- How to get rid of the smell of cigarettes in the apartment and on clothes?
- How to get rid of the smell of cigarettes from the mouth
- How to remove the smell of cigarettes from your hands: the most effective ways of
We all know from childhood that smoking is one of the habits that adversely affects the entire body. Cigarettes "give" problems with the heart, blood vessels, worsen the work of the respiratory apparatus. In addition, an oncological factor. This action of nicotine does not end there. Along with the deterioration of health there are many other problems: the skin becomes gray and dull, the teeth turn yellow, a specific odor arises that causes dislike in other people, especially for girls and women. Let's try to figure out how to remove the smell of cigarettes from your hands, even if you are a smoker with experience.
to the contents ↑How to get rid of the smell of cigarettes in the apartment and on clothes?
Smokers and their families are constantly exposed to unpleasant odor attacks, which fills the living area or car, and impregnates all clothing. How to eliminate this smell or even smell the smell of cigarettes?
To rectify the situation you will be helped by such simple measures:
- Regularly air the premises and outer clothing, carefully conduct a wet cleaning in the apartment, once a month, wash the curtains and curtains, and also periodically ventilate carpets.
- Try sprinkling on a light bulb in the lamp with pleasant spirits. During heating, the fragrance will spread around the room.
- Indoors, you can arrange small containers of salt on which drip citrus, eucalyptus, pine oil.
- Absorbs in itself the smell of nicotine rice, placed in mishochkah around the apartment. If we hang wet towels on the apartment, they will absorb the smoke.
- During washing and rinsing, add soda and vinegar to help smell the odor. If there is no time to wash, place the clothes in a bag inside which put another open bag with coffee or dry fresh tea. These natural adsorbents will save you before going out.
- Pharmacies and perfume stores sell sprays that absorb and mask odors, saving your hair and clothing in extreme cases.
How to get rid of the smell of cigarettes from the mouth
Did you notice that people who talk to a smoker try to move away from it? The smell coming from the mouth is so unpleasant that it can spoil the impression even of the externally well-groomed person. There are several simple methods that will help you get rid of this trouble:
- Thoroughly brush your teeth, and then use special rinse aid.
- In any pharmacy, buy a spray to refresh the mouth, it will help to cope with the problem momentarily and smell the smell of cigarettes.
- Black strong tea and coffee perfectly neutralize the smell of cigarettes. If there is no possibility to drink tea or coffee, chop them in dry form.
- You will be able to refresh your breath with hard varieties of green apples and carrots, ginger.
- If you are a fan of spices, you should know that nutmeg, cumin, zira, fresh dill effectively mask the nicotine smell.
- Get in the pharmacy lollipops like "Anti-polish".These funds do not mask, interrupt the smell of cigarettes, and destroy it.
- The cardinal way for the bravest is to smell the other odious ones. Chop onion or garlic.
How to remove the smell of cigarettes from your hands: the most effective ways of
Most of all nicotine remains on the skin of the face, lips and especially on the fingers that hold the cigarette. The smokers have yellow fingers, because the nicotine trail is very hard to wash off even with detergents. What to do in this case? Let's figure out how to remove the smell of cigarettes from the hands:
- Not to be talked about, water treatments with soap still reduce the vile smell of tobacco. Therefore, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
- If it is not possible to wash your hands, wipe the skin with moist scented napkins or antibacterial gel.
- Citrus fruits have helped us many times. Wipe your hands with zest of lemon or orange.
- To get rid of the smell with damp, clean hands, remember the coffee seed, rub the seeds of zira, cumin between the palms of your hands.
- In the evenings, make a bath with the addition of glycerin and essential oils.
Simple tricks will help you disguise the smell. You can not get rid of him forever, if you continue to smoke. Think whether this harmful habit is commensurate with the price of your health and whether you need constant problems with appearance and unpleasant odor. We wish you to get rid of this dubious habit for the joy of your family and your health forever.