Rating of castles in Germany

Tourist trip to Germany is impossible without visiting the majestic and perfectly preserved German castles. Across the country, their huge number and many deserve attention, but consider the ten most beautiful and famous. These selected monuments of architecture and history are real pearls in the necklace of the castles of Germany.

1. Burg Eltz is nestled in the valley of the Mossel River near Koblenz. This medieval castle, built supposedly in the 12th century, has never been seized and ruined. More than 800 years the monument is owned by the members of the Elz family, who take care of its safety. In 1845-1888, a significant restoration of the whole complex was carried out, for which a sum equivalent to 8 million euro was spent. For tourists, the treasure of the castle is of special interest, in which more than 500 various exhibits dating from the 12th and 19th centuries are collected.

2. Neuschwanstein( AShloss Neuschwanstein) is recognized as the most beautiful castle not only in Germany, but all over the world. This amazing castle-fairy tale is located in the heart of Bavaria. Neuschwanstein was built by Ludwig II in the most beautiful place, which could only be found. The castle is open for visits since 1886.It was Neuschwanstein that became the prototype of the Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland Paris.

3. Hohenschwangau is located in Bavaria just a couple of hundred meters from the Neuschwanstein castle-fairy tale. The castle was built on the ruins of the ancient fortress Schwanstein. Today's image of Hohenschwangau was adopted in 1837.Every year it is visited by about 300 thousand tourists from all over the world. Among the famous attractions of the castle is the piano of the great composer Richard Wagner.

4. Hohenzollern( Burg Hohenzollern) is a magnificent castle in the clouds. Hovering at the top of the mountain with the same name, it served as the residence of the rulers of the Hohenzollern dynasty, who remained in power until the end of the First World War. Hohenzollern is one of Germany's most visited tourist attractions. Tourists can get acquainted with the richly furnished interior rooms of this remarkable building, designed in the likeness of medieval knight castles.

5. Leuvenburg( Schloss L? Wenburg) - Lion's castle. It is unique in that it was projected in the seventeenth century as a romantic medieval ruin. Levenburg is the first neo-Gothic structure in Germany. During the Second World War, the castle was heavily damaged and was rebuilt. Located near the city of Kassel, today it attracts many tourists. Near the palace is a weapons room, where you can learn weapons and armor from 15-16 centuries.

6. Johannisburg( Schloss Johannisburg) is located in the city of Aschaffenburg on the banks of the Main. Majestic and beautiful, it is distinguished by the simplicity of lines and the correct proportions. Built in the Renaissance, it nevertheless has a strict look, which enliven the peaks in the central part of the roofs, as well as corner towers and dungeons. Until 1803, the castle was a suburban residence of the Mainz archbishops. During the Second World War, the castle was badly damaged and was restored.

7. Meesterburg( Alte Burg Meersburg) , located on the beautiful shore of the Baden lake in Baden-Württemberg, is a sample of late Gothic and Baroque architecture. Meersburg is the oldest residential fortress in the whole of Germany. This fortress includes more than thirty rooms adapted for comfortable living: dining room, bedroom, banquet hall, old kitchen and others.

8. Stolzenfels on the Rhine( Schloss Stolzenfels) is an ancient castle recognized by UNESCO as part of the World Heritage. Its construction took place between 1242 and 1259.Stolzenfels on the Rhine was almost completely destroyed in 1689, and for almost 150 years lay in ruins. Restoration of the castle was organized by Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia, who then made it his residence.16 million euros were allocated for the last modern restoration of the castle.

9. Marksburg is located on the top of a hill in the upper Rhine river not far from the city of Braubach. The castle was erected on the site of the Frankish watchtower, dated 10th century. Marxburg was the only fortress on the Rhine that survived the invasion of the French in the 12th century. Additional buildings erected in the 17-18 centuries, do not spoil the appearance of a real medieval castle. In 2002, Marxburg was included in the UNESCO World Heritage.

10. Königstein( Festung K? Nigstein) is a powerful fortress in the vicinity of Dresden. This grandiose construction was erected on a cliff top with an area of ​​9.5 hectares. The fortress of Königstein was founded in the eleventh century and today it is recognized as the most powerful in Europe. During the Second World War, the cellars of the fortress served to store the masterpieces of world art of the Dresden Gallery. To services of tourists free visiting of the lock, gun batteries, casemates and ravelin.

Locks of Germany and to this day amaze us with its majestic beauty. Each of the described architectural and historical ensembles is a beautiful legend, with which one wants to come into contact.