The most profitable and unprofitable banks in Russia in 2013

As official reporting shows, the rate of profit growth in the banking sector is gradually decreasing. For 9 months of 2013 the total profit of banks decreased by 1.88% in comparison with the same indicator of 2012.

The number of credit institutions, whose activity brings some losses, has also increased. There are more than 100 such banks on the market.

In the current selection we will demonstrate the most profitable and unprofitable Russian banks as of the end of the 3rd quarter of 2013.


  • The most profitable Russian banks
    • 5. VTB 24( profit as of 01.10.2013 - 15,936 million rubles)
    • 4. Alfa-Bank( 23,333 million rubles)
    • 3. Gazprombank( 32,021 million rubles)RUB)
    • 2. VTB( 48,322 million rubles)
    • 1. Sberbank( 286,167 million rubles)
  • The most unprofitable Russian banks
    • 5. MTS-Bank( 666 million rubles)
    • 4. National ReserveThe Bank( 737 million rubles)
    • 3. Renaissance Credit( 744 million rubles)
    • 2. Petrocommerce( 1,279 million rubles)
    • 1. MDM Bank( RUB 2,660 million)

The most profitable Russian banks

5. VTB 24( profit as of 01.10.2013 - 15,936 million rubles)

Unlike the "senior" VTB Bank, retail VTB 24 significantly reduced its profit for the year. Compared to three quarters of last year, the bank's profit decreased by 40%, and it dropped from last year's fourth place to the fifth.

4. Alfa-Bank( 23,333 million rubles.)

The profit of Russia's largest private bank for the year increased by 25%.In the last year's rating, Alfa-Bank was the fifth, and in the current one it rose by one line.

3. Gazprombank( 32,021 million rubles)

For the year the bank's profit decreased by 15% or by more than 5 billion rubles, which facilitated the transfer of Gazprombank from the second line to the third.

2. VTB( 48,322 million rubles)

In last year's rating, the bank was only on the sixth line in the rating of profitability. However, this year VTB's profit grew by 244%, which immediately made the bank one of the most reliable in 2014.

1. Sberbank( 286 167 million rubles)

The most profitable bank in the Russian market demonstrates a steady growth. Thus, in comparison with three quarters of last year, the growth was 6.27%

The most unprofitable Russian banks

5. MTS-Bank( 666 million rubles)

Despite the loss, the bank significantly improved its performance compared to last year. The value of the negative fin.the result decreased by 83%.And this gives good reason to believe that soon MTS-Bank will leave the ranks of outsiders.

4. National Reserve Bank( 737 million rubles)

The loss of the bank significantly decreased compared to the same period last year( by 66%).However, it is not yet possible to reach a positive financial result for the NRB.Perhaps, the credit organization is gradually "winding down" activities, becausemanagement is actively reducing the staff of the bank.

3. Renaissance Credit( 744 million rubles)

If the financial result of the bank is not happy, then the growth of its assets is impressive. Compared to the three quarters of last year, this indicator grew by almost 38%.Since the bank specializes in consumer lending, the losses can be explained by the addition of reserves for possible losses on loans. Additional redundancy is associated with tightening the requirements of the Central Bank.

2. Petrocommerce( 1 279 million rubles)

Last year, the bank showed a profit on the results of three quarters. However, this year, despite the losses, Petrocommerce managed to increase assets by 7% and still remains an influential player in the banking market.

1. MDM Bank( RUB 2,660 million)

The most unprofitable bank of Russia last year on October 1 showed the presence of profit. In the bank, this situation is explained by the fact that the loss arose because of the Central Bank's demands for additional reserves. Until the end of the year, the bank expects a refund from the reservation.