- How do the flowers in the glass?
- Business idea: flowers in the bank with their own hands
- Can I make flowers in the glass with my hands in a vacuum?
- Ways of preserving( stabilizing) colors
- Rose in glass with your own hands
- Florarium - mini garden behind glass
- Floral design - choice of style and filling
- Garden in a bottle
Live flowers in glass with your own hands - an original gift and an exclusive element of interior decoration, the production of which does not take much time and does not require large financial costs. A bouquet of flowers, donated for the holiday or just for that matter, will soon fade and appear in the trash can. And the flowers, stabilized in a certain way and placed in a glass vessel, will please the eye, to remind of pleasant minutes for a long time. By the way, you can not only create a composition from embalmed flowers, but also grow a mini-garden in a bank, glass or vase. How to make flowers in the glass with your own hands? We'll cover all this in this article.
to the contents ↑How do the flowers in the glass?
The tradition of keeping fresh cut flowers for many years has come to us from Thailand. They were the first to come up with a technology for creating such "long-playing" bouquets. Its secrets, how to make flowers in glass with their own hands , they try not to disclose, but the basis of this process has long been known:
- The essence of the technology is that in a freshly cut flower, moisture is released by a special solution, most often based on glycerin.
- After the plant is completely ready, it is fixed in a glass flask, from which the air is removed by a vacuum pump.
- This flower retains its original appearance for 3-5 years( sometimes longer).
Important! Such embalmed flowers seem to be fresh, they are a wonderful gift to ladies of any age for any holiday: by birthday, by March 8, by mother's day, by the anniversary of the wedding and other celebrations. Such a present will delight the eye for a long time, fit in any interior and does not require special care.
to the contents ↑Business idea: flowers in the bank with your own hands
Such compositions in vacuum can not be found on every corner, as it is impossible to create such beauty, not knowing the secret of manufacture. Therefore, in the manufacture of such a decor, you can even build your own small business.
The easiest way to create an online store of vacuum flowers, through which people can give each other unfading roses or orchids.
If you briefly state the essence, then your actions will look like this:
- You need to find a supplier and, having agreed with him all the conditions( price, discounts, delivery time and other details), conclude a contract by properly completing the necessary legal documents.
- For successful start, you will need advertising in social networks and the media. A similar product is quite successful. Holidays in people happen often, at any time of the year.
Important! Such flowers in the flask - the product is long lasting, although quite fragile, which must be taken into account during transportation.
But this gift has a lot of pluses.
Advantages of the gift in the flask:
- The flower is no different from fresh, but it does not need watering, fertilizing, transplanting.
- A wide variety of types and colors for all tastes. Although the greatest demand, of course, enjoy the roses.
- Thanks to the fact that the flowers are in a sealed glass vessel, such a gift can be presented even to the largest allergy sufferers.
- You can offer a wide range of colors in a vacuum - from simple and inexpensive to exclusive and expensive.
Important! Care for similar colors is very simple. Having received such a gift, you should protect it from direct sunlight, high humidity, do not drop on the floor and wipe the dust from the glass from time to time.
to the contents ↑Can I make flowers in the glass with my hands in a vacuum?
Theoretically, this is possible, but only on the condition that you have a vacuum pump and glass containers that are hermetically sealed. The process of embalming flowers in a solution of glycerin is not particularly complicated, most importantly - the plants themselves must be freshly cut and without damage.
Can I make a flower arrangement in a glass vessel without a vacuum pump? It is possible, but the appearance and creation technologies will be slightly different.
to the contents ↑Ways of preserving( stabilizing) colors
How to make flowers in glass with your own hands? Step by step following the instructions described below, you can easily implement an interesting idea. To do this, you can use several methods.
Method number 1
The easiest way to stabilize flowers in the bank by yourself - use hair spray.
- Take a flower, such as a rose, on a low stem.
- Remove excess leaves and place in a jar, where a mango, rice or silica gel, which will remove excess moisture from the plant.
- Leave the flower in a container for a week.
- When the flower has dried, densely spray it with a transparent hair spray, hang it over the end of the stem and allow it to dry thoroughly.
Important! You can immediately treat the rose with varnish and hang it, but then it will become very brittle and fragile.
- If the flower is dried by this technology, then in the vase without damage it will not last long. Therefore, it is best to fix it( them) on the bottom of a beautiful high glass vessel( flasks, cans or similar containers) and cover with a lid so that the dust does not fall on the petals.
Method №2
You can stabilize flowers with wax. So you can save absolutely any flowers.
- Wax must be melt in a water bath.
- Take a clean and dry flower with tweezers, dip into this hot liquid until the wax covers the entire surface.
- After this, the plant should be placed for cooling in cold water.
- These flowers are more durable, so they can also be put in a vase, only periodically gently dry a rag or swirl dust.
Important! An attractive look of flowers, preserved in this way, will please you for several years. But we must not forget that wax compositions are afraid of direct sunlight and high temperatures.
Method number 3
You can embalm the flowers with glycerine. This is the most reliable way, while the flowers have the most natural appearance, plus they acquire gloss, elasticity and flexibility.
Important! This way you can save different flowers, but best of all those that have a thick "fleshy" stem and a lush bud. The most common are roses and orchids, but chrysanthemums, hydrangeas, chamomiles, dahlias and gerberas are popular.
Agree, rose in the glass with your own hands - a luxurious and unusual gift. The essence of this method is that the solution with glycerin should remove all the moisture from the viscera and replace it.
- Prepare a simple solution by mixing boiling water with glycerin in a ratio of 3: 1( in some recipes there is warm water + glycerin in a 2: 1 ratio).Mix everything and cool to room temperature.
- Prepare the vessel in advance. It must be washed and dried, removed from inside all specks and fingerprints.
- To plants that are in your composition, shorten the stems to the desired length with an oblique cut. Also, the stems must be cleaved for better penetration of the solution into the flower.
- Remove excess and spoiled leaves.
- Now all the elements are placed in a vessel and filled with a solution.
Important! Plants will first float, so you will need tweezers to correct them. The solution must cover completely all the flowers.
- Close the jar tightly, take it to a shaded cool place. If necessary, pour in the liquid.
Important! Above the beautiful arrangement of flowers do not work hard, because the process will have to be repeated.
- After 2-3 weeks your solution will become cloudy, so it will have to be drained and the flowers washed.
Important! Flowers can have a slightly unpleasant smell - this is normal for this process.
- Now you make the same solution and fill it with your composition again, to the very top.
- Tweezers give the flower a beautiful shape, now this is the final version.
- Seal with a beautiful lid, add a decorative tag or satin bow.
Your flowers in the glass are ready! In this version, your bouquet floats in a clear glycerin solution. Although embalmed in this way, flowers can be stored without a solution.
to the contents ↑Rose in the glass with your own hands
An interesting solution is to hang the rose upside down in the jar. How to do it? How to attach flowers to the bank with your own hands ?
- The dried or embalmed rose should be cut to the desired length and the thread attached to the tip of the stem.
- Prepare a beautiful jar, wash it and dry it well.
- Lower the tip of the thread into the lid, fix it with a drop of glue( it will be more convenient to use an adhesive gun).
Important! The total length of the flower and the thread should be slightly less than the height of the can, so that when you turn the lid on, the rosebud does not get to the bottom of the can.
- Can be pre-rose and not treated. Just hang a living flower - he will dry himself in a jar, just cut off the leaves from the stem, they will then croak and fall off.
Important! Similarly, you can place in beautiful jars and beautiful herbs, for example, lavender. Since the grass is light, it will remain straight after drying.
Stems of a bundle of lavender bind at the bottom of an inconspicuous thread and can fasten the thermo-pistol to the lid standing, without hanging the thread. Simply lower the legs of the grass into a large drop of silicone glue.
How do the flowers in the glass, we told you. But not all people like non-living plants. There are ways to put for glass and living flora.
to the contents ↑Florarium - mini garden behind the glass
To admire the flowers placed in a glass vessel, it is not necessary to embalm or dry them. You can make a florarium. A competently created similar decor can become a "work of art", the central composition of the room. Live flowers in the glass with their own hands make it very easy.
Important! Such mini-gardens began to be created in the eighteenth century. One English scientist, Nathaniel Ward, placed the plants in a confined space and discovered that they continued to feel great. That is, for them, as it turned out, these are the optimal conditions. Then in the rich houses began to create greenhouses with tropical plants.
In our time, most people have no time to look after plants in numerous pots, but at least one green island, pleasing to the eye at any time of the year, should be. Such an oasis and can become a florarium.
Choose materials for the work of
To create this wonderful corner of nature, you need to pick up a glass vessel. The following requirements are put forward to it:
- glass should be white and transparent;
- the container should have a slightly narrowed neck or lid( to create a special microclimate);
- its volume should correspond to those plants that you are going to plant.
Important! It can be anything: a bottle, a can, a vase, a flask, an aquarium or even a large glass.
Choose the right plants in the flower shop. Three or four pieces will be enough. Main conditions:
- They should be similar in terms of growing conditions( from one natural zone).You can create a piece of desert, mountain terrain, tropics or forest.
- Plants should be small in size with a slow growth rate, otherwise - you will often have to update your florarium.
Important! The most unpretentious in care are cacti and succulents.
Choosing tools
- You will need drainage( for example, expanded clay), since there are no holes at the bottom of the vessel for draining excess water:
- Buy a sachet of land that is designed specifically for your plants.
- Some wood or activated charcoal will also be needed to disinfect the soil from mold and fungus.
- Also consider what you will decorate your florarium. It can be colored sand, beautiful sea pebbles and shells, small figures and so on.
- For planting the plants, prepare the tool.
Important! For a small mini-garden, you can do with an ordinary spoon and a small watering can with a narrow nose.
Planting plants:
- To begin with, you will need to wash and dry the glass container.
- At the bottom, lay a layer of drainage, and then a layer of coal( wood or tablets).
- After pour the soil.
Important! In the flower shop you will be prompted which soil will be most suitable for your plants. Pour the soil in the light of the fact that it will settle in watering and its thickness will decrease by one third.
- Make a small groove in the ground, remove the flower from the pot, trying not to tear off the roots.
Important! If the roots are too long, they can be shortened.
- Put the flower in the hole, sprinkle the roots of the earth and tamp.
Important! Start landing from the largest, and at the end, plant the smallest.
- If your plants do not belong to the same natural zone and the soil needs them differently, leave them in their pots, which simply immerse them in a common soil and sprinkle them with decorative pebbles.
Important! Try to arrange flowers so that their leaves do not touch the glass, otherwise - condensation will collect.
- If your florarium will just stand on the window, then plant the plants you can at your discretion. But if on the idea he will be located at the wall, then plant distant flowers on a small elevation, preferably the highest, then they will have enough lighting.
- When all the plants have taken their positions, pour them in, and you can start decorating.
Important! For desert species, colored sand is suitable, and for others - pebbles and the like.
- When all is finished, there will probably be clay and sand on the walls of the vessel. Dirt can be washed off gently from a small spray. But do not overdo it with the amount of water.
After finishing the cleaning, you can admire the planted flowers in the glass with their own hands.
Care for plants
It's easy to care for a florarium:
- You need to find a suitable place for it, where plants will receive the right amount of sunlight. Water as the soil dries up.
Important! For cacti it will be enough to water once a week, in winter - and even less often.
- If your mini-garden is very tiny, it will be convenient to water plants with a spoon or a syringe if you do not have a small watering can with a narrow nose.
- As plants grow, when they no longer fit in a vessel or close the light to "neighbors", they need to be replaced with new ones. If you pick up slow growing species, then it will rarely be necessary.
Florarium design - a choice of design and filling style
Based on the design of your floraarium behind the glass, there will be a different set of plants. Here are some useful recommendations on this topic.
Mini Desert
To create an mini desert you will need cacti and succulents. These can be: echinocactus, echinocereus, echinopsis, ferocactus, mammilia, lobivia and others:
- These plants need loose soil mixed with sand.
- They perfectly tolerate heat, drought, low temperature, but they need direct sunlight.
- Under favorable conditions, they can even blossom.
- Neighbors with cacti may be young( "stone rose").It is an unpretentious plant with a beautiful rosette.
- The original addition of the composition can be a "living stone"( lithops and conophytum) - a curious plant that simulates pebbles that grows up to 5 cm.
Important! For such florariums also suitable are aloe, spurge, and varieties of fat.
You can make a mini-forest in a glass container, but:
- The soil must be deciduous, containing peat and coarse sand.
- For such a garden you must provide high humidity( up to 85%).
- The place for it should be chosen away from direct sunlight.
- You should remember to water your garden as the soil dries up and remove the dead leaves in time.
Important! Suitable plants - moss, ferns, forest cacti( zigokaktus, ripsalidopsis, epiphyllum and others).
To create the mini-tropics, you can use such plants as: orchid, alocasia, different kinds of bromeliads. Here it is necessary to consider the following:
- For such plants you need bright, but not direct sunlight, high humidity and good drainage.
- They require spraying, especially in the summer.
- Avoid overmoistening of the root part.
Important! Watering of such plants should be made in the center of the outlet.
To recreate parts of the mountains will need climbing plants, for example, different kinds of ivy. You can add Tradescantia and any succulents. When creating, consider the following features:
- Such plants are rapidly developing, so they need a large capacity, maybe even an aquarium.
- In summer, protect your mountain florarium from the sun, and in winter - on the contrary, rearrange it to a bright sun.
- Watering - abundant in summer( also need to spray plants), moderate in winter.
- In the aquarium you can make an imitation of mountains, with hills and large angular stones.
Important! Do not forget to remove dry leaves and fertilize the soil, and as the plants grow, they will have to be changed to smaller ones( every 2-3 years).
to the contents ↑Garden in a bottle
This is one of the most difficult florariums to perform. This requires patience, agility and special tools.
- In a clean and dry large bottle of white clear glass, pour out the drainage, charcoal, and then a layer of suitable soil.
Important! Do it comfortably with a pound of paper( narrow funnel).End the stick with a piece of cotton wool and fasten it with threads.
- Made by the device a little bit soil. You can make an elevation from the earth under one wall.
- For planting plants, use a small teaspoon, tied to a stick.
Important! Suitable for the garden plants: small-leaved varieties of ivy, ayr, saxifrage, cryptanthus, neantha, pileya, selaginella and fittonia.
- 3-6 plants are required for planting. Use at least one tree-like tree and one creeping plant to make the florarium look attractive.
- For irrigation use a watering can with a narrow spout or a large syringe. Water a thin trickle, pour a little water.
- The garden in the bottle is closed with a cork to create the necessary microclimate and to maintain humidity, but periodically the plug is opened for ventilation, especially if the glass is fogged.
Live flowers in glass with their own hands - not a myth or a fairy tale. Such an element of decor can really be done by yourself, and the process is quite simple, and how much it is interesting - you are already sure. And what to do with a similar product afterwards is your business. Perhaps by making a gift to someone, you just can not say goodbye to your creation and leave it at home. And maybe you will like this process so much that you really build a business on it. The idea is really interesting. Therefore, it is worth trying to make any kind of flower under the glass. Choose the appropriate option from this article and try to create beauty with your own hands.