Rating of economic crimes in 2011

This year, fewer organizations became victims of economic crimes. In 2011, the indicator of economic crime was 37%, which is much lower than in the previous two years. This figure was obtained based on the results of a worldwide audit of the company "PriceWaterHouseCoopers".The decline in economic crime in the world is largely due to the level of their disclosure, as well as the concealment of certain crimes by the companies themselves in order to prevent loss of business reputation.

Types of economic crimes and the percentage of their spread in Russia and the world:


  • 1. The most popular crime in the economy: Illegal appropriation of assets.
  • 2. In second place: Bribery and corruption
  • 3. Closes the top three: Forgery, hiding the accounting data.
  • 4. By the line below: Cybercrime.
  • 5. Violation of competition, unfair competition.

1. The most popular crime in the economy: Illegal appropriation of assets.

The percentage indicator for this species in Russia and the world is the same, and is 72%.

2. In second place: Bribery and corruption

.In this indicator, Russia ranks 143rd in the world from 182 countries. In general, this indicator is likely to be clearly understated and if for Russia corruption accounts for 40%, then in the world this figure was 24%.

3. Closes the triple: Forgery, hiding the accounting data.

In Russia, about 23% of respondents faced this type of crime. In the world, this figure is slightly higher and is 24%.

4. By the line below: Cybercrime.

Their indicator is equal to the data on the forgery of accounting, from the most advanced departments in the field of cybercrime are noted: Information Division, Production Department, Sales and Marketing Department.

5. Violation of competition, unfair competition.

In Russia, they account for 17%, in the world only 7%.

Also included in the rating of the most frequent economic crimes of 2011,

Violation of intellectual property rights,

Operations with securities based on insider information,

Spy, money laundering, etc. .