CEMENT STRIP BOARD (DSP) FOR REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION – HouseChief – online edition for modern craftsmen

The catalog of the TN Sistema online store presents many different products for construction and repair. One of the popular types of building materials is DSP sheetused for the construction of frame buildings, finishing works.


Read in the article

  • 1 DSP production
  • 2 Application
  • 3 Characteristics of the DSP

DSP production

DSP slab refers to sheet building material. It includes:

  • first-class cement;
  • wood chips, cut into thin chips;
  • aluminum sulfate;
  • liquid glass.

Before the production of CBPB, a batch is made from the listed components with the addition of water. Next, panels are formed from this substance, which are pressed.

Some manufacturers put in DSP panels multiple layers. To do this, a mixture with small and a composition with large chips is kneaded separately. A layer containing large chips gives good strength characteristics. Therefore, it is placed inside the sheet. For the outer layers, a composition with fine chips is used, which ensures a smooth surface. A monolithic slab is obtained after pressing.

In the online store, customers can purchase DSP boards that have a certain type of design on one side. For example, an image of brickwork or a type of decorative plaster.


Eco-friendly cement particle board - This is a durable material, due to which the rigidity of the structure made of CSP is ensured. This building product does not support combustion and does not emit harmful elements.

Sheet DSPs are used in construction work during the construction of:

  • office buildings and frame houses;
  • industrial shops and sports facilities;
  • medical institutions;
  • hotels;
  • hangars, warehouses.

It should be noted that in addition to the advantages listed above, there are also disadvantages. Due to the heavy weight of the DSP, the requirements for creating a foundation are significantly increased. In addition, it is necessary to solve problems with lifting such panels up. The downside of using DSPs is also their poor resistance to bending loads. Therefore, they are mounted vertically or used for places with a low bending load.

Characteristics of the DSP

One of the important properties of DSP is its density, which gives the building a high degree of rigidity. Panels used indoors create a high load-bearing capacity of the wall, allowing heavy objects to be hung.

In construction, expansion with changes in humidity and temperature changes is considered an important parameter. For DSP, this characteristic is insignificant. In the process of construction work, the plates are placed next to a certain gap. For the top row, the gap is recommended to be increased.

Due to the low moisture absorption of the DSP material, it can be used in rooms with high humidity, for outdoor decoration. The dimensions of the sheets in a humid environment practically do not change.

DSP has good strength characteristics regarding longitudinal loads, and poor - with bending deformations. Therefore, the panels laid on the base provide stability during operation. It is not recommended to simply lay DSP on logs.


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