  • The "correct" orthopedic pillow should be rather dense.
  • The cushion should not be lost and deformed
  • The width should be slightly larger than the shoulders
  • The pillow should be selected individually, taking into account its own dimensions
  • Shoulders do not need to be laid on the pillow
  • Sleeping on such pillow is more convenient on the side or on the back
  • If you can not adapt for a long timeto a new pillow, then it does not fit you in size.

We wish you good spirits during the day and a sweet night's sleep!