A cup of tea for many is a pleasant habit. Properly selected tea can help to remove morning drowsiness, increase working capacity during the day or eliminate fatigue and stress in the evening. In total, there are 6 varieties of tea, which differ among themselves processing methods( drying, drying, twisting, the process of oxidation by tea enzymes, etc.).Let's consider in detail the best sorts of tea, their advantages and disadvantages.
Tea of which firm to choose
Which tea to choose
To not purchaseit is very important to take into account the manufacturer.
Below is a list of the best factories that produce high-quality tea:
1. Teacraft
2. Yunnan Factory
3. Yun Zhou Factory
4. Gung Fu Ti
5. Ansi Factory
6. Ahmad Tea
The best teas of green variety
Huangshan MaoFeng
Tea is collected by hand and produced in small batches. A feature of this grade is a low level of oxidation. To prepare it is recommended to pour 5 grams of tea 100 ml of water, heated to 80-90 degrees.and press for 30-60 seconds. It is recommended to drink throughout the day: in the morning, tea tends to fruitful work, in the evening helps to relax.
- the taste of tea conveys a note of fresh greens, a bit tart and a slightly sweet aftertaste;
- high in caffeine, so tea has a mild, invigorating effect throughout the day;
- strengthens the immune system;
- can be insisted several times until the tea loses its flavor and aroma;
- gives vivacity, removes drowsiness, increases work capacity, increases the productivity of mental work;
- prevents the formation of caries, strengthens the cardiovascular system, thanks to the content of potassium, calcium, fluorine, phosphorus;
- has an antioxidant effect;
- helps reduce cholesterol in the blood;
- normalizes blood pressure and metabolism;
- is refreshing during the hot season.
- high cost.
Bio Lo Chun
Tea consists mainly of kidneys and a small number of small leaves. After collection, the tea is dried and simultaneously twisted by hand. A special method of preparation is not required, it is recommended to experiment and brew each time in different ways.
- soft, gentle, fresh, slightly honey flavor with fruit and floral notes;
- increases physical and mental activity;
- invigorates;
- can be welded up to 8 times;
- tea refreshes, tones up, cheers up;
- due to the large content of vitamins, antioxidants, has on the body a healthy and rejuvenating action;
- stimulates digestive processes;
- calcium, phosphorus and fluorine in the tea make it possible to strengthen the tooth enamel;
- helps to quench your thirst;
- helps strengthen the tendons and bones;
- lowers cholesterol.
- to people who are sensitive to caffeine, it is necessary to use this tea with caution.there may be irritability, sleep disorders, rapid heartbeat;
- with frequent use can lower the pressure, so it is not recommended to take large amounts of hypotension.
Best white tea
White peony
The variety belongs to the most unfermented, becausePractically there is no treatment: tea is slightly podvyalfivaetsya in the sun and dried. It is not curled, it remains in its natural form. Gather this variety usually in early spring. It is recommended to drink in a warm or hot season.
- light, delicate taste;
- has a cooling effect;
- manual collection and processing;
- , because of the absence of heat treatment, all useful substances are retained;
- white tea is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which has a positive effect on immunity, skin( promotes tissue regeneration, rapid healing of wounds);
- helps to relieve fatigue;
- increases blood clotting;
- normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.
- high cost;
- common;
- is important to brew correctly: to taste a delicate taste, tea should be insisted on longer than other varieties, but it is not recommended to make it strong( otherwise there will be bitterness), the water should not be very hot - the optimum temperature is 75 degrees.
The best yellow tea
Zhejiang Huang Ya
This sort of tea is very close to the green variety, but there are differences in the production technology: the yellow variety is dried, then steamed and the tea acquires a yellow shade;collect unopened kidneys, not leaves. Insist recommended slightly longer than the grade of green tea. Refers to weakly-fermented.
- pleasant taste of fresh herbs with notes of dried fruits, a bit tart;
- tea helps to relieve headache, spasms;
- has a weak tonic effect, improves mood, restores strength;
- is rich in vitamins, amino acids, polyphenols;
- stimulates mental activity;
- can be brewed 5-6 times;
- improves immunity, improves gastrointestinal function, eliminates toxins;
- during breastfeeding increases lactation;
- normalizes blood sugar, therefore it is useful for diabetic patients;
- soothes, therefore it is recommended to drink with stress and frustration;
- helps reduce cholesterol in the blood;
- has a cooling effect, so it is recommended to drink during hot or warm seasons;
- improves blood circulation.
- is hard to reach;
- high cost.
The best teas of the black variety
Lopchu Golden Orange Peko
Tea is going to summer in the Darjeeling region. It is recommended to drink in the morning with milk, honey or sugar. For preparation it is necessary to pour 2 tsp.tea with a glass of water( up to 90 °) and brew for 5 minutes.
- fruity aroma with woody notes;
- rich taste, which collects the notes of lychee and green apple, the aftertaste is woody, sweet;
- prolonged invigorating action, similar to coffee;
- high-quality premium tea;
- normalizes the metabolism;
- improves blood circulation;
- relieves fatigue;
- strengthens the brain.
- high cost;
- can cause varicose veins, insomnia;
- is harmful one hour after welding;
- is contraindicated in excitable people, hypertensive patients, if there is a stomach ulcer;
- use in large quantities can lead to rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome.
Ahmad OP
Tea is made from the top leaves of the tea tree. Suitable for use at any time of the day. For preparation, pour the tea boiled with water and insist for 5 minutes.
Advantages:- rich tart taste with bitter taste;
- reasonable price;
- inhibits the formation of fat deposits;
- has a short-term stimulating effect, tones, relieves fatigue, increases efficiency;
- quenches thirst;
- tea is rich in vitamins, minerals, caffeine, essential oils.
- during processing, many useful substances are lost;
- has a negative effect on tooth enamel;
- people with poor caffeine tolerance are not recommended to use this tea, becausethere may be a quick temper, irritability, nervous tension, in some cases, headache and frequent heart beat.
Best red tea
Red Linzan
The special feature of this tea is drying on an open fire. The variety is completely fermented - the process of processing and production goes through all 4 stages: withering, crushing, oxidation and drying. For preparation, pour 1 tsp.tea 200 ml of water, heated to 90 degrees. Infuse up to 3 minutes. Use recommended between meals.
- has a delicate smoked aroma;
- soft thick taste with plum and honey notes, aftertaste sweet, slightly tart;
- can be welded up to 10 times;
- is rich in vitamins, minerals;
- has a diuretic property, so it will be useful for people who have a problem with fluid retention in the body;
- low level of caffeine helps to normalize sleep.
- is not recommended for exacerbations of gastritis, stomach ulcers, atherosclerosis;
- it is undesirable to drink on an empty stomach, tk.there may be nausea;
- should not be drunk with tea medicine;this neutralizes their action;
- can not be brewed for a long time, becauseuseful properties have a negative effect on health( useful substances are oxidized and destroyed).
Best oolong teas
Da Hong Pao
Tea refers to strongly-fermented oolongs. When made, it is fried on charcoal. Suitable for use in hot season and cool. For cooking, it is recommended to pour tea brought to boil with water, to insist for a minute.
- rich, slightly pungent taste;
- is a fruity aftertaste, slightly sweet with a touch of roasted cereals;
- with the use of tea appears intoxication, which is expressed in the removal of emotional stress, in stimulating brain activity, in a soft enveloping action;
- promotes elimination of toxins;
- lowers cholesterol;
- can be welded up to 8 times;
- normalizes blood pressure, it can eliminate hypertension;
- reduces headache;
- improves the digestive system;
- strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
- contributes to the surge of strength, invigorates, increases efficiency;
- boosts the mood.
- high cost;
- tea is complex in storage and processing, difficult to access;
- because of the high content of caffeine is not recommended to use before bedtime and the elderly.
Milk Oolong Choice
This is a semi-fermented tea. For cooking tea masters use the method of scalding large sheets of milk with steam. It is collected in spring, autumn and handled. For preparation, pour 1 tsp.tea with a glass of water( 80 degrees) and brew from 60 to 80 seconds.
- tea has a milky flavor with caramel notes;
- smack soft milky-creamy;
- is composed of many antioxidants, which positively affects the skin condition( reduces wrinkles, promotes regeneration, etc.);
- improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
- prevents inflammation of the venous walls;
- strengthens blood vessels;
- improves mood;
- withstands up to 6 brews;
- has a tonic, invigorating effect, increases efficiency;
- low-calorie, so it's great for losing weight.
- is undesirable for allergic people;
- is contraindicated in patients with gastritis, stomach ulcers, pregnant and lactating women.
Which tea to buy
1. Those wishing to wake up quickly in the morning and activate mental and physical activity will do: Lopchu Golden OR, Huangshan MaoFeng, Bio Luo Chun.
2. Tea, which is suitable for daytime tea drinking - Da Hong Pao, t.contributes to a surge of strength and energy.
3. Tea that you can drink at any time of the day - Huangshan MaoFeng, Milk Oolong.
4. For those who wish to have a relaxing, calming effect from tea drinking, it is better to choose a yellow tea - Zhejiang Huang Ya.
5. For lovers of tea before bedtime, Ahmad OP will do.its invigorating effect is short-lived compared to other varieties, so after eating it is possible to feel a relaxing effect and an easy feeling of fatigue. Red Linzan is also suitable for tea drinking before bedtime because of the small amount of caffeine.
6. If you want to cool off during the hot season and quench your thirst, it's better to choose the White Peony.