- Purification of alcohol at home - features of the process
- Living water - we clean alcohol
- Cleaning of alcohol with soda
- Cleaning with potassium permanganate
- Using black bread
- How to clean moonshine with egg whites?
- Freezing
- Classical coal cleaning
- How to evaluate the result?
- Useful advices:
Many people prefer to use home-made alcoholic beverages, since the store products do not always meet our requirements. Therefore, the issue of cleaning alcohol in the issue of winemaking is so urgent. Today we will examine several time-tested and affordable ways to achieve the ideal result, and answer the question of how to clean alcohol at home?
to the table of contents ↑Alcohol cleaning at home - features of the process
Of course, the most radical way is to re-distill. However, other methods are known that allow cleaning alcohol at home. Let us consider them in more detail.
The quality of cleaning depends on the degree of the drink - the lower the degree, the higher the quality of the beverage cleaning. Until the twentieth century distilleries produced vodka, the so-called "bread wine".But with the increase in the quantity and quality of products of alcoholic beverages, they switched to the production of wheat alcohol, and vodka was obtained by dissolving ethyl alcohol with water.
Important! In some countries, such as Poland, the United States, alcohol is diluted only with distilled water - chemically pure, but without dissolved air and tasteless. It is, in fact, dead water, it is impossible to get drunk, and aquarium fish in such water instantly perish.
The main reason for using this technology is to improve the quality and purity of vodka. It is much easier to dilute strong alcohol with good quality water than to clean the stinking water that is in moonshine.
Important! The quality of water for the cultivation of wheat alcohol is of great importance, since it is water that determines the taste of the finished product, in which 60% of water and 40% of alcohol.
In the CIS countries, ethyl alcohol is diluted only with raw water. The best for this purpose is traditionally considered spring water. Of course, ideally, it should be clean, transparent and with a high salt content, but within acceptable limits. With excessive water hardness, a ring forms on the neck of the bottle and a precipitate precipitates, and consequently - the taste of the drink deteriorates. Too hard water must be cleaned and softened by multi-stage filters.
to the contents ↑Alive water - we clean alcohol
To clean the alcohol of bad smell and harmful impurities by this technology on your own, you will need:
- Hydrometer( special device that shows the amount of alcohol in the beverage).
- Soft spring water.
Proceed as follows:
- Take the hydrometer and insert into a container with alcohol.
- Add water to the container until the hydrometer is 45 degrees.
Soda alcohol cleaning
Soda is the most affordable and familiar remedy that is present in any kitchen. The method is based on the chemical reaction of acetic acid contained in alcohol and sodium bicarbonate( soda).Because of the interaction of the components, acetic acid is neutralized, and accordingly - you manage to clear the alcohol several times at home.
For cleaning, you will need:
- Soda at a rate of 10 g per 1 liter of alcohol.
- Wadding.
- Charcoal.
- Water.
Use the components as follows:
- Dilute the soda with water, keeping the proportions 1: 1.
- Pour the resulting solution into a container with alcohol.
- Mix well the contents.
- Allow to stand for 30-40 minutes, stir again.
- Set the jar at night - choose a dark place.
- In the morning, drain the beverage, further filtering it through a layer of cotton wool and charcoal.
Manganese cleaning
With potassium permanganate, you can successfully clean the moonshine. This method is known even to those who have never been engaged in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages.
For carrying out the cleaning procedure you will need:
- Manganese at the rate of 2 g per 1 liter of the drink.
- Glass containers or any transparent container.
- Funnel.
- Wadding.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Add potassium permanganate to a container containing an alcohol-containing beverage.
- Stir well the hot drink.
- Leave to settle for 10-20 hours.
- After a certain time, you will see a deposited deposit on the bottom of the can. This is harmful impurities.
- Filter the beverage through a layer of cotton wool. Put the cotton wool on the bottom of the funnel and drain the liquid into a clean vessel.
Important! For the cleaning process to be more effective, close the jar with an alcohol-containing liquid lid and hold in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. The water temperature should not be more than 60 degrees( do not put in boiling water).This method will help you get rid of the turbidity of moonshine.
to the contents ↑Using black bread
Fusel oils are perfectly absorbed by black bread. Alcohol is not only purified by this method, but also acquires a pleasant aroma of bread. This way our ancestors used. However, it is better to use it as a "final chord" with the goal of clearing alcohol at home in an extremely high quality, after the previously listed methods.
It is very easy to use rye bread for the cleaning method:
- Put a piece of bread in a jar with alcohol.
- After a few hours, when the impurities are absorbed, pull out the pastry.
- Strain the drink through the filter to remove the bread crumbs.
How to clean moonshine with egg whites?
Many experts advise to clean the product only with egg white. This method is based on the property of the protein to collapse under the influence of alcohol. In addition, the protein perfectly absorbs various impurities. This is the way to clarify the meat broth in cooking.
Important! Instead of egg white, milk can be used, since it also folds under the influence of alcohol. For 1 liter of home-brewed, you need 200 ml of milk. Pour the milk into the alcohol-containing liquid, and after folding the milk product, filter the hot drink.
Operate in this order:
- Take a fresh raw egg( for 3 liter jar - 1 egg).
- Separate the protein from the yolk.
- Slightly dilute the protein with water and whisk.
- Pour the mixture into an alcohol-containing beverage.
- Keep container with liquid for 1-2 days in a dark place.
- Gently drain the product so that the sediment remains in the can.
- Carefully filter the drink.
Important! This method is used in the case when the strength of the drink is not lower than 50 degrees, since at lower strengths the protein will be poorly folded. Use this method after all distillation, so that the final product does not smell boiled egg.
to content ↑Freezing
An effective method of cleaning alcohol-containing beverages is freezing. This way will save moonshine from the turbid sediment and make it stronger. When freezing, fusel oils are attached to the walls of the container, and only pure alcohol remains in the vessel. To clean alcohol at home, the temperature should be very low:
- vodka freeze at -29 degrees Celsius;
- wine at -5 degrees C.
Put the bottle with a drink in the freezer. After freezing, pour a clean drink into another container, all harmful impurities will turn into ice.
Important! The bottle for the method of freezing should be strong enough that it does not burst from the liquid that expands from the frost.
to content ↑Classical coal cleaning
Activated carbon is an excellent absorbent. It absorbs unpleasant odors and absorbs harmful substances. Therefore, this method is one of the best, if you want to cleanse alcohol at home safely and with minimal effort, and time does not really matter to you.
Use activated charcoal as follows:
- Grind the product into powder.
- For cleaning, take 1 tablespoon of coal per 1 liter of product.
- Crushed coal is added to the hot drink.
- Stir thoroughly.
- Let stand a few days( 15-20).
- Drink twice a day so that the whole product is involved in the reaction.
- At the end of the time, filter the drink through a clean cloth or cotton filter.
- Repeat the process several times, changing the old coal to a new one.
Important! Activated carbon can also be used for the preparation of a simple charcoal filter:
- In the funnel, place a small layer of cotton wool, on top - gauze, and then crushed coal.
- Cover the charcoal with gauze so that it does not float during filtration.
- The alcohol-containing beverage is passed through a funnel with a filter.
As a result, you will receive a clean product, since coal will absorb all harmful substances.
to the contents ↑How to evaluate the result?
The purity of alcohol can be checked at home. To do this:
- Take a glass or a mirror and rinse thoroughly with cleaners without additives.
- Do not wipe the glass, let it dry itself, then there will be no divorce. Drop a few drops of alcohol-containing beverage onto the cleaned glass. If there are no traces left on the glass, then there are no fusel oils and impurities in the alcohol.
Important! For another check - pour the glass with distilled water. With high-quality cleaning, water will not roll down, as on greasy surfaces.
to the contents ↑Useful advices:
- Instead of activated carbon, you can use birch, which will give the best result. Coals pour and pour into a saucepan at a rate of 50 g per 1 liter of product. Pour the coals with vodka and insist for one week, then filter the drink. The cleaning process can be repeated several times, changing old coals to new ones, to improve the result.
- When cleaning, the temperature of the alcohol should be at room temperature, since the hot solution is very reluctant to part with fusel oils and harmful substances.
We hope that thanks to our information, you will find an affordable and inexpensive way to clean the hot in the home. And let the decoration of the festive table will be the best and refined drinks of your own making.