The best varieties of carrots for winter storage

Varieties of carrots - a great variety. Early ripening, giving the first juicy harvest even after a month and a half after planting, sweet, with high sugar content, long-fruit and with a short root crop - everyone can choose any option to their taste. For those who want to stock up this useful vegetable in the fall and eat it all winter until the next harvest, we picked the best carrot varieties for winter storage .


Autumn Queen

Carrots " Queen of autumn " is rightfully one of the best varieties. No wonder he carries this name. Carrots have excellent taste and excellent appearance. The flesh of the root is sweet and juicy."The Queen of Autumn" is a grade of late maturity. This variety belongs to the universal: carrots have an excellent taste, suitable for processing and are perfectly stored throughout the winter until the beginning of summer. One of the advantages of this variety is the preservation of the presentation and taste qualities for a long time.

Interesting fact: carrots are not only the usual orange-red and yellow colors. There are varieties of carrots of white and violet color.


Moscow winter A-515

To the best varieties of carrots for storage for the winter is " Moscow winter A-515 ".This variety is medium-ripening, high-yielding and with a long shelf life. Carrot and flesh color is bright orange. The variety is famous for its wonderful taste. It is used for fresh consumption, for processing and long-term storage without loss of presentation.

Interesting fact: homeland carrots consider Afghanistan. Here for the first time it began to grow about 4-5 thousand years ago.



" Bangor " is an early-ripening variety of carrots, perfect for storing for the winter. Early ripening varieties of carrots are usually not very good, but "Bangor" perfectly retains its excellent taste and presentation for a long time.
Carrots of the "Bangor" variety are suitable for fresh, canning, quenching. With proper storage, it does not lose its excellent taste and presentation quality throughout the whole winter.
Interesting fact: as scientists suggest, the color of the first carrot, grown millennia ago, was white-violet, yellow and red.


Nanteska 4

Among the best varieties of carrots for winter storage, it is necessary to note the variety " Nantes 4 ".It is in some ways a classic and the most popular carrot in our country. Its excellent yield and excellent taste qualities have long become a model for other early and medium-sized varieties.
The taste qualities of this carrot are excellent, and not inferior to late-ripening varieties. Great for children and diet due to the large number of vitamins. It is stored until the middle of winter. The only drawback of this variety is that beautiful smooth root crops are formed only on light soils.

Interesting fact: at first the carrots were grown not for consumption, but for the sake of seeds and leaves. Seeds were used for medical purposes, and the leaves were appreciated for their pleasant aroma.



Variety of carrots " Viking " is great for storage for the winter. Carrots belong to the medium-ripening variety and have a high content of carotene. This variety has excellent taste qualities: the root pulp is juicy and tender."Viking" is well kept and keeps a presentation until the spring.

Interesting fact: is a sort of orange carrots we owe the Dutch Royal Oransko-Nassau dynasty.


Losinoostrovskaya 13

Variety of carrots " Losinoostrovskaya 13 " - a good choice for storage for the winter. This is a medium-ripe variety with good yield. Full ripening of the vegetable occurs in 100-120 days.
The variety has excellent taste qualities: carrot pulp is tender and juicy. The root of the root can be round or faceted. The color, like that of the pulp, is orange.
This variety is distinguished by good resistance to disease, rot and stalking. One of the advantages of "Losinoostrovskaya 13" is the increased content of carrots in root crops. The variety is excellent for storing for the winter, and the amount of carotene with time increases by one and a half times.

An interesting fact: is a positive effect of carrots on vision - a myth. During the Second World War, the use of radar by British artillerymen was concealed, and their surprising accuracy was explained by the use of a large amount of carrots, which allegedly improved vision several times.


Shantane 2461

The medium-ripening variety of carrots " Shantane 2461 ", like the "Nantes", is considered a classic. It is very well preserved in the winter months due to increased resistance to diseases and rot. Carrots of this variety have good taste qualities. The pulp is fragrant, sweet and dense. Sweetness is an indicator of the presence of high content of sugar and carotene in carrots. The root of the root is large, in color, different from the pulp and to taste more coarse.
Productivity is high, good resistance to disease. The merits of this variety include homogeneity of root crops and the ability to grow carrots on heavy soils.


Red giant

The best varieties of carrots for storage in the winter months are " Red giant ".This is a late-ripening variety. The name is not accidental - the roots are ripening and poured until late autumn, growing to 20-25 cm in length. The taste is pleasant, sweet. Interestingly, light sweetness is preserved when cooking carrots. The variety is high-yielding, perfectly preserves its taste and good appearance until the spring.

Interesting fact: carrots can be successfully used as a toothbrush - it cleans teeth well and massages the gums.



The mid-late carrot variety " Unmatched " is well suited for winter storage. Ripens in 100-120 days. The pulp is juicy, sweet. The core is small. The variety has good yield, is resistant to drought and is perfectly stored until spring.

Interesting fact: fruits and roots of wild and cultivated carrots are used as spices.



Flaccoro is a late carrot variety, perfectly suitable for storage in the winter months. Matures for 120-130 days. Root length 20-24 cm, weight - 130-200 grams. Carrots are conical with a sharp tip. The surface is flat, orange. The taste qualities of the brand are excellent. The core is round, juicy.
The variety is characterized by high yields, excellent appearance and good storage until the spring.

An interesting fact: according to the EU directive, carrots are considered both vegetables and fruits.