Country rating on living standards - 2015

The standard of living of the population is determined primarily by the country's economic potential. One of the most important indicators of the quality of life is the level of income, life expectancy and living conditions.

The article presents the rating of countries in terms of living standards - 2015.


Finland GDP 38 837 dollars

Finland is one of the most economically developed countries in the world with a high level of quality of life. The country's economy is based on the production of iron, steel, electronic equipment, household appliances, shipbuilding, food and light industry. At the same time, the unemployment rate here is one of the highest and is about 8%.GDP per capita here is 38837.11 dollars. In Finland, about 5.5 million people live, and the average life expectancy is just over 80 years.


Japan GDP 37 595 dollars

Japan is one of the richest countries with high standards of living. It has the most developed economy in the world, which thrives due to the development of high technology, engineering, shipbuilding and machine-tool construction. The population of Japan is about 127 million people. The GDP per person is estimated at US $ 37595.18.It is a country with a high level of employment and decent pay. The number of unemployed citizens does not exceed 3.5.The average life expectancy is 83 years, which is the highest in the world.


The Netherlands GDP $ 40,973

The Netherlands is a small country with a population of approximately 17 million people, which is among the top ten countries in the world with a high standard of living. The country has a well-developed economy: agriculture, metallurgical industry, petrochemical industry, machine building, food and light industry are well developed here. Here the lowest rates of unemployment and inflation. In addition, the Netherlands has a high wage rate. GDP per capita is $ 40,973.On average, the Dutch live 80 years.


Iceland GDP 59,692 dollars

Iceland - "land of ice" was recognized by the UN as the best state for living in the world e. It is an industrialized country in which the main source of income is fishing and seafood processing. Iceland is also the largest electricity producer in the world. The population is 321 857 people, and per capita GDP is 59692.87 US dollars. The average age of Icelanders is 82, 4 years, which is one of the highest results in the world.


US GDP 52 310 dollars

USA is one of the most powerful nuclear powers that holds a strong economic position in the world market. The state possesses the richest natural and energy resources and is the leader in the export of goods. In the US, the automobile industry, the oil industry, and also the steel industry are well developed. With a population of 317 million people, GDP per person is 52,310 dollars. The unemployment rate in the United States is about 6%, and the income of working citizens is estimated as high. The average duration of citizens here is 70 years. Despite the huge debts of the United States is the richest country with a high standard of living.


Australia GDP 67,722 dollars

Australia is a state with a high level of quality of life, in which high wages and the lowest unemployment rates do not exceed 6%.It is a country with a stably developed economy, which ranks 12th in the world rating of developed economies. GDP per capita is approximately $ 67,722.She is a leader in health and education in the world. The population is 21 million people. It is the richest country in deposits of valuable minerals, among which are iron ore, gold, uranium, zinc, nickel and others. In the world ranking, Australia takes the tenth line on "ease of doing business."The average life expectancy here is 82 years.


Belgium GDP 32 000 dollars

Belgium is one of the most populous countries in the world in terms of density, which numbers about 11 million people. The state is the world leader in the textile and metallurgical industries, and also holds one of the first places for the sale of diamonds. GDP per capita is about 32,000 US dollars. There is a high standard of living with a good salary, decent living conditions and high employment. The average life expectancy of citizens is 79 years.


Canada GDP $ 38,293

Canada is the largest state located in North America. The country has the highest standards of living standards in the world. Canada also has the highest level of employment and well-paid work. In addition, here are some of the lowest prices for housing in the world - about 75% of citizens have their own private homes. The population is 35 million people, and GDP per capita is 38,293.28 dollars. The average life expectancy of citizens is 78 years. Canada is a state with a stable developed economy, in which the automobile, mining and metallurgical industries thrive. Tourism is also very important for the Canadian economy. This is one of the richest, trading countries in the world. The country is the world's largest supplier of agricultural products.


Switzerland GDP 46 420 dollars

Switzerland is a country that is geographically located in Western Europe. This is one of the most developed economic states with a thriving tourism and chemical industry. With a population of 7.8 million people, GDP per capita is $ 46,420.About 40% of all investors' savings are kept in Swiss banks. Political and economic stability is observed in Switzerland. The unemployment rate here does not exceed 2%.The average life expectancy of residents is 82 years. About 90% of the country's population has a higher education.


Norway GDP 56,900 dollars

Norway - the state located in the western part of the Scandinavian peninsula of the northern part of Europe tops the rating of countries for a high standard of living. This is one of the largest producers of oil and gas, which ensures a successful economy of the country. In addition to the oil and gas industry, the fishing industry is highly developed here, which also contributes to GDP.Norway is the leader in the supply of fish products to the world market. In 2015, GDP per capita was about 56,900 US dollars with a population of 5 million people. Also, there is a high income of citizens and low prices for utilities. The average life expectancy here is 70 years.