IKEA by 299: items for the kitchen, home and storage

How to make life easier: to be able to save, but not to lose in the quality of life! It is on this principle that the IKEA mass market works, periodically offering large discounts for goods of good quality and unique properties. There are so many low-priced products here that will make your life easier - and here are some of them. Find items that will help you in your daily life for less than 299 р.

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  • 4 Knock


How often do we lament that the clock suddenly stopped or the remote control stopped working. And the point here is an ordinary battery. Now the prices for them "bite", but you can save money by buying a set from IKEA. Such an alkaline battery will not let you down, and the purchase will be economical.

IKEA by 299
PHOTO: ikea.com
Alkaline battery LR6 AA 1.5 V
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Coffee and tea are the most popular drinks in the world, after water, of course. If you believe the statistics, you probably already had a couple of cups today. If you like coffee with froth and you don't want to reach the mixer, then a compact and efficient milk frother will always help out here. It can be used to make delicious milkshakes!

Create your foamy masterpiece!
PHOTO: ikea.com
Create your foamy masterpiece!
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If your home lacks bright and unusual accents, pay attention to this bright wine-colored pillow. Its elongated shape will create special comfort during sleep. And as a decorative element, the novelty looks pretty decent. The size of the pillow is 30 × 58 cm.

Polyester filler for optimal comfort, machine washablePHOTO: ikea.com
Polyester filler for optimal comfort, machine washable
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A convenient drawer with compartments will allow you to sort things easily and not look for them in the corners of the drawer. One compartment holds socks and T-shirts, while the other holds sportswear or folded sweaters. These padded boxes allow for convenient storage and efficient use of space.

May be completed with other novelties of the STUK seriesPHOTO: ikea.com
May be completed with other novelties of the STUK series
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A very comfortable double-sided sponge that does not fall apart after the first use. In fact, you get two sponges in one. Use the soft side to wash dishes, and the rough side to remove stubborn stains that require intensive cleaning.

Hold on, dirt - you won't be long!PHOTO: ikea.com
Hold on, dirt - you won't be long!
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