The best heating for a private house: tips for choosing and arranging a system

High-quality heating of housing during the cold period is one of the most important tasks. It must be efficient, economical and safe. Very different systems can be the best choice depending on different circumstances. Therefore, the question of which heating for a private house it is better to choose, it is worth paying enough attention even at the design stage of the building.

Selecting a heat source

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When choosing the best heating for a private house, first of all, you need to decide on the source of thermal energy. The choice of specific equipment and many other nuances will depend on this.

Gas heating: pros and cons

The main advantages of this type of fuel include:

  1. Affordable cost.

  2. Environmental friendliness.

  3. High efficiency.

  4. No dust, dirt, soot.

Gas heating also has several significant disadvantages, the main one being the need to connect to centralized gas supply systems. If this is not possible, it is better to choose another fuel. Difficulties may also arise with the preparation of all the necessary documentation and compliance with the rules for the installation and operation of a gas boiler.

Electric heating

Electrical systems are simple and safe, do not require a large number of permits. It is also the most environmentally friendly. Choosing the best option for such heating, the installation of an electric boiler is most often chosen. But you can limit yourself to convectors or "warm floor" systems. The choice depends on the area of ​​the house and a number of other factors.

The main disadvantage of the system is the higher cost of heating. In addition, it is not always possible to connect to the centralized power grid, although this problem arises less often, in comparison with gas heating.

Heating with solid fuel boiler

This is a device designed for burning coal, briquettes of other types of solid fuel. Modern boilers are equipped with long-term combustion systems and are capable of operating from one load to 30 hours. Such systems will be optimal when it is not possible to connect to gas or use electric heating. In addition, solid fuel belongs to the category of the most budgetary solutions.

The main disadvantage is low efficiency. To heat a large house, you will need to burn a lot of fuel. In addition, during the operation of the boiler, soot and carbon dioxide will be released; you will need to regularly load fuel into the boiler yourself.

Alternative heating sources

The main alternative to traditional heat sources are:

  • Geothermal systems.

  • Heat pumps.

  • Solar panels.

Such systems are characterized by high environmental safety, do not require fuel for operation, and accordingly, the costs of their operation will be lower. But the cost of equipment and installation will be very high. While the increased start-up costs will pay off over time, it will take at least 7-8 years.

The best heat carrier: water or air heating

When solving the problem of which heating is better for a private house, it is imperative to take into account the type of heat carrier. Most often, two options are used:

  1. Water. This liquid has a huge heat capacity, therefore, it is water heating that is most often used. But the use of water creates a risk of leaks, so special attention will need to be paid to the sealing of the pipe joints. In addition, a lot of energy must be spent on heating the water, so there will be a noticeable pause between turning on the boiler and the flow of heat into the radiators.

  2. Air. Heats up quickly and circulates in the heating system, the main advantage is that there is no risk of leaks. Most often, such systems are used to heat large buildings with large internal volumes.

It is important to consider that when using air systems, competent system design will be required. air ducts, which will be more expensive in comparison with the laying of pipes and the installation of water radiators systems.

What is the best piping scheme for a private house

The type of piping will depend on the type of circulation envisaged by the project. Common options include systems:

  1. With natural circulation.

  2. With forced.

Depending on the number of risers, a one- or two-pipe installation scheme can be used. And the connection diagram can be both horizontal and vertical. There are many options for pipe routing, in order to choose the right one, it is better to consult with specialists.

How to best distribute heat around the house

For the correct distribution of heat, it is necessary to calculate the heat loss in advance, identify the areas of the greatest heat loss and carry out a number of other calculations and measurements. This will make it possible to rationally distribute radiators or other end devices for heat exchange (air ducts, warm floors).

It is also necessary to take into account the operation of the ventilation system, because a considerable amount of heat is transferred along with the air flows inside the house.

Radiator selection

The most popular are the following varieties:

  1. Aluminum radiators. They are distinguished by an affordable price and simple installation.

  2. Bimetallic. They are more expensive than aluminum ones, but they last much longer, are more resistant to aggressive influences.

  3. Steel. They are quite heavy and difficult to install. Suitable only for systems that do not have high pressure, as this can damage the product.

Although cast iron radiators can also be found on sale, this is an outdated solution that is inferior to all others in most parameters.

Warm floor

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Warm floors can be electric or water. Electrical options are suitable for small rooms, they can be a good addition to other heating systems, when the installation of the pipeline will be more difficult compared to laying such a floor.

Water floors are more versatile, often used as an alternative to radiator heating systems.