9 things that successful people do not do

The success of a person depends on his thinking and a number of habits associated with this thinking. What distinguishes a successful person from not successful? Presenting a successful person in your head, you will find that there are many things that they do, and also there are things they do not do. After presenting several successful people, you will find a template. If you do not do those things that they do not, you too can become successful!


They do not have too many goals.

The first, biggest mistake is that people do not set any goals for themselves. The second is that there are too many of them. Successful people set only a few goals at a time. They know that to achieve the goal requires hard work and intense attention.

People who set too many goals often end up not reaching them. This is because working towards the goal requires great will power and self-discipline. Willpower is a limited resource, and if you have too many goals, you can waste it.


They do not set goals without defining their priorities

Successful people can achieve several goals at once, but they prioritize and work only on a small number of goals simultaneously.

An example is Dwight D. Eisenhower. He was not only one of the most successful American generals of World War II, but also later became president of the United States. One of the secrets of his success was that he knew how to prioritize.

He used what we now call the Eisenhower matrix. He drew a square and divided it into 4 parts, each part showing the relevance and importance of the goal. When he had to do several tasks, he placed the targets in one of four squares:

  • urgent and important;
  • important, but not urgent;
  • urgent, but not important;
  • is not urgent and not important.

You can write down all of your goals on a piece of paper by placing them in a specific box. Then proceed to fulfill the goals that are located in the square "urgent and important".Only after you have achieved them, go down the list.


They do not go to the goal without a plan to achieve it

Successful people always have a plan on how to achieve their goals. Without a plan, you are likely to hesitate and get out of the way. Pablo Picasso, one of the greatest artists of the 20th century, said the following:

"Our goals can only be achieved through a plan in which we ardently believe, and according to which we must act vigorously. There is no other way to success. "


They do not set unrealistic goals for

When setting goals, they do not set unrealistic goals, but instead focus on performing real actions. You need to focus on changing things that you can change and not worry about the rest. Focus only on what you can do, and, it would seem, the impossible will take care of yourself on your own.

You need to set realistic goals, and go step by step, drawing on your plan. Every time, you must set mini-goals and perform them to achieve a larger goal.

Michael Jordan told how he wanted to become the best basketball player:

"I'm going through everything step by step. .. I always set short-term goals. When I look back, I see how each of the stages led to the next. When I was expelled from the university team, I learned something. I knew that I never wanted to feel so bad. So I set a goal to get there again. This is what I focused on all summer. When I was working on my game, that's what I was thinking about. When the goal was achieved, I set a new one, and could really achieve it if I worked hard enough. .. ".


They do not set goals that will not bring them great joy

In order to motivate yourself, when setting goals, it is necessary to keep in mind that achieving this goal will bring you. So that you can work in this direction, dreaming about the final result. Only then can you achieve this goal and the dream will come true.


They do not think in one direction.

Successful people think widely. They know that if they work, they will be able to achieve everything they want. They know that fate is in their hands, and that if they are aimed at something, they will do it to the end regardless of the difficulties. They will not be fixated on one solution and, if it does not lead to a result, they will offer themselves another solution and get results!


They do not complain all the time

One thing that separates successful people from not successful ones is that losers complain and do nothing, while the successful ones silently get down to work. Instead of spending time and complaining, they think about what they can do to change their unpleasant situation.


They do not let their ego get ahead of themselves

Successful people also do not allow their ego to get ahead of themselves, but instead remain modest. Those who overlook this principle often end up failing luck. Arrogance is the enemy of success.

They know that life is a struggle, and in order to succeed, instead of giving up, they force themselves to learn from their mistakes and continue their journey to success.

Indian singer and songwriter Rahman, described how important it is to remain humble:

"To be successful, it's very important to be humble. And never give words or money to your head. "


They do not sit around without work.

Successful people never sit around. They never stop studying, with the help of books or other people. They know that success does not come without effort.

Source: lifehack.org