In some countries, the name Thomas became a household name at the mention vacuum cleaners. And there is a simple explanation for this - the company has formed its image over the years due to the quality and reliability of its equipment. In this article we will talk about Thomas washing vacuum cleaners, understand their characteristics and find out what users think about specific models.
Read in the article
1 Briefly about the manufacturer
2 Functionality of washing vacuum cleaners "Thomas"
2.1 Aquafilter
2.2 Garbage bag
2.3 Drybox
2.4 AquaBox
2.5 Washing system of vacuum cleaners "Thomas"
3 A little about the characteristics
4 The best models of Thomas washing vacuum cleaners
4.1 Thomas aqua pet & family
4.2 Thomas drybox amfibia
4.3 Thomas TWIN T1 Aquafilter
4.4 Thomas Bravo 20S Aquafilter
4.5 Thomas TWIN Tiger
4.6 Thomas Wave XT Aqua-Box
Briefly about the manufacturer
Thomas is one of those rare companies whose entire production is concentrated where it was founded. And over the years, its quality only grows. It was founded back in 1900 by Robert Thomas, an engineer from Germany. At first, a small company made tools and various electrical equipment. The first major development was a washing machine with a metal body and an electric drive. But still, the main popularity of the company was brought precisely by vacuum cleaners, especially washing ones. The uniqueness lies in the fact that Thomas really assembles his machinery in factories in Germany. Naturally, the whole process is accompanied by multi-level quality control. In this regard, the entire range of Thomas vacuum cleaners can hardly be called budgetary.
Functionality of washing vacuum cleaners "Thomas"
The company "Thomas" produces vacuum cleaners for both dry and wet cleaning. Washing models usually combine the functionality of both types. The dust collection process can be implemented in different ways. Next, we'll talk about the difference in design and assembly methods.
Does not directly affect the cleaning performance of the vacuum cleaner. Aquafilter is an analogue of a bag for collecting garbage and dust.
PHOTO: ichip.ruAn approximate scheme of work of any aquafilter
It is a system consisting of a special filter and a container with water. Dust and debris particles, passing through the aquafilter, are wetted and deposited in the container, after the completion of the work they are poured out. It is considered a very effective way of collecting dust and debris, and it also humidifies the surrounding air. In addition, the user does not need to buy and change garbage bags.
Garbage bag
The classic garbage collection method. A special removable disposable or reusable bag is used for storage. After filling, it must either be thrown away or emptied. The simplest and most affordable approach.
Own development of the company "Thomas". The system is designed to collect dry waste. In fact, it is a modernized version of the cyclone filter. The uniqueness lies in the fact that there are not one, but three compartments for collecting dust. Each is designed for a different particle size: large, small and allergens. Due to the cyclone filter technology underlying the device, it has very high power ratings.
Also Thomas' own technology. Structurally, it is a kind of hybrid of an aquafilter and a cyclone filter. During the suction process, dust and debris particles go through several stages. First, they encounter a special water barrier formed by an injector built into the system. When wet, all heavy dirt settles in the container. Then the fine dust meets the water film in the container lid, where it remains. At the last stage, all the dust that did not get wet along the way passes through the fine filter, settling on it.
Washing system of vacuum cleaners "Thomas"
Before that, we talked a little about the dust collection systems that the Thomas washing vacuum cleaners can be equipped with. Now it is worth paying attention to the very wet cleaning system. The implementations may differ slightly, but the idea is to pre-wet the processed surface with detergent or water, followed by collection of this dirt-detergent mixture in a special container. Therefore, either inside the vacuum cleaner, or on special mounts outside, two different containers are installed. One for clean water or detergent, one for dirty liquid. So the technology of the washing system itself is pretty simple.
Related article:
Which washing vacuum cleaner to choose. How to choose a washing vacuum cleaner for an apartment and a house: features and parameters, which company is better than a vacuum cleaner with aquafilter, which vacuum cleaner to choose without a dust bag, owner reviews, expert recommendations - read in publications.
A little about the characteristics
The Thomas washing vacuum cleaner is, first of all, a vacuum cleaner. Therefore, it has a number of characteristics inherent in this type of technology. Depending on the purpose of use, you need to select certain parameters. We will briefly talk about them:
power. This refers to engine power and is measured in watts. The higher the value, the more debris and dust the vacuum cleaner can collect. Thus, a more powerful device will allow more efficient and faster cleaning;
noise level. Vacuum cleaners are all noisy. This can be influenced by the power of the unit, the presence of filters and design features. You will have to choose from several evils, since the average noise level usually varies from 70 to 80 dB;
nozzles. Here it is better to immediately pay attention to their number and variety. If you clean the whole range of rooms - floor, furniture, carpets, parquet, then it is better to choose a richer package. If only the floor is removed with a vacuum cleaner, then a minimum of nozzles is enough;
power regulator. A useful but not required feature. In rare cases, it will help to get large debris from hard-to-reach corners or thoroughly walk through abundant dirt when increasing power. By decreasing, the suction of the cat or other small pets can be avoided.
The best models of Thomas washing vacuum cleaners
It remains a little to understand the models. We have selected some of the most interesting vacuum cleaners currently on the market. We will understand the characteristics, prices and read user reviews.
Thomas aqua pet & family
PHOTO: vacuum cleaner is positioned as a device for the whole family, which will also help in cleaning pets.
In the entire line of washing vacuum cleaners, this model represents the middle price segment. You can buy it for 21,000 rubles. Standard washing vacuum cleaner with a 1.8 liter aqua filter. The power is declared at 1700 watts. For wet cleaning, there are two reservoirs for the detergent solution and dirty water of 1.8 liters. Waste collection in a 6L bag is also supported. The set of attachments is quite rich. Includes hair remover, upholstery cleaning, crevice tool, floor and sofa sprayers. Additional functionality is provided by a power regulator on the body, a soft bumper, and the possibility of vertical parking.
Review of the Thomas Aqua Pet & Family model:
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Another review of the Thomas Aqua Pet & Family model:
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Thomas aqua pet & family
Thomas drybox amfibia
PHOTO: amphibian in the name, as it were, emphasizes that the vacuum cleaner can work in both "dry" and wet modes.
As the name suggests, the vacuum cleaner has a DryBox type dust collector. In addition, it can work with AquaBox for dry cleaning and air cleaning. The declared power is 1700 watts. Both the aquafilter and the container are designed for 1.8 liters of water. The complete set is rich - nozzles for the floor and carpet, AquaStealth for washing laminate and parquet, sprayers, brushes. There is a power regulator on the body. You can buy a Thomas DryBox Amfibia vacuum cleaner for 26,000 rubles.
Review of the Thomas DryBox Amfibia model:
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Another review of the Thomas DryBox Amfibia model:
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Thomas drybox amfibia
Thomas TWIN T1 Aquafilter
PHOTO: all Thomas have a rich package bundle
One of the most popular and affordable vacuum cleaners among all Thomas models. Its cost is 14,000 rubles. A 1 liter aqua filter acts as a dust collector. The declared power is 1600 W. There is a 2.4 liter reservoir for the cleaning solution. The complete set is rather modest - a pair of nozzles for carpets, crevice and for upholstered furniture.
Review of the Thomas TWIN T1 Aquafilter model:
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Another review of the Thomas TWIN T1 Aquafilter model:
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Vacuum cleaner, more focused on wet cleaning of large areas. For this, it is equipped with a 20 l aqua filter. The pump is capable of generating a pressure of up to 4 bar, which will allow effective cleaning of carpets and upholstered furniture. The declared power is 1600 W. A reservoir of 3.6 liters is allocated for the cleaning solution. For collecting dirty liquid - 6 l. Therefore, there is a wide selection of attachments in the kit for both dry and wet cleaning. You can buy this model for 13,000 rubles.
Review of the Thomas Bravo 20S Aquafilter model:
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Another review of the Thomas Bravo 20S Aquafilter model:
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Thomas Bravo 20S Aquafilter
Thomas TWIN Tiger
PHOTO: design of household models of Thomas vacuum cleaners has the same style.
Another simple household model that can cover most of the needs of the average user. Knows how to do both dry and wet cleaning. An aquafilter is used to collect garbage. And for the working fluid, there are two reservoirs - 2.4 liters and 4 liters. The aquafilter itself contains 1 liter of liquid. The model costs 15,000 rubles.
Review of the Thomas TWIN Tiger model:
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Another review of the Thomas TWIN Tiger model:
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Thomas TWIN Tiger
Thomas Wave XT Aqua-Box
PHOTO: is an advanced cyclonic filter that is used in a large number of Thomas vacuum cleaner models.
As the name implies, the Aqua-Box is used to filter and collect waste. But, apart from the unique aquafilter, the vacuum cleaner is no different from its already listed brothers. The power is declared at 1600 W, the noise level is 81 dB. The aquafilter has a volume of 1 liter. A 1.8 liter reservoir is intended for the detergent and the same for collecting dirty water. The set includes a nozzle for the floor, carpet, parquet, furniture and a spray. The model costs 22,000 rubles.
Review of the Thomas Wave XT Aqua-Box model:
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Another review of the Thomas Wave XT Aqua-Box:
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Thomas Wave XT Aqua-Box
Thomas Wave XT Aqua-Box
If you are the proud owner of a Thomas vacuum cleaner, then in the comments you can tell us about the peculiarities of its operation.