You can improve the condition of your hair with good nutrition and quality care. Using medical cosmetics, you can achieve the desired results. But patented serums are not affordable for everyone. Isn't it better to use time-tested folk recipes. Moreover, many "drugs" can be found in your kitchen.

- Aloe juice
- Mustard powder
- Rosemary
- Lemon
- Cinnamon
- Brewer's yeast
- Head massage
- Egg mask
- Burdock mask
- Cognac
Aloe juice
The first to come to the rescue in the struggle for a beautiful hairstyle is the agave. Many have a familiar plant.
Tear off the thickest bottom sheet, which needs to be cut lengthwise and squeezed out the juice. It is rubbed into the roots and left for 60 minutes or even overnight. In the morning, it is enough to wash your hair in the usual way.
Mustard powder
Mustard is one of the most effective natural products. Hot powder masks increase blood flow to the scalp. As a result, the roots receive more of the necessary substances. Curls grow better, are filled with energy.
The simplest recipe: mix the same amount of powder and water (measure - a tablespoon), add one crude protein and a little granulated sugar. Rub and apply with rubbing movements. Soak for 20 minutes and rinse with water. If necessary, it is allowed to use shampoo, preferably sulfate-free. Apply conditioner after washing.
This procedure should be done once a week, and for brittle and dehydrated hair - once every 14 days. Before using the composition, the ends of the strands must be lubricated with any cosmetic oil. This will keep them from drying out.
A scented spice can save any hair. This is a unique opportunity to stop hair loss, strengthen the follicles, stimulate dormant follicles, and give your hair a mirror-like shine and splendor. Several ingredients need to be mixed.
A tablespoon of castor oil is mixed with a few drops of rosemary oil. The composition is slightly heated in a water bath and rubbed into the skin. Cover the head with foil, wrap with a towel and leave for 30 minutes.
You can add rosemary oil to your shampoo or conditioner - each time you wash, the fortified products will work to your advantage.
Lemon also stops hair loss, promotes the appearance of new ones, and in addition, thickens hair shafts.
The same amount of lemon juice and any cosmetic oil is mixed and the resulting liquid is applied to the hair. The composition is left on the head for half an hour, and then washed in the usual way.
Simple preparation requires a minimum number of components, but the effect exceeds all expectations. Frequency - once a week for 2-3 months.
An available remedy for activating follicles is cinnamon. It infuses even very thin and weak hair with strength, making it stronger. The procedure is performed before a standard wash.
Mix a third of a glass of olive oil with the same amount of liquid honey, add a whole teaspoon of cinnamon and half of red pepper. The composition is applied to the scalp and left for half an hour.
Brewer's yeast
Masks using brewer's yeast are an excellent tonic. Most importantly, they are very easy to prepare and use.
A glass of kefir or yogurt is heated to room temperature and mixed with a dessert spoon of fresh yeast. The mixture is left warm for 10 minutes.
The fermented composition is applied to the hair and left for about half an hour. Then they are washed off under a strong stream of water without the use of detergents.
Head massage
Any mask can be supplemented with a scalp massage or used as an independent remedy. Massage is performed with brushes and simply with your fingertips.
The simplest technique is to stroke with the pads of your fingers from the forehead to the back of the head, from the crown of the head down and from the crown to the temples. In this case, the massage lines must necessarily coincide with the direction of hair growth.
You can also use the Cleopatra technique. Do 100 combing hair daily from forehead to back of the head. It is better to use a brush with natural bristles - it additionally smoothes strands and does not scratch. If you use a conventional comb, then the tips of its teeth should not be sharp, but rounded.
Egg mask
As you know, eggs are rich in trace elements. You can use them entirely. The inner part is for making masks, the shell is for scrubbing the skin.
A simple recipe: two squirrels are whipped into a fluffy foam and applied to the strands. After an hour, wash off with moderately warm water. Violation of this rule can lead to coagulation of proteins and then they will have to be combed out for a long time.
Another recognized way. Replace the shampoo with egg yolk several times a month, which is slightly foaming and rinses well with dirt.
Burdock mask
A burdock oil mask can be a worthy substitute for salon procedures. Burdock has long been known for its powerful properties that strengthen hair and roots.
Therefore, women successfully use it at home. The same amount of panthenolic acid and five drops of vitamins (A and E) are added to one teaspoon of oil. Stir and keep on hair for at least half an hour.
Or you can prepare raw materials yourself. In early autumn, pull on burdock roots and dry them. You can rinse your hair with a decoction (50 grams of crushed plant per liter of water) from the roots after each wash.
For long-term storage of a homemade product and to increase the speed of its use, an alcoholic tincture is prepared. The ground roots are poured with a triple volume of vodka, kept for a month in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Strain and add a little to the mask (one tablespoon of tincture mixed with yolk) or use for rinsing (2 large spoons per liter of water).
Alcohol is often used in the preparation of masks. Cognac is preferred here. It "warms up" the scalp, promoting additional blood flow to the epithelium, due to which the bulbs receive additional nutrition. And the tannins contained in the drink "seal" the weakened roots and loose ends.
The same amount of cognac and honey (a tablespoon each) is mixed and supplemented with yolk. The mass is distributed over the hair and left for up to half an hour.
Of course, you don't have to expect instant results from using natural products. But the main thing is patience and regularity.