Any pet makes a difference in the measured way of life of any family. Communicating with him and playing games bring a lot of joy and pleasure not only to children, but also to adults. But to the pleasant moments, the responsibility for the animal is also added, because in order for it to be healthy, timely and appropriate care is needed.
If you have a dog - a wonderful four-legged friend, you need to know that the pet needs a weekly procedure for cleaning the ears. The content of the ears of the pet in constant purity is the prevention of such diseases and infections as otitis or ear mites. These diseases often have a chronic course and are cured with difficulty. The article is devoted to how to clean the ears of a dog at home.
Basic rules of
All dogs need cleaning of the ear shells, regardless of the breed, since sulfur and dust accumulating in the auricle can provoke an inflammatory process.
Important! Especially carefully you need to be owners of dogs with hanging long ears( setters, spaniels).Dogs of these breeds are most vulnerable to ear diseases due to lack of natural ventilation.
Therefore, as soon as a barking pet has appeared in the house, get not only a leash and a collar, but also a special tool for cleaning the ears.
What is needed for the procedure?
For successful cleaning of the auricles of an animal, purchase the following items for the home veterinary medicine cabinet:
- Hygienic sticks or sponge from cotton wool. The latter option is preferable, because with careless movement the ear can be injured.
- Sterile wet wipes that are designed to remove sulfur and dirt from the ears.
- Talcum( to absorb excess moisture).
Ear cleanser
In order to clean the dog's ears, a special lotion is used. The method of its application is simple enough:
- to dig into the auditory pass of the pet a little remedy;
- lightly massage your ear.
Strictly following the procedure for ear cleaning, you can avoid common problems and errors related to how to clean the ears of a dog at home:
- Fix the pet, trying not to scare it. All the negative emotions that the dog experiences, can affect in the future. The dog simply will not allow you to perform manipulations that have caused him so much anxiety.
- The optimal time for performing the hygienic procedure is evening, after bathing. The pet's skin is steamed, the impurities are softened with water, so the procedure is greatly simplified.
- The most convenient position in which to fix the pet for ear cleaning - lying on its side.
- Before you start manipulating, assess the degree of contamination. Prepare drops, spray or lotion in advance. If necessary, use them for their intended purpose.
- Do not forget to talk gently with a dog, iron it to avoid unnecessary anxiety. Do not forget to encourage the dog at the end of the procedure. Play with it, give a treat.
Features of the hygienic procedure:
- In large dogs, cleaning their ears using cotton swabs is quite difficult. Much more effective gauze, which is wound on the index finger. The procedure must be carried out very carefully. If the dog is in good spirits, after applying the lotion, take some time to achieve the desired effect, and then treat the ear of the pet with dry napkins.
- Especially difficult is the cleaning of the ears of some long and hard-haired breeds. For example, in schnauzers and poodles, wool accumulates directly in the ears, creating a fertile environment for pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, even the best drops and sprays do not allow to achieve a good effect. Therefore, in addition to the standard cleaning procedure, it is necessary to shear excess wool inside the auricles.
Know how to clean the ears of a dog at home, not only experienced dog owners, but also all the owners of four-legged pets are required. Dirty dog ears are not just an aesthetic problem, but also a cause of infectious diseases.