Unlike many stars and supermodels, Tatyana Patits never aspired to live in luxury and excessive abundance. Once in an apartment in Los Angeles, the model soon wanted to move for a simple reason - living next to celebrities, she felt uncomfortable. After searching, the model bought a house near the house of Pierce Brosnan, in a calmer and quieter area. At first, the house did not look the way Tatyana wanted, and she took up the alteration.
Read in the article
- 1 Lots of light and greenery
- 2 Vintage details
- 3 Wood, concrete and fabrics in the interior
Lots of light and greenery
Starting the renovation, Tatyana immediately understood how she wanted to see her house. For her, the ideal option is a house-garden, in which it is always very light, and plants in tubs are displayed in the corners. The model did not want to take care of the garden every day and make it sickly beautiful. Much better when cacti, roses and trees grow on their own.

Tatiana's choice fell on the old ranch - it was the perfect box of the house, which had to be put in order. The main feature is the view of the ocean and a large plot. The house is almost always flooded with light. It has a large library area, as well as four bedrooms and a living room.
In order to create the desired design, Tatyana had to carry out a small redevelopment, during which the old ceilings were removed.
The kitchen area is decorated like for a fashion magazine - near the sink there are beautiful blue glass vases that blend perfectly with the greenery outside the window.
Vintage details
Decorating her house, Tatyana Patits chose unusual things - old interior and decor items, including those from vintage stores. So, for laying the floor, old, but processed boards from the recycling warehouse were chosen, and there are no wallpapers on the walls - ordinary plaster was applied instead. This does not mean at all that the model needs money, she could afford the most luxurious interior, but she decided to dwell on simple details.

Despite the fact that all the things in the house are different, they are surprisingly combined with each other - this is one of the properties of the interior in vintage style. An old chair from the same collection may be adjacent to another estul or even an armchair, and cabinet doors in a kitchen set may vary in color. A similar interior was well described in Harry Potter, in a scene about a visit to the house of the Weasley family. In the kitchen there were chairs of different sizes and shapes, plates, towels - Tatyana Patits adheres to the same style.
However, chaos does not reign in Tatiana's house at all. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail and looks strictly and aesthetically pleasing. This is especially noticeable in the living room - white walls are kept in the room without any drawings or wallpaper. A palm tree grows in the corner, and in the center there is a table and several chairs of the same color.

Due to the size of the windows, the room is always very light, so Tatyana did not choose additional lamps for the living room - just one ceiling lamp is enough. For laying the floor in the living room, well-finished, smooth boards were chosen.
Wood, concrete and fabrics in the interior
Looking at the interiors in the house of Tatiana Patits from photographs, you can notice several details that immediately catch your eye - an abundance of natural materials and their skillful combination with urban style - concrete pavements and light painted walls. Everywhere there are decorative items made of fabric - sofa cushions and carpet material, rugs - all this can be found in the living room.
To go up to the second floor, you need to use the stairs - it is made to order from wood and, just like all objects in the house, perfectly embodies the taste of the owner and speaks of love for everything beautiful, unusual and eco-friendly.

Tatyana Patits uses items brought from around the world, candlesticks, oriental-style pillows, paintings, and carpets as decor.
The bathroom in the house deserves special attention: it is made in the Balinese style - bamboo in the finish, free access to the green area and concrete floors. Since Malibu is almost always hot, the model decided to create an outdoor shower - it turned out to be easier. simple, it was only necessary to install the bamboo in a vertical position and screw a watering can to the “wall” for water. The peculiarity of the bathroom is the decorative elements on the floor. Tatyana decided to lay out a pattern on concrete and settled on seahorses.
In the model's house, you can take pictures of every corner - there is not a single extra detail or thing that does not fit with other interior items.

Equipping her bedroom, the model decided to cut a window in the ceiling - she came to such a decision in order to be able to see the sky at the moments of going to bed at night and waking up in the morning. And so that insects do not disturb sleep, a canopy made of fine mesh was fixed above the bed.
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