- What is the danger of bedbugs for humans?
- Preventive measures against bugs
- How to protect yourself if bedbugs are in the neighbors?
- How to get rid of bedbugs?
Bedbugs are unpleasant, harmful parasites that drink human blood. The appearance of insects in the apartment becomes a very unpleasant moment, and it is not so easy to get them out. Than to struggle with wreckers, it is better to spend regularly prophylaxis from bedbugs. How to do this, you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑What is the danger of bedbugs for a person?
Bedbugs are among the most common insects that lead a parasitic lifestyle and feed on blood. These pests reproduce very quickly, so a person notices their presence when the number of insects is very numerous.
Important! For a day, one female bug lays about fifteen eggs.
People are often mistaken that bedbugs do not do any harm, and therefore do not consider their appearance in the house a special problem requiring immediate resolution. But why are bed bugs dangerous for a person, why is it better to conduct regular prophylaxis from bedbugs to prevent their occurrence in the house?
The danger of these insects is due to the supply of human blood. The life cycle of a bed bug is about a year. Even without being considered a source of infection, during the period of its life the insect can contain pathogens of dangerous infectious diseases in its organism.
To a person, through the bug bite, the following infections can be transmitted through the blood:
- Plague is an acute, very dangerous viral infection with severe intoxication. The virus infects the lymphatic system, the lungs, as well as other internal organs, which can lead to sepsis and death.
- Q fever is an infectious disease that affects the human circulatory system. It leads to the development of benign reticuloendotheliosis in the tissues of the body.
- Tularemia is a zoonotic infection that affects the lymph nodes and is characterized by fever, and then - full intoxication of the body.
- Hepatitis B is a very viral disease that is very resistant to chemical and physical influences. It leads to violations of the liver and the gradual extinction of human health.
Important! Infection with such viral infections is unlikely, but even bug bites themselves are harmful to the human body. Bedbugs eat at night, and therefore are able to disturb sleep and a complete rest of a person. Violation of the vital regime in turn leads to disorders of the nervous system, a positive psychological state. If there is no prevention from bedbugs and no measures are taken to destroy these parasites, over time, in some people, against a background of constant lack of sleep, scabies from bites develop a pathological state - a fear of sleep. This is especially true for young children.
to content ↑Preventive measures against bedbugs
Despite common misconceptions about unsanitary conditions in the apartment, as well as the appearance of parasites due to deposits of debris, bedbugs can live in almost everyone. Dirt does not contribute to the appearance of insects, because they fall on our living space with furniture, things, and also traveling on the wool of pets.
It's impossible to completely protect your apartment from uninvited neighbors, but prevention from bedbugs will help to minimize the chance of their appearance. In order to protect themselves, it is enough to conduct such events:
- Clean the room regularly. Although insects do not appear due to dirt, but washing floors and skirting, as well as cleaning furniture, it is possible to destroy accidentally trapped insects.
- Bedbugs hide in secluded and inaccessible places, so carefully check the slots, and if possible fill them with a sealing mortar.
- Thoroughly inspect and inspect new furniture. With the help of such examinations one can notice, if not adult individuals of bedbugs, their larvae and eggs. They are quite capable of being rendered harmless with the help of a special remedy, preventing the multiplication of parasites in your home.
- In case of moving, treat the transported furniture and the room you are entering, with the help of chemical preparations for the extermination of insects. It is desirable to do in this case the prevention of bugs, cockroaches and all other types of pests at the same time.
- As required, perform a cosmetic repair of the apartment. Glue the peeling wallpaper, close the cracks in the floors and under the windowsills.
- Try as closely as possible to remove hard-to-reach places.
Important! Remove under furniture and in the openings will help you a normal vacuum cleaner. Also, this machine can remove debris in the crevices between the floor and the baseboard.
- Try to change bed linen as often as possible and avoid long-term storage of items waiting for laundry in the laundry basket.
- If your friends have bugs, and you visited them on a visit, after returning home, be sure to re-wash things and bags.
- Old sockets change to new devices with a closing mechanism, which will ensure not only the prevention of bedbugs, but also the safety of children.
Important! If there were bedbugs in your house, you will have to change the parquet cover, even after the extermination of insects, it is almost impossible to bring out the individuals hidden under the floor.
to the contents ↑How to protect yourself if neighbors have bugs?
If you are aware of the location of bugs in a neighboring apartment, then the most effective are barrier methods of protection from insects. It is best to carry out such processing of your premises by a specialized service that deals with disinsection.
Barrier prophylaxis against bedbugs is made with the help of professional equipment - fog generators. Treatment is performed with the help of a fat capsule, inside which the active substance is located.
Important! After disinfestation, the odor from the treatment facility is quickly ventilated, but the substance continues to act for a long time.
to the contents ↑How to get rid of bedbugs?
If in spite of prevention of bedbugs, these insects have got into your apartment, you can deduce them in several ways:
- Chemical method - provides 100% destruction of bedbugs and their larvae.
- Folk methods are used for independent disposal of pests by mechanical or physical influence.
Getting rid of parasites with the help of chemistry
You can buy specialized means for fighting bugs in a household chemical shop. Such means can have different formulas and consistencies. You can use the following popular disinfectants:
- Aerosols. These substances are sprayed to places of congestion and habitat of parasites, as well as possible ways of their entry into the apartment. The indisputable advantage of aerosols is the possibility of spraying in the gap between skirting boards, doors, window sills, and also in the hood. The most popular is the aerosol can to combat bugs "Raptor".
- Solutions and liquids. Very effective is the treatment of infected surfaces with the help of a liquid that needs to be diluted in a certain proportion. What brand to give preference - determine for yourself, based on customer reviews, price category, long-term action and safety for pets, as well as members of your family.
Folk remedies for combating bugs
An effective use of folk methods can be in the case of a small number of insects and their timely detection. Use such means is possible only for local destruction of parasites.
Method 1
Bedbugs are very susceptible to high temperatures, so treat the site of insects with boiling water.
Important! Do not forget to boil all the linen and things where insects could hide. Mattresses, curtains, and sofas can be ironed or treated with hot steam.
Method 2
It is also possible to destroy pests with kerosene and turpentine. The habitats can be processed by these means either separately or by mixing them together.
We hope that our advice and recommendations will help you to protect yourself from an unpleasant neighborhood, and your dream will not be disturbed.