Rating of electronic document management systems( SED)

An increasing number of Russian companies are accustomed to the advantages of electronic document management. Electronic document management systems allow to store and create documents in electronic form, to maintain databases of contracts and customers, to manage the archive, to plan meetings and meetings.

Today we present rating of electronic document management systems ( SED).The rating is compiled from the data of research companies International Data Corporation and TAdviser and is based on the popularity of software products on the Russian market.


  • 9. E1 EFTRAT
  • 8. Logic of SED
  • 7. OPTIMA-WorkFlow
  • 6. Docsvision
  • 4. "Case"
  • 3. "1C: Document flow"
  • 2. MicrosoftSharePoint
  • 1. IBM Notes


SED is introduced on the market since 2010.The system is available in three versions - basic, standard, and also extended. All three options contain the main blocks of functionality - Document Management, Task Management and Office Management.

9. E1 Euphrates

The EDS allows you to enter and register documents, provide coordination, translation and control of performance, optimize document flows. The system uses internal e-mail.

8. Logic of SED

The system was created by the Russian company "Business Logic" on the basis of IBM Notes / Domino and Alfresco. SED was established in 1996 and for a long time was known under the name "BOSS-Referent".

7. OPTIMA-WorkFlow

The software platform is designed to manage documents in commercial and government organizations of any scale. The manufacturer cooperates with such leading companies as Lukoil-Inform, Gazprom, DHL, Sberbank.

6. Docsvision

Universal and adaptable document management system, as well as business processes. A distinctive feature of the system is a "modest" basic functionality with the possibility of expansion, depending on the needs of the company. Thus, there is no need to pay for unnecessary modules and add-ins.


According to different estimates, this SED accounts for 6-8% of the market. The system ensures transparency in the management of the company. The basic package includes a web client, an archive of documents, as well as integration with 1C.Conducting contracts and customer base is available at an additional cost.

4. "Case"

SED from the Russian company EOS occupies not less than 6% of the market."Case" has almost all the main modules necessary for the operation of the company of any scale. Only the function of document recognition must be purchased for a fee.

3. "1C: Workflow"

This product accounts for about 15% of all implemented SED in Russian companies. The system provides maintenance of the database of contracts and clients, has a web-client, maintains the archive. In the extended version, work management is available.

2. Microsoft SharePoint

The system includes a set of applications for collaborative work, a module for searching information in documents, information systems, functionality for creating web portals, workflow management functionality, the module for creating information input forms, as well as functionality for businessanalysis.

1. IBM Notes

Previously this EDS was widely known as Lotus Notes. The system allows using a single point to provide access to business applications, social networks, e-mail, calendars, instant messages. The system allows you to create and record service notes, administrative documents, contracts, to maintain a client base.