Any amulet will become even more powerful if you do it yourself. It remains only to choose which one.
- Runes
- Money Tree
- Herbal amulet
- Talisman-bracelet
- Money bag

Runes can attract untold wealth. For their manufacture, it is recommended to choose only natural materials, such as wood (better than noble species) or stone. It is also important to draw them correctly. To do this, it is recommended to practice a little on paper. In the process of creating runes, you need to be in a good mood and not be distracted by anything, since this is an energetic work. When applying the Fetu symbol for wealth, one should think about its meaning and imagine interaction with it.
The way in which characters are applied depends on the media material. For example, on polished wooden plates, the image can be burned or cut out. Application by paint is also allowed.
When working with stone talismans, before applying symbols, it is recommended to put the stone in salt for a day in order to cleanse it of extraneous energy. Only then can the image be applied with paint or a marker.
Ready runes must be kept a little in salt, put on a windowsill at full moon overnight, sprinkled with water, or carried through a candle flame. You can choose one of these rituals.
Store runes in a specially prepared natural fabric bag or wooden box.
Money Tree

Amulets made from gold-plated coins of various sizes have the greatest strength. The money tree should have as many leaves as possible - this way wealth will appear faster.
However, it is important not only to make a tree, but also to properly care for it. To charge such an amulet, it is recommended to talk to him as often as possible, in particular, to thank him for any financial receipts. A money tree needs the positive energy of its owner. Only in this way will it be able to transform it into financial flows, which are needed to make a profit.
It is recommended to place the product in the southern or eastern parts of the house, since this is where the energy of abundance comes from.
Herbal amulet

You can also make magic bags on your own. They need to put the so-called money dried herbs. This includes cloves, bay leaves, mint, rosemary, and fennel. To make one amulet, one pinch of each of these herbs will be enough.
For such magic bags, it is better to choose red cloth and thread for dressing.
It is necessary to make the amulet on the new moon, while it is recommended to read the prayer "Our Father" three times. When tying a bag with a thread, one should say: “I put the grass at God's command for good luck and good luck. Let it be so. Amen".
This amulet should lie in a secluded place, where no one will ever accidentally find it. To recharge, the bag should be placed on the windowsill during the new moon. It is recommended to do this at least three times a year.

Its peculiarity is that no conspiracies or activation rituals are required for it. The only thing that matters is what thoughts were put into the product. Therefore, it is so important to make it in good mood and health during the waxing moon.
Prepare three skeins of new wool yarn in different colors in advance: red, blue and green. Left alone with yourself, light a church candle and look at the flame to clear your thoughts. In addition, you can state exactly what amount and in what currency you want to receive. Keeping this thought in mind, you can start weaving a bracelet from three strands at once.
You need to wear the talisman on your left hand exactly until the desired amount is received. After that, it should be burned.
Money bag

And the most obvious amulet can be considered a pouch with irredeemable coins. It is better to sew it from a dense white cloth, then sprinkle it with holy water three times and read the prayer "Our Father" the same number of times. To fill the bag, you will need several coins of different denominations. There should be as many of them as possible.
Before putting the money in the bag, each of them must be baptized and sprinkled with holy water. Then spread it out on a flat surface, but not on the table, and bring it to your face one by one, saying: “A penny to kopeck, penny to penny, fifty kopeck to fifty kopeck, ruble to ruble, ruble to chervonets, all to the court ", send to pouch. Tie the latter and hide in a secluded place. You cannot tell anyone about its existence.
The strength of any amulet depends on faith: the greater it is, the more likely the amulet will attract wealth. However, this will require an effort.