Any owner of the land seeks to secure and protect your property. But how to do it? Of course, with the help of a fence. A fence is a kind of symbol of property, and the stronger and stronger it is, the better. That is why many people choose poles and a brick fence. DIY build such a structure. not easy, but quite real. Let's take a look at this construction step by step today.
Read in the article
- 1 Fence designs with brick pillars: types and diagrams
- 2 How many posts should be placed in a brick fence
- 3 How to calculate materials
- 4 What foundation to make under a brick fence
- 5 How to make a mortar for laying brick pillars
- 6 How to choose material for a brick fence
- 7 brick masonry technology
- 8 Installation of spans and gates on brick pillars
Fence designs with brick pillars: types and diagrams
A brick fence is not just a prestigious look, but a building no less durable than a house. So, if you can afford the cost of such a design, you should not even think about choosing. By the way, even on such expensive construction it is possible to save. And this savings will be in the cost of workers, because you can make a brick fence yourself.
A brick fence is a fortress in the truest sense of the word. She is not afraid of not only the wind, but even intruders, especially if you think of additional protection measures.
If you prefer a non-stone wall, then using brick you can also create lightweight structures, supplementing them with forged spans, corrugated board or a tree.
Brickwork can survive centuries. She does not care about torrential rains and frosts, the scorching sun. In addition, brick supports can form the basis for very massive gate structures with movable mechanisms.

If you think about the material side of such a construction, then, of course, filling the spans with combined materials is much more profitable than completely brickwork. But even in the case of working with only one brick, there are a lot of different ideas for implementation. Masonry in one brick can be decorated not only with details of different colors, but with a pattern of masonry.
Brick fence supports allow the use of any additional equipment, including video surveillance systems and lighting. And if, for example, the lighting is thought out correctly, then such a solution can also act as an additional decor.
To choose the type and design scheme, you need to clearly imagine how you want to see your fence. Start at least from a height: will a symbolic fence 70 cm high or a fortress wall 3 or even 4 meters suit you? For high brick fences, the pillars need to be made more solid - with a side of at least half a meter.

If you choose a lightweight type of fence with spans of other materials, you can reduce the cost of construction by using modern types of foundations. For example, the use of corrugated board in spans makes it possible not only to simplify installation as much as possible, but also to give the fence a concise and democratic look.
In addition to corrugated board, it is very popular to use a picket fence made of metal or wood for spans. And picket fence can be placed both horizontally and vertically. If you are willing to spend on reinforced foundation, then fill the spans with brick or natural stone. This is a fortified version.

They make such fences even with filling the spans with polycarbonate. Why not? Polycarbonate has a moderate transparency and at the same time looks decorative.
How many posts should be placed in a brick fence
So, do you need to follow any rules and distances in a brick fence? Of course yes. The distance between the pillars will be related to the material of the spans and will depend on the height of the fence: the higher it is, the greater the wind load, respectively, and the more often the pillars need to be installed. The magnitude of the weight and wind load directly affects the requirements for the foundation.
Take into account when designing the number of pillars and the location and type of gate. In order for the fence to look decent, the posts must be located at the same distance, and for this you need to make some simple calculations at the elementary school level. For example, a 12-meter brick fence will require 5 pillars with a distance of 3 meters between them.

How to calculate materials
If you are new to the construction of brick structures, listen to the advice of experienced craftsmen: take bricks for construction from one batch. It doesn't matter what you build - a house or a brick fence - this rule is the same for everyone. The fact is that bricks from different batches can react differently to temperature effects. If this is the case, microcracks appear in the masonry, which over time can completely destroy it.

How many bricks per fence post? With a standard size of building material, seams of 1 cm, masonry of one and a half bricks and a height of one and a half meters, it turns out that you need to lay 20 rows of bricks. If you count the quantity, then 80 bricks will come out. Just in case, you need to buy not 80 pieces per post, but 85 - a reserve will be required in case of an accidental battle or the discovery of some kind of defect.
As for the amount of solution, we consider the cost of it as follows. The volume of the solution is one fifth of the volume of brickwork. Multiplying the height, width, thickness of the masonry of 80 bricks, we get 0.156 cubic meters, and the fifth part will be 0.032 cubic meters. Plus, leave a supply of mortar to fill the internal cavity of the brick pillar. By simply calculating the volume of the internal cavity, it turns out that 0.061 cubic meters of solution will be required to fill. If we translate these figures into the usual measure, then for one pillar of 80 bricks you will need to prepare 7 buckets of cement-sand mixture.
In principle, you can get by with 6 buckets, because the reinforcing reinforcement inside also partially fills the free space. Thus, it is not so difficult to calculate the amount of materials per pole, and from the total value of all poles you will get the amount of materials for the entire fence.
What foundation to make under a brick fence
There are several answers to this question. Let's start with the traditional: yes, you can tape. For him, they dig a trench with a depth of at least 40 cm, and at the place where the pillars are installed, they make a choice of soil to a depth of at least 90 cm.

The width of the foundation in this case is at least 40 cm. In general, such a scheme guarantees the absence of movements during the seasonal regime of soil changes, and the absence of movements guarantees the integrity of the structure.
For reinforcing a strip-column foundation, reinforcement with a cross section of 14 to 18 mm is used. Such a metal belt will additionally strengthen it.
It is necessary to fill the tape-columnar foundation from the deep parts.
If we consider it from the point of view of strength, then it has no equal, but from the point of view of economy, this is one of the most expensive options, because it requires a lot of mortar and reinforcement.
What can replace this option? You can build a grillage foundation. For such a construction, formwork is made along the perimeter of the trench to a height of about 30 cm and poured with concrete. For the formation of this type of foundation, it will take at least 3 weeks.
How to make a mortar for laying brick pillars
For brickwork of pillars, the mortar is made according to standard proportions: 5 to 1 (1 part of cement is added to 5 parts of sand). Sand for masonry is used fine, cement - not lower than M400. To facilitate work, plasticizers are added to the solution - so you can work with it longer and much easier.
The dry components of the solution are first thoroughly mixed and only then water and a plasticizer are added. The masonry mortar should hold its shape, not spread and be free of lumps.

How to choose material for a brick fence
You understand that there are different bricks to bricks. So which one is better to choose for a fence? First of all, the so-called "warm bricks" are not used for the fence. It's expensive and pointless.
For fences choose material with an attractive appearance. Suitable silicate brick, ceramic, hyperpressed and clinker.
White silicate and ordinary red ceramic material can be called a universal choice. In terms of strength in moisture resistance, these bricks show excellent results. Silicate, made from quartz sand, while more durable, it withstands many cycles of defrosting and freezing.
But in terms of strength, both silicate and ceramic bricks confidently bypass the clinker finishing. It is made at high temperature from refractory clay. This manufacturing technology allows the masonry to confidently withstand up to 150 freezing cycles. That is, in fact, the warranty period for such facing brickwork is 150 years. But the price of the issue, of course, is very impressive. Not everyone can afford a fence made of such material.

brick masonry technology
An important point: if you purchased a brick not on pallets, then store it for storage on a site that is not flooded with water. Wet brick retains moisture for a long time and quickly collapses. For the same reason, the foundation in front of the first row of bricks must be covered with roofing material. It will not allow the fold to “suck” water from the base.
As for masonry technology, two popular options are used for brick fences. Laying one and a half bricks makes it possible to make a pillar with a side of 38 cm, two - half a meter. One and a half bricks can significantly save on mortar. As a support profile for brick pillars, 80 by 80 mm are used. This option allows you to leave a minimum clearance between the profile and the masonry.
For any independent masonry, a building level should be used. With it, check the horizontal and vertical directions. To make the seams perfectly even, pieces of a rod with a cross section of 1 cm are laid out along the perimeter of the brick row. They are laid out on the outside of the masonry. After filling with mortar and laying the next row, the guide bar is removed and used on the next row.

After erecting the main part of the brick pillar and filling its inside with mortar, a protective cap is installed on the top of the head. It is mounted on a solution. Caps are ceramic, metal or concrete.
Installation of spans and gates on brick pillars
You need to think about what you will fill the spans with in advance, otherwise you may encounter a mismatch between the material and the size of the span. If you plan to fill the spans with a forged grating, corrugated board or wood, then crossbars from a metal profile are welded to the support posts in a brick column in two rows, top and bottom.
To install gates and wickets, lintels are similarly attached with the only difference that they must be reinforced, since they need to withstand the heavy weight of the metal structure.
It is possible to fill the spans with bricks, but this requires a lot of work and a certain amount of experience in brickwork. For such a fence, you need to make a reinforced foundation.
How to make red brick masonry with your own hands - in this video:
Making a beautiful brick fence is easy. In principle, brickwork goes well with any other building materials.

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