The best means of bugs in the apartment

Bedbugs in an apartment are a lot of discomfort and a huge risk of developing diseases in residents. For this reason, when identifying these parasites, measures must immediately be taken to destroy them. To combat bugs used insecticides that contain chlorine and other harmful substances. However the best means against bugs in apartment cause the minimal harm to an organism of the person, thus quickly relieving of parasites.



Get. This is one of the best means of bugs in the apartment is characterized by the absence of a pungent odor inherent in almost all insecticides. This microencapsulated agent is retained on the applied surface due to the fact that it is lighter than the water in which it is diluted. That's why its particles do not spread through the air and do not create a terrible smell in the apartment. Bedbugs are already destroyed after the first application, because the effect of one spraying lasts several weeks. However, the market is filled with counterfeits of this tool, so it's better to buy it from the manufacturer or from branded vendors.


Medilis Ziper

Medilis Zieper. The drug is intended for use in agricultural enterprises. It is potent, and qualitatively destroys insects, as well as bed parasites. But for the most part the preparation is intended for spraying in open areas, so that the use of this drug in the apartment from bugs will be difficult. After use, you must carefully clean the room, wipe off all surfaces and thoroughly ventilate the air. If safety is not observed, toxic poisoning with subsequent complications is possible. During application it is better to protect yourself from getting the product on the skin and respiratory tract.



Fufanon. This is a universal remedy for parasitic insects in living areas, developed in chemical laboratories in the Netherlands. The drug can be purchased both in liquid, in the form of 10% solution, and in a diluted 1 to 1 ampoule form. The composition is potent, so it must be diluted every 5 ml in 2 liters of water.50 milliliters of this dilution is sufficient to apply per square meter in your apartment. During the application, it is necessary to take all protective measures, put rubber gloves on your hands and protect your eyes with tight fitting glasses. During application and for several hours afterwards, no one should be allowed in. After a few hours, all surfaces in the room must be thoroughly wiped.


Pencil Masha

Pencil Mashenka. Crayons in the form of insecticide pencils since Soviet times have proved that they are the best means of bugs in the apartment. Since then, the composition of these funds has undergone many changes. Now they are even more effective on parasites, and less harm to the human body. In the Meshenka chalice there is cypermethrin, which today is considered the most effective poison for bedbugs. Such pencils are very easy to use. They need to delineate the surfaces in the room, and bedbugs will die within one or two days. Traces from the crayons can very easily be wiped off with an ordinary damp cloth, which is then recommended for disposal.



Carbofos. Another classic, the best remedy for bedbugs in the apartment is a solution of Carbophos. There are no known parasites or insects that could resist this substance. In terms of efficiency and speed, this tool is much inferior to the novelties available on the market, it is much better in reliability. Basically, Carbofos is used in rural areas, and small doses are enough to handle the premises. So, a ready-made preparation for 400 rubles is enough to apply to all possible places in the apartment. Ideally, leave the solution on the surfaces you need for a whole day, but if time is short, it's enough for five hours. After you need to spend in the apartment wet cleaning.


Battalion Commander

Commander. Most likely by popularity this means there is no equal. It is used to destroy virtually all types of insects in a city apartment. It is quite expensive, but with high efficiency, the remedy for bedbugs in the Combat apartment is very simple to use, and it does not harm the human body. Manufacturers have added some flavors to the composition, so that a pungent odor during spraying will not make itself felt. But, as already mentioned, the minus of the means is its high cost.



Klopomor. This is a powerful domestic poison for parasites, and a guaranteed remedy for bedbugs in the apartment. Only one package of substance is enough to destroy all pests and parasites in a two-room city housing. Most of the known insecticidal substances are part of it. However, because of this, the drug is considered harmful to human health. Use it is recommended only in an empty housing with the use of all protective measures for the spraying person. A pair of hours is enough for the drug to destroy all of its targets. After this, you need to clean the apartment thoroughly from the remnants of the remedy and thoroughly ventilate the air.



Ecokiller. This powdered preparation is the complete opposite of Klopomor in respect of harm to humans. It is suitable for use in apartments where there is a child or tenants with an individual intolerance to chemical agents. An excellent remedy for bedbugs in an apartment affects them through minerals. The dilute salt minerals of the ditomite settle on the scales of parasites and, over time, dehydrate their body. Thus they perish. For this reason, the agent is effective even against those parasites that are resistant to toxic treatment.



Executioner. This is the best remedy for bugs in the apartment, developed by German specialists. The basis of the drug is a toxic substance that has a nerve agent on the parasites. This substance is called fenthion. For a person in those dosages in which it is contained in the preparation, fenthion is harmless, as it is quickly neutralized by special enzymes in the human body. To poison them they need a very large amount of substance. Therefore, it is safe to use. One package of the product should be diluted in half a liter of water and quietly sprayed throughout the apartment with any spraying device.


Empire 20

Empire 20. The best this remedy for bed bugs in the apartment is because it proved its absolute harmlessness and guaranteed destruction of bedbugs. Due to these properties it is recommended for use in the processing of children's institutions. The drug is produced in Spain and has the form of a 100 ml bottle. Dilute one liter of water to 30 ml of the substance. Kills all available parasites in the apartment during the day and does not require additional treatment. Do wet cleaning after this is not necessary, enough daily ventilation.