When making unauthorized redevelopment during repairs, you need to remember what it is fraught with. But the least that can be received for such actions is a decent fine. We prefer to keep silent about more.
Unfortunately, many owners have a strong belief that the ownership of their premises also includes all other elements of the house that are in common use. Thanks to this opinion, the annual number of cases of emergency reinforcement of load-bearing parts and repair of engineering networks does not decrease.

Ignoring the warnings of the building authorities, residents change the location of doorways, arrange large bathrooms with saunas, remove walls, etc., which can create both potential and real risks to the reliability of the entire constructions. That is why the housing control of the regions so responsibly approaches unauthorized redevelopment.
Of course, making all these changes is legal, you are unlikely to be banned. It's just that, most likely, in the process of developing a project and its approval, you will receive additional instructions for ensuring the safety of the main design solutions provided for by the original design documents.
Indeed, when making structural changes, it is important not only to take into account the capabilities of the supporting structures, but also the ability of existing engineering networks to provide a sufficient amount of necessary resources for the new equipment. For this, it is necessary to take into account the existing diameter of the water supply and sewerage pipes, the possibilities of the maximum load of electrical cables.
If you want to get a reliable SRO admission in Irkutsk, feel free to contact the StroyYurist company.
How to act according to the law
Of course, this will take much more time and is associated with a fairly long office red tape, but in ultimately guarantees all residents of your home a safe stay, even after the changes are made. And if you entrust this procedure to specialists, then you may not notice any special delays.
So, what to do if you do it yourself:
- The first step to take if you decide to change the design of the room in accordance with the requirements legislation is an order for the development of a draft of the desired changes in an organization that has the right, admission to carry out such design work. The project should take into account not only the wishes of the owners to change the existing structure of the dwelling, but also provide for the necessary changes in the design and engineering networks, functioning in accordance with the current design documentation. If necessary, new loads are calculated, a plan is drawn up to strengthen the structures of walls and floors, as well as a detailed, sequential work plan.
- The second step will be followed by an examination of the building elements of the house by employees with a permit self-regulatory organization, obtaining an opinion on the existing possibility of a work planned changes. To reduce the time for developing a project, survey, obtaining an opinion, it is recommended to choose an organization that has the right to carry out all the required work and research.
- The third step will be the submission of the developed documentation to the authorized department of the local administration, where it is checked, received approval, and a permit is issued. These actions can be performed independently or entrusted to the company that developed the project.
- The fourth step will be the direct implementation of the project. To do this, choose organizations that are part of the SRO, which have all the necessary permits to carry out the required work.
- And the final fifth step will be the long-awaited receipt at the BTI of a new registration certificate for the renovated and changed apartment.
Please note that this is the only legal way to make redevelopment, save yourself from problems during registration and the subsequent possible sale of housing.