- Choosing curtains for the bedroom
- Curtain design for the bedroom: unity and harmony of the furnishings
- Color combination of curtains in the interior
- Features of curtains for the bedroom with a balcony
- Curtain design and window shape
- Curtains for a small bedroom
- Trendy trends
Textiles occupy an important placein the interior design, as it is the fabrics that fill our house with warmth and cosiness. This is especially true in the bedroom - the room where we are most tuned to comfort, pleasant rest, a healthy sleep. The design of curtains in the bedroom will be an easy and creative process if you become familiar with useful information, practical advice and recommendations on design, which we will discuss below.
to the contents ↑Choose curtains in the bedroom
The design of curtains in the bedroom begins with the stage of their selection in the interior. In order for the selection process to be as effective and simple as possible, it is necessary to determine the basic rules for choosing a particular product:
- Determine the style in which the interior of the bedroom is made and focus on it.
- Take into account the illumination of the room, its location relative to the sides of the world.
- The size of the room. Whether the room is spacious or has a modest area depends on the design of the curtains in the bedroom. In this case, many parameters are important, namely: height, width, length of walls, the size of windows.
- Furnishings and an accomplishment of a room. Pay attention to the presence, as well as the location of batteries, niches and shelves, pipes and other various architectural features.
Important! In a spacious bedroom, the choice of style of curtains is limited only to the style of the interior, while in smaller rooms a more careful approach is required.
After analyzing your bedroom, you can go directly to the choice of a specific model. Let's list their types:
- English. These are the curtains of the lifting type, in the assembled state, elegant folds are formed in the center, and in the opened one, the curtains look like an even cloth and do not fall below the window sill.
- French. Lush curtains of cascading type with folds along the entire length.
- Roman. Another type of lifting curtains. Unlike English, folds are formed more evenly, strictly horizontally and at the same time are stacked on top of each other.
- Rolling. They are often confused with the Romans, as they are also rising curtains. However, this is not quite true. As the name implies, these products are assembled into a roll, the fabric is wound onto a special roller installed at the top of the window.
- Austrian. This type united in itself two other varieties of curtains - French and Roman. From the first - have borrowed magnificent cascading folds, and from the second - the lifting mechanism.
- Japanese. Absolutely flat panels of fabric. Their main feature is simplicity, conciseness.
In addition to the type of curtains, a special role is played by the material from which they are made. It can be airy, light, dense, glisten or be dull. Products can be made from natural fibers or synthetic.
More curtains can be classified according to shape and size:
- Long or short.
- Straight or asymmetrical.
Important! Think about additional design and accessories for curtains. It can be: fringe, lambrequin, brushes, picks.
to content ↑Curtain design for bedroom: unity and harmony of furnishings
The interior of the bedroom curtains is directly related to the style of the room as a whole. The combination of textiles with the arrangement of the room will create an indescribable harmony, completeness of appearance and unity of design. Let us dwell in detail on the diversity of interior styles and find out what role portraits play in them.
Important! Individual tailoring is capable of maximally clearly, effectively recreating the originality of the design of curtains. Thus, the composition will be exclusive and creative.
Classic style
This style is characterized by elegance, sophisticated luxury and restraint. How to emphasize the interior with the help of curtains? Adhere to the following recommendations:
- The color of the curtain must match the shades of the bedroom. The combination can be achieved using the tones available in the room, or using a contrast palette. But at the same time the overall design of the bedroom should not seem overloaded with flowers.
- Feel free to use lambrequin - in the classical style, it is permissible to use double-row or single-row drapes.
- Ornament on textiles must be not catchy, but rather - light, elegant. For example, floristic motifs are very appropriate.
- The most suitable material for curtains are dense fabrics: satin, jacquard, velvet.
- The cornices of 2-3 rows will look spectacular. In addition, they can be hidden. To decorate the cornice, you can use the carved tips and decorative baguette.
- Accessories for curtains in classic style should not be in excess. Moderate, thoughtful decor should only emphasize the curtains. You can use fringe, cords, brushes, picks.
Important! To the classical type of curtains can be attributed French, English versions.
Chic Baroque
Interesting curtains for a bedroom in the Baroque style will be distinguished by their pretentiousness, pomposity and luxury:
- In such a bedroom, the color of curtains should be bright and saturated. Pay attention to such juicy shades: red, burgundy, emerald, gold.
- The composition should be complex. Curtains arrange in many rows with a magnificent drapery, not superfluous will be a lambrequin of intricate shape.
- Since Baroque is a fairly overloaded style, the drawing can be very different and it is almost impossible to go too far with it. What can I advise? Simple and tasteful look vertical bands, floral patterns.
- Fabric for curtains is better to choose from heavy and dense materials, as well as in classical style. It's velvet, jacquard, brocade and satin.
Important! The rich decoration of the curtains is welcomed. Use fringe, gold brushes, stones and beads, original braid.
Romantic Provence
The design of beautiful curtains for a bedroom in this charming style requires airiness and an abundance of light in the interior. This effect is easily achieved if the curtains are made of light material in pleasant pastel colors.
We hasten to draw your attention to such aspects in the design:
- The color scheme of gentle shades. Beige tones are suitable, pink, lilac, blue, light yellow.
- Drawing on curtains - only floral.
- Tulle must be airy and weightless. Therefore, light materials - cotton, linen, chintz, will do.
Important! Provence only accepts natural fabrics, so the use of synthetic fabrics is unacceptable.
- Such decor, as lambrequin, is not practically used in the design of a bedroom in this style. If you decide to do a horizontal drapery, then it should be easy and unobtrusive.
- Curtain rod for curtains should also be made of a natural base - most often a tree.
Important! Of the jewelry can be advised ruches, ribbons, bows and frills, cute will look picks with great colors.
Colorful Country
At its core, this style of interior is similar to Provence. In it, home warmth and comfort coexist with barely perceptible rudeness. In the design, natural materials and fabrics are used in the same way. Design of curtains in the bedroom of the Country:
- The color scheme should be combined with the general situation. It is better to give preference to warm and natural shades: beige, blue, green, sand.
- In addition to the flower pattern, geometric patterns are acceptable: strips, cage, peas. The main thing is that the ornament should not be discreet.
- The composition of textiles is quite simple: two curtains on the sides, a curtain with a small drapery. On request - you can place a light bulb.
- Fabrics use the same as in the style of Provence: linen, cotton, cotton.
- The same applies to the eaves. Optimal will be a wooden base with ordinary tips.
- This style can not do without decorations and decor. Suitable beautiful ribbons, elegant ruches, elegant lace and bows.
Important! Do not use glass or metal accessories to decorate the curtains in the style of Country.
High-tech Hi-tech
The simplicity and severity of the lines of this style should be clearly observed in the textile interior of the bedroom. The unusual design of curtains is achieved with the help of such aspects in the design:
- The color scheme is rather limited. Black-and-white colors, various gray and silver shades are admissible. Most often, the canvas is monophonic.
- Drawings are practically not used - only correct lines and geometric ornaments are allowed.
Important! An interesting solution can be a printed image of a night metropolis, modern buildings and structures.
- Profitable curtains look practical and smooth fabric. Material is more often used synthetic.
- Curtains have the most ordinary and simple appearance. Optimum look roll, Roman types. No lush folds and lambrequins.
- Decor is also not allowed. The only exception can be a decor with a metallic luster and a consistent geometric shape. For example, rivets.
- Cornices choose chrome plated.
Actual Modern
What characterizes the interior in this style? It has natural shades, smooth curves, floral elements. Proper design of curtains in the bedroom is achieved through the following recommendations:
- From the color palette, the choice is better to stop on natural shades: beige, light green, golden, white, light blue.
- The composition of the curtains is quite standard: transparent tulle and dense curtains on the sides.
Important! The original way is a design like "bishop's sleeves" or intricate drapery in the form of imperial curtains.
- The picture on the product is preferably selected in natural colors, but in a darker shade. Motives can be florid, openwork and floral.
- It is desirable that the material of the curtains be natural, but at the same time possess a pleasant satin flicker.
- Cornices are used hidden - they can be with curved and smooth elements. Forged decor in the form of leaves and flowers will create an additional accent at the window.
Important! Overload the curtains with decorative details is not worth it. Gently and subtly designate the decorations, choose the floral elements: leaves, flowers, butterflies.
The abundance of interior styles is not limited only to those discussed above. Rarer, but equally bright and original, there are other designs:
- Laconism and restraint of the east.
- Futuristic Vanguard with its bold ideas.
- Rich Arabic motifs.
- Newfangled Echimost.
Color combination of curtains in the interior
The importance of textiles in design is invaluable, it is this element of the situation that gives the room warmth and cosiness, creating a harmonious atmosphere of relaxation. An important role in this is played by the color of the curtains. The design of curtains in the bedroom must necessarily be carried out with this characteristic taken into account.
Let's designate the basic principles of color combinations in the interior:
- The integrity of the textile decoration of the room. The design of the bedroom, in which the curtain color fits under the blanket on the bed, to the carpet and other elements, looks stylish and harmonious.
Important! It is not necessary to select a color very much identical - it's enough if the tone of the curtain is consonant with the pattern on the coverlet or carpet.
- Matching the color scheme of the interior. Here, too, it is not necessary to choose a shade exactly to finish the walls, because it looks inexpressive and blurry. For example, beige pastel colors in the room perfectly complement the curtains of brown. If the base is blue, then notice its blue shade for the curtains.
- Contrast. A bold and colorful method to place accents in the room. A bright bedroom can be revived with a bright curtain. A rich interior - on the contrary, you can "cool" with calm shades.
Important! Color allows us to further improve the design of the bedroom. And an optimally selected shade will create a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere in the room. A few more tips for choosing the color:
- The color of the curtain is better not to choose crystal white, but give preference to softer tones - pearl, milky, light beige.
- In a small room, do not use curtains with large ornaments.
- In a spacious bedroom, it is optimal to choose curtains of a darker color than the walls.
- If the bedroom has a working area, then do not over-drape the curtains, as this will distract attention.
Features of bedroom curtains with balcony
Quite often it occurs that there is an exit to the balcony from the room. How to make curtains in the bedroom in this case? The main task is their functionality.
Important! Since there will be constant movement from room to balcony, the curtains should easily provide access to the door, it is convenient to move and rise. What types of curtains can I pay attention to:
- Roll.
- Roman.
- Curtains-threads.
If you decide to use the classic drapery after all, then take care of the convenient hardware. For example, side clamps, picks, tapes. These details help to fix the curtain fabric.
Important! In the bedroom with a balcony, choose a fabric for curtains, resistant to dust and dirt, and easy to care for. Suit satin, cotton, linen.
Otherwise, stick to the basic rules of design: choose the style suitable for the interior, their color and think over the elegant composition of textiles.
to content ↑Curtain design and window shape
Of course, most often the window has a standard rectangular shape. It can be narrower in a small room or a wide three-leaved room in a spacious bedroom. This geometry is easy to design and has no limitations in design.
However, there are also atypical types of windows. For example:
- Round. Place the curtains on a standard flat eaves, and elegant drapery gather on the sides of the window picks. In this case, you will demonstrate the original shape of the opening.
- Arched. Stylists advise placing the cornice above the rounding level - thus, with open curtains you can enjoy the beauty of the archway.
- Inclined. The optimal solution will be roll or Roman curtains, blinds, bamboo cloth. The peculiarity of installing these curtains will be the presence of two additional cables on the sides of the frame. But classical design is not excluded. Again, think through the fastening of the curtains with picks, cords, or the presence of a second ledge near the window sill.
In this situation, interesting curtains for the bedroom can effectively emphasize the original shape, or - on the contrary, hide it. It all depends on your wishes and creativity.
Important! To emphasize the unusual window frame, the contours of the curtains must repeat its shape.
Design of short curtains for a bedroom is advisable to use if the window is located in a niche. Or in the event that the space at the opening is used to place pieces of furniture. An example can be a table, soft sofa or chest of drawers.
to the table of contents ↑Curtains for a small bedroom
If your bedroom is neat and tidy, the main criterion for choosing is simple and unobtrusive textiles. Do not overload the small room with an abundance and splendor of folds, massive cornice or bulky lambrequin.
Important! Color curtains in a modest room, choose in light colors, as they visually increase the space. The same effect is possessed by fabrics with overflow, for example, satin or silk.
Transparent tulle will be complemented by thick curtains without drapery, which should perfectly cope with the absorption of sunlight. Optimal execution in the form of ordinary straight canvases, which, if desired, can be seized on the sides by modest decorations.
Important! A narrow window can be "expanded" with a long cornice. And if two apertures are located next to each other in the neighborhood, then an interesting solution is the cornice in the entire wall.
to the content ↑Fashion trends
Fashion does not stand still, new delicacies and ideas in interior design appear. Bold, unusual and original. Of course, this also applies to curtains.
Double curtains
The combination of fabric by color, material and pattern gives a wide field for the creative design of curtains in the bedroom. There are many options, and the design is inherently universal, as it is suitable for both modern and classic interior.
An example can be a combination of a monophonic material of two pleasant colors, a monochrome cloth and a cloth with a pattern, etc. It looks very elegant and effective.
Elongated curtains
A new-fashioned trend in the design of curtains. The length of the curtains is specially chosen in such a way as to exceed the height to the floor by 10-15 cm. The elongated drapery softens the strict lines of the window, additional decorative elements can become elegant brushes.
Important! This effect makes the ceilings visually higher, and if you want to focus on the area of the room, then such curtains will not work.
Curtains without frills
The peculiarity of this decoration, of course, will be simplicity, conciseness and minimalism in decoration. This way of draping and characterizing the bedroom is called, because this room often does not have a large free space, since the main part of it is occupied by a bed.
Smooth lines, neat creases, classic shades - these are the features of an unobtrusive, yet incredibly elegant and elegant style.
This unusual design of curtains originated in the east, and came to us from this part of the world. They look unusual and extravagant, but it should be borne in mind that they are decorative rather than functional. The essence of the curtains in the set of flowing threads. Colors and materials can be very diverse.
Now you are aware of everything that is necessary for a stylish, original and beautiful design of curtains in the interior. Your bedroom will become so elegant and cozy that you will be happy to spend your vacation in such an atmosphere.