Top 10 longest streets in Russia

Our country is rich in a wide variety of records. We have settlements with the most amusing names, the widest avenues and the most unusual monuments. Let's talk today about the records of length. The longest streets in Russia - we will find out which cities got into our top. Let's say right away - many places are claiming the honorable first place, starting from settlements and ending with megacities. The difficulty lies in the fact that often the point of the report is chosen by different objects, so the length of the street in different sources can vary.

We distributed the streets according to their recognized length, and also included in the list of highways, avenues and highways, which are types of streets.


Red prospectus 6947 meters

On the 10th place in the list of the longest streets in Russia - Red Avenue of Novosibirsk .Its length is 6947 meters. In pre-revolutionary years, the avenue was called Nikolaevsky. It begins near the railway bridge, passes through two districts and goes to the street Airport. Part of the Red Avenue is the central square of the city. On the avenue there are many local attractions: art and local history museums, city cathedral, chapel, concert hall.

It's interesting: there is another record connected with Novosibirsk. Here is the shortest street in Russia - Sibstroiputi. It is located in the Kalininsky district in the private sector and consists of three houses. Its length is 40 meters. Earlier, the shortest street in Russia was Venetzinov Street, which is 48 meters long.


Lazo 14 kilometers

The village of Razdolnoye is famous for being the longest street in Primorye. Lazo Street stretches across the entire village. Its length is 14 kilometers. The village is located near Vladivostok and is stretched along the river Razdolnaya. He owns another record - he is one of the longest settlements in Russia.

Razdolye - one of the oldest settlements of Primorye. The population of the city is 8 thousand people.9 place in our list.


Semaphore 14 kilometers

On the 8th place among the longest streets in Russia - street Semaphore , located in Krasnoyarsk. Its length is 14 kilometers.


Trade union 14 kilometers

In the capital of Russia there are more than three thousand streets. This number includes avenues, highways, lanes, embankments, boulevards and avenues. Considering how huge this metropolis is, one can not doubt that here is the longest street in the country. This street is Trade Union .Its length is 14 kilometers.

It's interesting: in Moscow appeared the longest pedestrian street not only in Russia, but also in Europe. Its length is 6.5 kilometers. The pedestrian route stretches from Gagarin Square, passes through Leninsky Prospekt, Neskuchny Sad, along the Alexander Bridge and ends in Europe Square. All the streets entering the pedestrian zone were landscaped: the city authorities ordered to repair the facades of buildings, install lanterns and pavement. Seventh place in our list.


Lenin Avenue 15 kilometers

Lenin Avenue in Volgograd is on the 6th place in the list of the longest streets in Russia. It passes through three districts of the city. The length is about 15 kilometers. The avenue is the main street of Volgograd. Prior to the renaming in the years of the October Revolution, it was called the Alexander Street. Among the sights here are the local history museum, the regional puppet theater, the museum of fine arts and many monuments.


Leninsky Prospekt 16 kilometers

Leninsky Prospekt of Moscow is on the 5th place in the list of the longest streets in Russia. Its length is 16 kilometers. Today it is the only main road of the capital, which does not change its name throughout its entire length. The width is the second avenue in Russia after Leningradsky Prospekt( Moscow).Among the sights here are: Alexandria Palace, Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow department store.


Sofia 18.5 km

The Northern Capital also made its contribution to the list of the longest streets in Russia. The length of the of St. Sofia's St. Petersburg is 18, 5 kilometers. It starts from Salova Street, runs through the territory of three districts and ends at the Kolpino Highway. The city plans to build the continuation of the street to the federal motorway M-10.How much it will increase is still unknown. Fourth in the list.

It's interesting: in St. Petersburg has its shortest street. This is Peskovsky pereulok. It is almost impossible to notice it. Its length is 30 meters.


Communist street 17 kilometers

A worthy place in the list of of the longest streets in Russia and occupies Communist street in the village of Bichura, located in the Republic of Buryatia. Its length is 17 kilometers.

The village of Bichura was founded at the end of the XVIII century as a result of the process of colonization of Transbaikalia. It was founded by the decree of Empress Catherine II.This is one of the largest Russian. Area Bichura - 53250 square, the population is about 13 thousand people. The Communist street is on the third place in the list of the longest Russian streets.


Warsaw highway 19.4 kilometers

The Warsaw highway of Moscow takes 2nd place in the list of the longest streets in Russia. The length is 19.4 kilometers. It starts from the Big Tula street and reaches the southern border of the metropolis. It includes several administrative districts of the city.

It's interesting: if the Moscow Ring Road had officially had the status of a circular street in Moscow, then this road should lead the list of the longest streets in Russia. The length of the Moscow ring road is 109 kilometers.


The second longitudinal 50 kilometers

One of the longest streets in Russia is located in Volgograd. This is The second longitudinal street, or main line. It does not have official street status. The highway stretches across the city. According to various sources, its length exceeds 50 kilometers. For the convenience of residents, its plots in different parts of the city have their name. In total, there are three such highways in the city, and there are plans to build one more - a zero longitudinal street. Despite the lack of official status, they are included in the city development plan. This allows us to consider them streets. The second longitudinal highway - on 1 place in the list of the longest streets of Russia.