How to poison cockroaches with boric acid?

  • Chemical and physical properties
  • Danger level
  • What is the effectiveness of boric acid?
  • Where and for how much to purchase the powder?
  • Ways of using

Nowadays there are a lot of folk methods for fighting cockroaches, but boric acid remains the most effective and widespread destroyer of these insects. From this review you will learn how to poison cockroaches with boric acid, all the properties of this remedy, its pros and cons, ways of applying and caution.

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Chemical and physical properties of

Before using the product against boracic cockroaches, it is not superfluous to learn a little about the properties of the active substance and the principle of its action.

Types of poisons:

  1. Boric acid is a small white grains that melt at a temperature of 170 ° C, while gradually changing its chemical composition. Smell and taste does not.
  2. Bura is another no less effective option. The substance of borax is very common in nature, if we say succinctly, it is a salt of boric acid. This substance is no less dangerous for insects and it can also be used in solutions and home-made poisons.
  3. Boric alcohol is a 70% solution of boron powder in ethyl alcohol. Also widely used in scaring various kinds of insects. But there is a nuance - alcohol solution is much less effective than other types of this active substance, as cockroaches scare away the smell of alcohol and they are less "driven" by this poison.
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Danger level

Despite the fact that this poison is very detrimental to insects, it is not dangerous for pets and humans. Powder is even used as an antiseptic, but earlier - they fell asleep on the wounds in its pure form. Sometimes such actions led to a slightly skin reaction - allergies, but this is the only danger.

No matter how damaging the effect is on insects, it should not cause any harm to the child or animal that accidentally finds a ball or simply powdered powder. Boron acid in this case is the best option.

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What is the effectiveness of boric acid?

An agent against cockroaches with such a component is the strongest poison for insects. It does not just kill them, but leads to death.

Once the active substance has got into the blood, it penetrates into the nerve cells of the insect and is very irritating to them. If the pest has eaten a rather large amount of poison, this leads to an immediate paralysis and suffocation.

Important! To kill 1 pest, 2-4 mg of powder is enough, that is, packs of 10 grams are enough to kill thousands of individuals of this type of insect.

But in fact it is worth buying with a margin, since a considerable amount of it is wasted.

Important! Some individuals become addicted to the active substance of such a hell, but in most cases, you can achieve a good result if you poison cockroaches with boric acid.

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Where and for how much to purchase the powder?

Boric acid is not a scarce product, so you can buy it as you would in a regular pharmacy or on the Internet. The price, compared with other means of fighting cockroaches, is low.

Important! In a bag more often 10 g of a powder, for processing of the average area of ​​a premise it is required to you about 100 g means.

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Ways of using

An anti-boric acid cockroach remedy should be useful in controlling insects. Therefore, it is worthwhile to place the bait so that it attracts the attention of insects as much as possible, or simply fill it with places of special activity of pests - a toilet bowl, a sink, a bathroom. It is these places that are considered to be favorite for such pests, since here is the most accessible watering place.

Important! There is one method how to find out exactly where insect shelters are located. During the evening, go to the kitchen several times and turn on the lights. Cockroaches, frightened by the light radiation, will simply scatter on their "burrows."When you find out the location of their stay in your apartment, it will be much easier to poison them.

If you are radically and categorically tuned to the treatment of an apartment with such means, here are some effective recipes for different baits:

  • Crude egg yolk and 50 g of boric acid. All this thoroughly mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Sugar powder, flour, water and poisonous substance. Approximately in the same volume, take each ingredient. Again, everything is mixed and we get white gruel.
  • 200 g of acid, 60 g of starch, the same amount of sugar powder, 25 g of vanilla sugar and water mix and get a thick and sugary mixture.
  • Cooked potatoes and a boiled egg are mixed and a tablespoon of poison is added. The perfect bait is ready.

If we consider in general all means of combating cockroaches, then this acid is not the most effective of them. Gels, traps and aerosols will bring much more benefit, but they cost a lot. If there are only a couple of such annoying pests in your house, then naturally, fight people's methods. But if the situation is serious, then do not even try - here in general, we urgently need to contact the specialists of the SES service. We hope that such radical measures will not be necessary for you and the remedy for cockroaches with boric acid will give its result.