The best fishing rods for buyers

In Soviet times, they went fishing with a self-made fishing rod. In this case, people quite successfully caught a fish. And if the rod does not withstand a serious load, then you can always make a new one! Now we do not have the time or the desire to create our own rod. It is much easier to spend a certain amount on what was created in a full-fledged factory. Such a product will last longer and will allow you to attach some additional equipment - for example, a powerful coil with a fishing line. But you need to buy a quality fishing rod, otherwise you will necessarily encounter some or other problems.


  1. Fishing rod of which firm to choose
  2. Top feeder rods
  3. Best fishing rod for
  4. Best spinning rods
  5. What fishing rod to buy

What fishing rod to choose

To produce a good fishing rod is a whiff. It does not use electronics, nor do any patented technologies. So do not be surprised that in every country there are dozens of manufacturers of fishing rods. Of course, their products rarely become so popular that there is a demand at least in the neighboring country. To recommend to adhere to the concrete manufacturer it is impossible - so it turns out that in assortment of each of them there are also very good fishing rods, and those products on which purchase it is not necessary to spend money.

Here are just a few of the most popular brands in our country:

1. Shimano

2. Salmo

3. Maximus

4. Pontoon-21

5. Black Hole

But pay attention not only to their products. Many other companies can boast of quality spinning rods and fishing rods.

The best feeder rods


This product belongs to a particularly heavy class. Its design is plug-in. The rod consists of only three sections, which makes it very reliable. In the transport position, this model has a length of 1.25 m. This is an ideal parameter - so the bait can be stored even in a very small room. If you extend all the sections, the length of the rod will grow to 3.6 m.

For the manufacture of the blank, the manufacturer used fiberglass - an easy, reliable and inexpensive material. The handle is neoprene - it firmly holds and does not slip out at the time of the biting. The coil holder belongs to the screw type, which is impossible to find fault with. The rod is a knee joint of the type Im Steek. In the package, the buyer will find a pair of exchangeable vertices.


  • Adequate cost;
  • Not afraid of strikes against reeds and tree branches;
  • Small transport length;
  • Traditional fastening for coils;
  • Two replaceable vertices in the kit.


  • Some customers seem heavy.

Shimano Joy FEEDER 360

An expensive feeder rod. Initially it seems that the high price here is not determined by anything. But everything changes after you take this product in your hands. Immediately remember that Shimano produces reliable products, which can last several years. This rod is made of high-quality materials. In particular, the composite form is used here. And the so-called EVA is used as the handle material.

The product is delivered with two replaceable tips. But it is possible that you will never need them. In transport condition, the length of the rod does not exceed 1.27 m. This is the optimal parameter - the rod must fit in any car and somewhere in the pantry. It consists of three sections. If you extend them, the length grows to the standard 3.6 m. You can only find fault with the weight of 408 g.


  • Quality handle;
  • There are two interchangeable vertices;
  • Ideal transport length;
  • High reliability;
  • Composite was used as the material of the form;
  • 12 rings.


  • Weight can not be called small;
  • The cost was quite high.

VOLZHANKA Optima 3.9 m to 120 g( 041-0014)

One of the longest rods. For more convenience, it is endowed with a plug design. It also contributes to reliability - it is extremely difficult to break a fishing rod by negligence. What is important, the handle of this model was created from cork and material called EVA.If, while in the boat, you accidentally drop the rod into the water, it will not think of sinking.

The product has quality rings that remain in perfect condition even after numerous fishing trips. Rods belong to a particularly heavy class, which allows them to catch absolutely any fish, not worrying for the safety of the top. And even if something happens to it, three replaceable vertices are delivered, which can not but rejoice. Also, along with the fishing rod, the buyer gets a cover, which simplifies the delivery to the place of fishing. By the way, even in the transport position the product has a length of 1.4 m. As for the weight, it does not exceed 230 g.


  • Consists of only three sections;
  • Together with the rod are supplied interchangeable tops;
  • Located in the carrying case;
  • Relatively light weight;
  • The form was created from the carbon fiber brand IM7;
  • Cork handle;
  • Large length.


  • Shipping length is not pleasing;
  • Many anglers will not be afforded.

Best fishing rod for winter fishing

Salmo TRAVEL 50( TSTR-50)

Telescopic fishing rod designed for winter fishing. It is made only of those materials that are not afraid of a long stay on subzero temperature. In particular, the form consists of carbon( carbon fiber).Strictly speaking, this is the reason for the cost of the product. The handle is made of a cork covered with EVA.Also in the composition of such a small fishing rod is a reel seat VSS.

The product is shipped with the tube. It is recommended to carry the rod in it. The rod weighs only 56 g. When folded, its length is 28 cm. In its working position, its length is approximately doubled - up to 0.5 m.


  • Cork handle;
  • Telescopic construction;
  • Tube included;
  • The rod is made of carbon fiber;
  • Quality reel seat;
  • Very short in transport position.


  • Someone will seem expensive.

The best spinning rods

Bradex FISHMEN-PRO( TD 0323)

A rod with a very unusual design. Its creators tried to make it as easy as possible for the fisherman. In the transport position, the length of this spinning does not exceed 27 cm! This is explained by a special way of assembling it, as a result of which the rod is placed in a small bag. It can not be said that the spinning seems unreliable. Another feature of this model is the coil with a fishing line, which are already included in the kit. Thus, you only need to acquire a float, hooks, weights and bait.

The design of this rod has one serious drawback. All kinds of fastenings, on which different parts of the spinning hold, weigh a lot. As a result, the total weight of this product is 1120 grams! A long time to sit with such a rod in your hands will not work - you will quickly get bored. Also, some customers may not be lucky with the top of the rod. It turned out to be too thin, as a result of which, when catching a heavy fish, a breakdown could occur.


  • Coil with a fishing line is already included;
  • An interesting folding mechanism, reducing the length to a minimum;
  • Convenient grip.


  • Not the most reliable materials;
  • High cost;
  • The maximum spinning length is only 1.28 m.

Shimano Vengeance AX SPIN TELE 240 M

As you can guess by the name, this rod is telescopic. In the folded state, the length of the product is 68 cm. If you extend all six sections, this parameter increases to 2.4 m. The blank is made of carbon fiber. This made the spinning not only strong, but also very light. The weight barely reaches 161 g. With such a fishing rod, you can sit in a boat for at least several hours.

The product belongs to the middle class. This suggests that they should not catch any heavy trout. It is also important that there is a quality reel seat on the rod. And in the complete set with it the cover is delivered, which considerably reduces the probability of getting damages during transportation.


  • Convenient telescopic design;
  • Made of carbon;
  • Weighs only 161 g;
  • Not very long in the folded state;
  • The kit comes with a good case;
  • Good reel seat.


  • Not the lowest cost;
  • Can not withstand heavy fish.

Salmo Sniper ULTRA SPIN 25

This model is different in that it does not sink when accidentally dropped into the water. This fact is explained not by a low weight of 190 g. The fact is that the handle of the spinning is made of cork. As a result, the rod not only does not sink, but also holds firmly in hands even in rainy weather. The rod design is a plug. There are only two sections. This is the main trouble. In the transportation state, the rod is very long, this parameter reaches 1.25 m. In the unfolded state, it may not seem long enough - 2.4 m to someone will be small.

It is possible that this product would not be on our list, if not for one circumstance. Spinning has a minimum price tag. For such money, it is quite possible to forgive some shortcomings. Especially if you have a car suitable for transporting such a long rod.


  • Simple and reliable design;
  • Roller coil reel;
  • Handle from the cork, not allowing the rod to drown;
  • Carrying case;
  • Weight - only 190 g;
  • Relatively good length;
  • Composite form;
  • Very low price.


  • The transport length is slightly intimidating;
  • Can not withstand very heavy fish.

What fishing rod to buy

1. Fans of feeder rods should look towards Salmo TAIFUN FEEDER 360 or Shimano Joy FEEDER 360. These products are able to please with two interchangeable tops, which such fishing rods break most often.

2. If you regularly do winter fishing, then you should like the Salmo TRAVEL 50( TSTR-50).It is possible that in the transport state this rod will fit into your inner pocket of the jacket! Also this model is distinguished by high-quality materials, from which it is made.

3. Spinning rod Bradex FISHMAN-PRO( TD 0323) will appeal to those who are looking for the most compact model. When folded, this product is housed in a small bag, which can be transported even in a crowded bus.

4. Spinning Shimano Vengeance AX SPIN TELE 240 M by its design can not take up very little space. But it is longer and easier, for which it is necessary to thank the sections made of carbon fiber.

5. Salmo Sniper ULTRA SPIN 25 is a spinning rod at an extremely low price. If you do not want to spend a lot of money on your hobby, you can not find an option. But get ready to put up with the big shipping length.

6. Well, the feeder product under the brand Volzhanka should be of interest to those who require a very long but at the same time strong enough rod. This almost four-foot rod and in the water does not sink, and under the pressure of a heavy fish holds.