- Classification
- Toilet bowl height: current regulations
- Selection criteria for sanitary ware
- Basics of quality installation:
- Features of installation of the
suspended toilet Probably everyone is familiar with the problem of choosing a toilet bowl. The toilet is a durable device, but needs replacing after 10-12 years. In addition, when moving to a new apartment, tenants change their plumbing. And, of course, the purchase of a plumbing fixture can not be avoided if you purchased an apartment without repair. This article will acquaint you with the basic criteria for choosing such plumbing and the ways of its installation, including with what should be the height of the toilet installation.
to the contents ↑Classification
Depending on the method of attachment, two types of these devices are distinguished. The height of the toilet installation depends on its type:
- Floor. This model is installed in most of the bathrooms. This is an ordinary device, consisting of a bowl and a drain tank. It is mounted directly on the floor, so that the bowl simultaneously plays the role of a rack.
- Suspended. These are modern models not widely used. They can often be seen in public institutions. The plumbing is fixed directly above the floor on a rigid frame that holds the structure. The drain tank is hidden behind the false wall.
Depending on the shape, the toilet bowls are:
- With a funnel shaped bowl. The bowl has no protrusions, so all impurities are immediately sent to the horizontal drain.
Important! A major drawback of this design is the spraying of water upon rinsing.
- With bowl of dish shape. The bowl has a small protrusion with a recess into which waste enters.
Important! The minus of such a design is the necessity of frequent use of a toilet brush, as well as a large expenditure of water.
- The visor bowl is shaped like a bowl, but the protrusion does not have a depression, but a tubercle. At the same time there is no accumulation of impurities in the bowl, but their rolling directly into the drain. The water is not sprayed.
Depending on the type of release, the toilet bowl is distinguished:
- With oblique discharge. In this case, the sewer funnel is located near the floor level.
- Horizontal outlet is suitable if the sewer funnel is located from a floor level of 5-10 cm.
- Vertical outlet. This model is advisable to buy if the sewer socket is located far from the wall where the plumbing will be mounted.
This classification feature will help you decide how to install the toilet in height from the pipe.
to contents ↑Toilet bowl height: current regulations
More than 100 years of the history of plumbing production have developed standards relating to its installation. These figures depend on the average growth of people( with the passage of time this indicator changes in the big direction).For this reason, every 10 years the standard toilet height is increased by millimeters.
Floor standing
The previous standard for the installation of outdoor toilet bowls( 0.4 m) has been changed to a more modern one - 0.42 m. For countries where tall people make up a large part of the population, the standard of the height of floor toilets is even more - half a meter. Therefore, before choosing you need to choose the best option for your own growth.
Here are slightly different standards. The main thing is to take into account the distance from the floor line to the bottom of the device. The optimum height of installation of the suspended toilet bowl from the floor is 0.2 m.
Important! In this case, it is necessary to take into account the height of the finishing floor covering. Otherwise - sitting on the toilet will be uncomfortable.
to the table of contents ↑Selection criteria for plumbing
For the correct choice of plumbing model, it is necessary to take into account such nuances:
- Cost. Depending on the price, you can allocate budget plumbing, products of the middle price segment and toilet bowls of the "luxury" class. The latter category includes products from Austria, Switzerland and Germany.
- The height of the toilet seat from the floor. Here you need to take into account the characteristics of all family members. If you sat down on the toilet, your feet are on the floor, and the muscles are relaxed, then - the plumbing is right for you.
- Washing method. By this feature, we distinguish between toilet bowls having a straight or circular drain. In devices equipped with a circular drain, water washes the bowl in two directions. If you purchased a plumbing with direct flushing, the water moves in one direction.
Important! In terms of saving water consumption, direct flushing is preferable. The advantage of circular washing is that water, moving in two directions, efficiently cleans the bowl.
- Material of manufacture. Modern instruments are made of materials such as porcelain, faience, plastic, steel, cast iron and artificial stone.
Important! Porcelain and earthenware are the best option for the ratio of quality and price.
to the contents ↑Basics of a quality installation:
- The output of the new and old devices should be the same. Otherwise - you will have a large amount of construction work.
- Calculate the distance from the water supply point to the tank. The water supply is carried out by special flexible hoses.
- If the old toilet was built into the floor and fixed with cement mortar, before installing a new plumbing, clean the floor of the screed remnants.
Important! The rules for installing different models of plumbing are different, so it is necessary to follow exactly the installation instructions offered by the manufacturer.
to the contents ↑Special features of mounting the
suspended toilet Besides stylish appearance, the hanging toilet allows you to save space in the bathroom, make the interior more aesthetic. Consider several rules that allow you to properly mount the installation system.
Preparing for installation
First you need to choose the location for installation of the installation and the hanging device. The best option is a niche with sewer and water risers running along it. If there is no niche, the instruction allows you to make a special gypsum cardboard box. He "will eat" about 10-15 cm of useful space of the bathroom. If you do the work yourself, it will not be too expensive.
Important! It is advisable to choose a place for the toilet closest to the sewage.
Installation of
Installation Installation of the installation is the first stage of the work. Then follows the supply of engineering systems - a drain pipe and a water pipe. The order of the work is as follows:
- As a rule, the kit includes a drain built-in reservoir. The first stage - fixing the installation system, piping and securing the pipes.
- Mounting of the installation is carried out in two places to the floor and in two places to the wall. Before installation, you need to conduct all necessary measurements and set the system level.
Important! Final fixing of the device is carried out after adjusting it according to the level.
Calculation, at what height to hang the toilet with the installation:
- The standard height of the sanitary device from the floor is 0,4-0,42 m. The height of 0,45 m is a reasonable maximum. If you install the toilet bowl above, a short man can not reach the floor with his feet.
Important! Calculate the height of the toilet installation is necessary, given the thickness of the screed and flooring.
- The height of the toilet flush button is 0.98-1.0 m.
- The interval between the floor surface and the sewage pipe is 0.22-0.23 m.
- After the frame is installed, the clearance between the tank and the wall should be approximately1-2 cm.
Sewage piping, plumbing installation
After the installation with the drain tank is mounted, it is necessary to connect to the tank of the water pipe. Here are some tips:
- The pipeline can be piped to the side or top opening in the tank. Choose yourself the option that you find most convenient.
- The suspension device is installed after the discharge outlet is connected to the common riser.
- It is rare to accurately adjust the discharge outlet and the neck of the riser, but this is not necessary. The tightness of the connection is ensured by the corrugated hose.
- Then the installation is closed with a false panel made of moisture-resistant plasterboard. The false panel can be tiled with ceramic tiles or painted.
- The toilet is installed on the pins that are left in the installation, on top of a flat surface. Initially, they put a gasket on the pipes, connect the communication pipes with the holes in the toilet, then firmly press the device against the wall. After the fasteners are tightened, you need to check the stability of the toilet bowl.
- The latest stage is the installation of a drain button. Install it into the opening of the false panel, following the instructions exactly.
- After this, it remains to test the device for operation.
After reading the article, you can determine the choice of plumbing devices and get an idea of how to install them, on the installation height standards for toilet bowls of various types. Hence - keeping the accuracy and attention, you can perform all the work qualitatively.