Correct weight loss with specialists.

Overweight is the cause of many diseases - this is a well-known fact!

Poor quality and unbalanced nutrition, low mobility and, to a lesser extent, heredity and psychological factors are the reasons that overweight and even obesity gradually turns into a global problem. Fat accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue, around the internal organs, making it difficult for them to function, which is why heart problems, shortness of breath, headaches, edema suffers from the heart - vascular system - the pressure rises, the work of the heart becomes difficult.The load on the spine increases, which in turn leads to its deformation, the development of the intervertebral hernia.

As a rule, they turn to specialists already at the later stages of the development of the disease, when the general condition of the body has deteriorated significantly and numerous complications have appeared. Weight loss in the sanatorium "Lago-Naki" in the Krasnodar Territory is complex, because no measure alone will be effective enough. The sanatorium offers natural weight loss without health risks with various weight loss programs.

A lot of nuances are taken into account here - they provide :

-balanced and proper nutrition

- a sufficient amount of physical activity

-solve psychological problems

In the sanatorium, weight loss programs are divided into several courses that differ in duration and goals. Courses consist mainly of:

  • bowel cleansing. This is a monitor cleansing of the intestines. There are different ways, here it is oxygenated water.
  • aerosol therapy - body detox. Natural inhalation in a cedar mini sauna, useful substances are inhaled, enter through the pores of the skin, disperse lymph and blood circulation.
  • cryotherapy - cold treatment, cryosauna with liquid nitrogen. Allows to accelerate metabolism, renews, evens out the skin.
  • massage. There are many types of massage. First of all, massages relax, relieve nervousness. Massage can perfectly tighten the body, remove cellulite.

In the health resort it is obligatory to visit the attending physician, consult a cosmetologist, wine baths / enotherapy, hypnopractice, auricular reflexotherapy "Ushnaya" ..

Also, the sanatorium presents programs for recovery after covid Out of 4 developed, they are based on the personal experience of the doctors of the health resort and the latest research on the rehabilitation of scientists from all over the world.