How to iron silk?

  • Features of handling silk clothes
  • Rules for washing silk
  • Features of drying silk
  • How to iron silk properly?
  • Useful advices:

Natural silk is one of the most expensive and beautiful types of fabric. He is very gentle and rightly arises the question - how to iron silk, without hurting him. In this article, we will tell you how to care for such delicate material. We will describe in detail the ways of ironing and the peculiarities of care for silk things.

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Features of handling silk clothes

Before you make any manipulations with silk things, read the information on the tag. There in detail are specified: a mode and temperature of washing, features of drying. Sometimes the manufacturer notes that this item can not be subjected to any treatment at home. In such cases, you can only wash it in a dry clean. If hand-washing is allowed - safely get down to work.

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Rules for washing silk

Just remember that a silk thing can never be bleached. Silk thread is a protein compound. When in contact with bleach or similar substances, these compounds are destroyed, which leads to tissue rupture. Soak silk is possible only in the most extreme case and then a maximum of 10 minutes.

Otherwise, the rules for washing this fabric are very simple:

  1. Pour in warm water. The temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
  2. Add liquid gel for delicate washing to water.
  3. Stir thoroughly.
  4. Place the item in a solution and wash it gently.
  5. Rinse in clean water.

Note: when choosing a detergent, consider the color of the product.

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Drying characteristics of silk

In this process, too, you must adhere to certain conditions. Recommendations for drying silk products are as follows:

  1. Fold the product in several layers.
  2. Gently press your hands on both sides.
  3. Put a terry towel on the horizontal surface.
  4. Put on it a wardrobe of silk - the towel will absorb the remains of moisture.
  5. Post a thing to dry.

Note: blouses, dresses and skirts of such material hang on hangers so that they do not stretch. Never twist or stretch silk!

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How to iron silk properly?

As already mentioned, silk is a very delicate material. Handle it with extreme care. Otherwise, you risk being left without your favorite blouse or dress. There are general recommendations and specific instructions for ironing silk.

Before you iron the silk, read these general tips:

  1. Specialists recommend to iron silk when the thing has not dried. A damp product is much easier to straighten.
  2. If the silk blouse or dress is dry, irrigate them from the spray gun and put it in a bonded plastic bag for a while. The thing is evenly saturated with moisture.
  3. Do not humidify the appliance during ironing. Can remain hard to divorce from water.
  4. Check your iron for malfunction. Make sure that the water from the iron container does not drain onto the thing.

A clearer instruction on how to iron silk looks like this:: :

  1. On a flat ironing board, place the silk product on the underside.
  2. Set the temperature of the iron to 150 degrees.
  3. For more secure ironing of scarves, bed linen and shirts, treat fabric through gauze or other natural fabric. In this case, the heating of the iron can be increased.
  4. Check that the surface on which your delicate product lies is covered with a natural cotton cloth.

To easily solve the problem of how to pat a silk dress, proceed as follows:

  1. Hang the dress on your shoulders.
  2. For dressing a complex dress, cover it with gauze.
  3. Hang the product in an upright position.
  4. Place the iron in steaming mode.
  5. Drive him 6 cm from the dress.

If at the moment you are faced with the task, how to stroke a silk shirt or blouse of a complex style, straighten the fabric in the same way as in the description, how to iron a silk dress by first doing the following:

  1. Hang the wardrobe object on the hanger.
  2. Place and hang on the linen thread in the bathtub or shower.
  3. Turn on the tap or shower with very hot water, but make sure that the spray does not reach the silk clothes.
  4. Leave for a few minutes, closing the door in the bathroom - thanks to this, steam from hot water will concentrate more quickly in the right place.
  5. Turn off the water and leave the thing in the bathroom for a few more minutes - the steam will act almost like a special steam generator, straightening the fabric.
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Useful advices:

  1. Always look at the label on the clothes, before ironing silk, erasing it or removing locally stains by aggressive means.
  2. If there are strong creases or creases in the ironing process, the fabric is unevenly stretched, make a solution of 25 ml of glycerin and 5 l of water, rinse the thing in it, and then dry it and iron it as usual.

Now you know all about how to pat or wash any thing from silk. Act always neatly and your clothes will remain beautiful and durable for a long time, and accordingly - you will always be confident in yourself and "on top" in any society!