Top 7 useful new products for the home from Fix Price no more than 199 rubles: description, prices, specifications

Modern realities more and more often make us think about reasonable savings, because the sages say that every unspent ruble is a saved ruble. For this reason, most Russians prefer to buy essential goods where prices are significantly cheaper than elsewhere. That is why we have prepared for you the top 7 useful new products for the home from Fix Price no more than 199 rubles.

Read in the article

  • 1 Mug with thermal pattern, 330 ml
  • 2 Household container with wheels
  • 3 Baking dish, diameter 16 cm
  • 4 Basket on the door
  • 5 Bank with 3 compartments for 1.5 l
  • 6 Jar with a lid for 2 l
  • 7 Plastic serving board

Mug with thermal pattern, 330 ml

An unusual and budget gift for those who do not like cold tea. With this mug you will always keep track of the temperature of the drink. The pattern changes depending on the temperature of the poured liquid. It is applied in such a way that during tea drinking you will see an unusual transformation. When the content cools down, the design will be the same. Volume: 330 ml.

Top 7 useful new products for the home from Fix Price no more than 199 rubles
PHOTO: FixPrice
Do not use hard abrasive sponges for washing

Household container with wheels

Convenient container for household items. You can fold what usually gets in the way under your feet: from toys, household items to tools. Such an acquisition is a real find for the proper storage of things. It is convenient to use in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

Use the container when you need to fold or sort things.
PHOTO: FixPrice
Use the container when you need to fold or sort things.

Baking dish, diameter 16 cm

A great find for lovers of homemade cakes - bread and muffins. The ideal size of the container will ensure that your dessert bakes evenly. Made of extruded aluminum that heats up quickly and distributes heat well.

The form is easy to clean, easy to care forPHOTO: FixPrice
The form is easy to clean, easy to care for

Basket on the door

The basket on the door is suitable for organizing storage in the bathroom or in the kitchen. Ideal for cleaning products and other household items. Size: 28 × 11 × 21 cm. Made from painted steel. Can be used to organize space in a dressing room, office or kitchen.

Ideal solution for small spacesPHOTO: FixPrice
Ideal solution for small spaces

Bank with 3 compartments for 1.5 l

The ideal solution for storing cereals and bulk products. You can divide your favorite tea or coffee, as well as cocoa into separate compartments and use when you need. The jar is made of glass and is easy to clean.

Keep everything in its placePHOTO: FixPrice
Keep everything in its place

Jar with a lid for 2 l

A capacious jar for marinades, pickles and other products demanding storage. It can be used as a decorative element in the preparation of sand paintings. Great capacity for a variety of tasks.

The bank will help to store any products in their original formPHOTO: FixPrice
The bank will help to store any products in their original form

Plastic serving board

An excellent wear-resistant board that will help you cut without fear for the cleanliness of the dish. The board washes well and is a good size. On the surface of the dish, you can write with chalk, for example, varieties of cheeses and snacks. Special nozzles at the bottom of the board will not allow it to slide on the surface of the table. Size: 29 × 19 cm. Composition: slate, EVA.

Important! Not intended for use in the microwave, dishwasher or open flamePHOTO: FixPrice
Important! Not intended for use in the microwave, dishwasher or open flame

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