Top 10 most read books in Russia today

If you decide to spend an evening reading an interesting book, then the proposed list of popular literature will help you in choosing an art creation. Famous modern authors and classic writers offer the reader the most fascinating works to date.

Based on reviews of fans of fiction and demand for works in stores, a list of TOP 10 most read books today in Russia was compiled.


Jodo Moyes "Until we meet you"

Tops the list of top ten ratings of the novel by the British writer Jodo Moyes "Until we meet you" .The main characters do not yet know that their meeting will revolutionize their lives. Lou Clarke has a boyfriend, to whom she does not have real feelings. The girl loves life and her work at the bar. And it seems that nothing would foreshadow the emergence of problems that the girl will have to face in the near future.

Fate brings Lou with a guy named Will Taynor. The young man was seriously injured by a motorcycle that had knocked him down. His only goal is to find the culprit and take revenge.

But the acquaintance of Lou and Will becomes for the heroes a turning point in the life path. They had to pass the tests to find each other. The novel carries with it its eccentricity, where there is no hint of banality.


Dmitry Glukhovsky "Metro 2035"

The work of the genre of fiction Dmitry Glukhovsky Metro 2035 was a sensational novel of this year, which is a continuation of the previous parts: Metro 2033 and Metro 2034.

The nuclear war killed all life on the planet and people are forced to settle in the subway.

In the final trilogy of history, readers will learn whether humanity will be able to return to earth again, after long imprisonment under the earth. The main character is still Artem, who is so fond of book lovers. Fantastic anti-utopia rightfully occupies the ninth place among the most read books today.


Paul Hawkins "Girl on the train"

The eighth position of the ranking takes a psychological novel with elements of the detective British writer Paul Hawkins "Girl on the train" .The young woman Rachel herself destroyed her family, addicted to alcohol. She has nothing but the image of the ideal couple Jess and Jason, for the life of which she watches from the train window. But one day this picture of perfect relationships disappears. Under strange circumstances, Jess disappears.

Rachel, who used to drink the day before, tries hard to remember what happened and whether she is related to a strange disappearance. She begins to investigate a mysterious affair.

According to the data of 2015, the bestseller is included in the top 10 best-selling books in the country.


Donna Tartus "Goldfinch"

Donna Tart released the third part of the psychological prose "" prose. Art is closely intertwined with the fate of the teenager Theodore Trekker, under tragic circumstances. The boy loses his mother during the explosion in the picture gallery. Escaping from the wreckage, the main character decides to take with him a picture of the famous author Fabricius "Goldfinch".The boy does not even imagine how a work of art will affect his future destiny.

Roman has become a favorite for many readers of Russia and rightfully occupies the 7th place in the top 10 most popular books for today.


Alexandra Marinina "Execution without malicious intent"

A new detective of the Russian writer Alexandra Marinina "Execution without malicious intent" entered the top 10 most read books in Russia. Anastasia Kamenskaya along with his partner in the service of Yuri Korotkov come to the Siberian town to solve personal problems. The trip becomes for heroes the next investigation of a mysterious wave of crimes. Professionals in their own business have to find out how the killing of ecologists and the fur farm is related, which clogs the surrounding area. A fascinating story about an unusual investigation awaits the reader.


Mikhail Bulgakova "Master and Margarita"

The immortal manuscript of by Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" is one of the most widely read books in Russia today.

The classic of world literature tells of a true, devoted love and treacherous betrayal. The master of the word managed to create a book in a book where reality is intertwined with the other world and another era. The forerunner of human destinies is the dark world of evil, doing good and justice. Bulgakov managed to combine incompatible, so the novel firmly holds in the top 10-ke.


Boris Akunin "Planet Water"

"Planet Water" is a new writer's work of Boris Akunin, which consists of three works. The first story "Planet Water" will tell about the amazing adventures of Erast Fandorin, who throws himself into the search, lurking on the island, a maniac. For this reason, he has to interrupt the underwater expedition. The second part of the book "Sail lonely" narrates about the investigation by the hero of the murder. The victim is the former lover of Erast Petrovich. The final story "Where to go to us" will introduce the reader to the case of robbery. The main character is looking for tracks that will lead him to the criminals. The book was published in 2015 and is rapidly gaining popularity among today's readers.


Paulo Coelho "The Alchemist"

Paulo Coelho became popular in Russia, thanks to the philosophical creation of the "Alchemist" .The parable will tell about the shepherd Santiago, who is in search of treasures. The hero's journey ends with finding true value. The young man gets acquainted with the alchemist and comprehends the philosophical science. The purpose of life is not in material wealth, but in love and the accomplishment of good works for all mankind. The book for many years remains the most widely read in Russia.


Dan Brown "Da Vinci Code"

Dan Brown is the author of the world-famous bestseller "Da Vinci Code" .Despite the fact that the novel came out relatively long ago( 2003), it is still the most widely read novel in our country.

Professor Robert Lengdon will uncover the secret of the murder. Help in this hero cipher, which was found next to the murdered employee of the museum. The solution of the crime lies in the immortal creations of Leonardo da Vinci, and the code is the key to them.


George Orwell "1984"

The most widely read book in Russia today is the anti-Utopia of George Orwell "1984" .This is a story about a world where there is no place for true feelings. It is ruled by absurd ideology, brought to automatism. The consumer society considers the ideology of the Party to be the only correct one. But among the "dead souls" are those who do not want to put up with the established foundations. The protagonist of the novel, Winston Smith, finds an adherent in the person of Julia. A man falls in love with a girl, and together they try to take steps to change the situation. The pair is soon declassified and tortured. Smith "breaks" and renounces his ideas and beloved. The book about the totalitarian regime of government is still popular throughout the world.