Top 10 Best gadgets for Windows 8

Windows 8, like any other product of the company, has a large number of devotees. Indeed, the latest Microsoft OS has many advantages, especially, in comparison with its predecessors. At the same time, this system has drawbacks, among which the most notable is the lack of gadgets on the desktop. As representatives of the company explained, it was decided not to install gadgets because of possible problems with security. It would seem that the flaw is not very significant, however, too many users are already accustomed to quickly obtaining the required information from the desktop. The solution to the problem did not take long, there appeared a lot of various programs that return support for gadgets( for example - 8GadgetPack), and today we present the top 10 best gadgets for Windows 8 .


Virus Blue

Virus Blue is a set of 6 stylish and necessary gadgets installed on the desktop. The set includes: weather gadget;work memory gadget;digital clock;a Wi-Fi gadget;Gadget that displays the level of CPU usage;Gadget that displays information about disks.


Simple system Date

Simple system Date is a handy multifunctional gadget that displays the date, weather, time, calendar on the desktop. In the Simple system Date, there are also buttons that allow you to easily configure the required parameters. For example, you can use it to set reminders, turn off the system, put the system into sleep mode. This gadget has a lot of settings for the appearance, so that users can change its appearance at will.



ProWeather - specially developed for Windows 8 program is one of the most informative weather gadgets. Directly on the desktop, ProWeather will provide the user with detailed information about temperature, precipitation, and the level of cloudiness both during the day and at night. The gadget provides reliable information for a few days in advance.


Accu Weather Mini The

Accu Weather Mini is another weather gadget that displays fairly detailed weather information in almost all corners of the world for the next 5 days. Weather data is taken from


Intel Core Serie

IntelCoreSerie is a program that will help all users to monitor the basic parameters of computer performance from the desktop. The gadget displays the number of processor cores, the current workload, and the operating temperature of the processor - all available in standard mode. If necessary, you can additionally configure the operation of the gadget in accordance with the large number of proposed settings. Also IntelCoreSerie has great opportunities for changing the color gamut of gadgets and visual design.


Trash Dump

Trash Dump is the most unusual and fun gadget in the top 10 of the best gadgets for Windows 8. This gadget changes the standard basket to the original one - for this, the collection contains 49 types of empty and filled baskets. In addition to changing the appearance, the basket becomes much more functional - the settings of the program allow you to determine the amount of free space, and a special indicator will help to track the level of filling. In addition to Trash Dump installed a calendar, and a large number of radio stations.


Rockstar extras

Rockstar extras is a collection of programs that show the basic parameters of a computer. The kit includes four different gadgets: CPU downloads, the volume and degree of completion of the HDD subsections, the CPU temperature control gadget, and the gadget displaying the temperature of the video card.


Nvidia GPU Temp

Nvidia GPU Temp - a gadget designed specifically to display all the important parameters of video cards NVIDIA, at the top of the program displays the type of video card, below - the temperature. The user selects the temperature of the video card by himself-it can be shown in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. It is also possible to adjust the bit width of the used bus, and 5 different color variants of the program design.


Poison /Toxic/ H20

Poison /Toxic/ H20 is one of the best. This gadget brings together three different sets of programs designed for installation on the desktop, blue, red and green. Each set contains several gadgets: network traffic and hours;the main processes running on the computer - battery charge, memory and processor load;state of disks;the state of Wi-Fi and the Internet.


Control System

Control System is a software gadget that makes it much easier to monitor system health from the desktop. The gadget is favorably favored by the convenient arrangement of control buttons, a large number of color options, and various additional functions.

Using gadgets for Windows 8, you can return to the desktop most of the usual, according to earlier versions of this OS, elements. Also, gadgets help to facilitate access to many necessary functions. We hope that the gadgets presented today will help you make work at the computer more convenient and simple.