The most dangerous professions in the world

We all have to go to work every day to provide ourselves with a piece of bread. Work takes the time of our lives, sometimes badly affects health and is a source of frequent stress. For many of us, work is a very boring and long bored occupation, which has to be done only because of the need. Very few happy people to whom their work brings joy. They can only be envied.

But how would you react to the prospect of once perishing in the workplace? To leave in the morning for work, and in the evening not to return from it. In the world there are dozens of specialties and professions that put people at real risk and constant risk. And this is not only the work of a policeman or a rescuer.

You will be very surprised to learn that the work of an electrician is several times more dangerous than the work of a policeman, and the death rate among miners is higher than that of the military. However, this does not stop anyone. People, daily risking their lives, descend into the mines and go into the sea. Perhaps they need adrenaline for a full life? Perhaps, without risk, life seems to them fresh? We have compiled a list for you, which includes the most dangerous professions in the world .After studying it, you will change your opinion about some professions.



Surprisingly, this profession is really dangerous. Although, of course, it depends on the individual who is engaged in journalistic work. If, for example, you write about breeding domestic animals or about new directions in hairdressing art, then you are facing only one danger - to die of boredom.

However, there is another journalism. Many of the representatives of this profession are engaged in their own investigations, which are sometimes more effective than the work of law enforcement agencies. If you have uncovered the facts of corruption among politicians or major officials, then you can be seriously threatened. Especially a lot of journalists die in the third world countries, usually they are extremely developed corruption.

A large number of reporters work in countries where fighting is taking place. Very often, in pursuit of spectacular shots, these people are right in the middle of the conflict, risking their own lives. Many journalists die in the war. The bullet does not understand what is in the hands of a person: an automaton or a camera.



Modern firefighters have the best equipment and equipment, they are carefully trained and trained. But, despite this, this profession is very dangerous. Every year thousands of firefighters are killed in different countries of the world.

Fire is a very dangerous and unpredictable element and to fight it you need great courage and the highest preparation.



Between 1996 and 2002, more than 500 people died in mine-related work. The sapper makes mistakes only once in his life - this is absolute truth and does not even need proof. People of this profession are constantly dealing with objects that are created to kill as effectively as possible. Disinfect them is extremely dangerous.

Millions of mines are installed in the world, they are undermined by innocent people every year. There are such areas on the planet where mines were installed decades ago, but annually continue to collect bloody harvest. They still have to be defused.



Extraction of oil and gas is a very dangerous business. People who are engaged in this craft are constantly dealing with very hot substances. In addition, in their work they have to apply a complex and extremely traumatic technique.

You can also add that drillers often work in remote areas where it is difficult to count on qualified medical care. Sometimes their place of work is in the open ocean, a hundred kilometers from the nearest village. It is very dangerous. This specialty is chosen by really tough guys.



Fishing is a very dangerous trade. Despite the fact that human technology has moved far ahead, the sea remains a stranger to man and, like hundreds of years ago, it continues to take human lives. It is dangerous not only to fish, the profession of a seaman carries a high risk for life. For most of us, fishing is a quiet river, a vacation from the city bustle in a cheerful company of friends. But for those who make their living by this industry, the picture looks slightly different.

They regularly have to go to sea, use cumbersome and dangerous equipment, fight unpredictable elements. The death rate among the members of this profession is 117 deaths per 100 thousand people. All professions connected with the sea carry an increased danger.


Police officer

These people guard the public order and fight the crime. Naturally, their lives are very often endangered. Saving other people, policemen often risk their own lives. Pogony, shootings, extreme situations - this is not an invention of writers who invent detective stories, but a cruel reality.

The work of a law enforcement officer is full of stress. Not to mention the injuries or injuries that they can get. Although, in this work there is a share of romance.



This activity is more dangerous than the work of a policeman. According to American statistics, the death rate among representatives of these professions is 33 deaths per 100 thousand workers. This is a fairly high level.

Especially dangerous is the work of people who deal with high-voltage lines. They have to deal with a monstrous voltage of electric current, they also work at a high altitude, which is fraught with dangerous injuries. I will say more, work is necessary in all weather conditions: in the rain, wind and during snowfalls.



People who carry out any work at high altitude, very much at risk. This is the roofers, builders, and people who serve high-rise buildings.

Mankind is creating ever higher buildings. It is economically profitable. But doing the necessary work at high altitude is a deadly risk. People who have such professions are real heroes.


Logger This profession is now called differently: logger, feller, but different names do not change the obvious fact - this is one of 's most dangerous jobs in the world .In this work it is very easy to get injured from a fallen multitone tree. Sometimes deadly. Equally dangerous is the equipment used for logging.

In addition, this work is often carried out in very difficult conditions, in the wild, away from civilization. Therefore, loggers are working really hard guys.



The most dangerous work in the world is .We constantly hear about accidents in the mines, which sometimes take hundreds of human lives. Just imagine how hard it is to cut a rock under the ground, a heavy jackhammer, feeling that there are hundreds of meters of rock above you. The work of a miner is often carried out with a lack of air, in a cramped space, with outdated equipment.

The most dangerous are the coal mines. They often occur collapses, which are buried alive miners. But the biggest danger of working in these mines is another - it's methane. This highly explosive gas is emitted from the rocks and quite the slightest spark for explosion and fire. The temperature of such a fire is very high.

In different countries, the death rate of miners is very different. The most dangerous for work are Russia, Ukraine and China. They use obsolete equipment and often neglect safety rules to increase output.

Heroes of the subway. People by profession miner