How to check the battery charge: funny and not so funny ways

Batteries fail at the last, most important moment. This is the same law of meanness that works when shops are already closed. You can think of yourself as a very organized person if you keep charged and discharged batteries in different places. The only thing is not clear why you are discharged? But more often it happens differently: all the batteries are in one pile, and those that have not been used for a long time, and new, and discharged. How to figure it out? There are several options for determining the presence of a charge, you can use them.

Read in the article

  • 1 Crazy and ridiculous, but effective
  • 2 Watson, give me a magnifying glass
  • 3 Without reinventing the wheel: a method in science
  • 4 Action check: the reliable way
  • 5 The funniest method, not directly related to the presence of a net
  • 6 Not all batteries in the remote control run down evenly
  • 7 Save the hedgehog!

Crazy and ridiculous, but effective

This option is not for the faint of heart, but, oddly enough, many people use it. You need to take a couple of batteries, preferably one that you have no doubt about, and connect them in the usual plus or minus sequence. Then put a wet finger to one minus end, and touch the other plus end with your tongue. If the battery is working, you will feel it. If not, no effect.

How to check the battery charge
The only advice is not to get too carried away with the process and never show it to your children.

Watson, give me a magnifying glass

Or not Watson, but Tanechka, it doesn't matter, but a magnifying glass and good light will come in handy. Look closely at the ends of the battery. If the slightest trace of corrosion, plaque or liquid is found on them - that's it, the term of its "life" has come to an end.

Maybe there is still a minimal charge, but this is already agony.
Maybe there is still a minimal charge, but this is already agony.

Without reinventing the wheel: a method in science

The easiest way, of course, is not to invent any strange methods, but simply to use a device called a multimeter. It's actually inexpensive and would be nice to have at home for more than just testing batteries. With it, you can easily and simply check the presence of voltage and the integrity of any network. This is the most reliable verification method.

If you are examining a battery, then if the reading is less than 0.3 A, you can discard this battery. Batteries with a current of up to 0.7 can be put into the remote control, and those that give the result above can be used for more serious tasksPHOTO:
If you are examining a battery, then if the reading is less than 0.3 A, you can discard this battery. Batteries with a current of up to 0.7 can be put into the remote control, and those that give the result above can be used for more serious tasks

Action check: the reliable way

If you don't have a multimeter, you can use any device that works on battery power. It can be an LED lamp, a motor or something similar that consumes a little voltage.

To check, you need to bring the contacts to different poles of the battery. If the battery is working, the device will work evenly for a couple of minutes, which takes a checkPHOTO:
To check, you need to bring the contacts to different poles of the battery. If the battery is working, the device will work evenly for a couple of minutes, which takes a check

If the battery has a weak charge, the lamp will shine dimly intermittently, and the motor will spin, slowing down.

The funniest method, not directly related to the presence of a net

There are a lot of jokes about this technique on the net, but just test it on your batteries to make sure it works.

We are talking about the so-called jumping ability of batteries. But before you think about whether you have a net to catch these jumpers, let's get serious. In alkaline and alkaline batteries, the electrolyte is in a gel form. And when the charge ends, the electrolyte solidifies and becomes solid. How does it manifest?

The experiment is as follows: you need to raise the battery vertically above the table to a small height - no more than 2 cm, and unclench your fingers. The battery should just drop, no need to accelerate it.

And then watch how the battery fell. If it falls, then the electrolyte has solidified. If the electrolyte is still gelatinous, the battery will stand rooted to the spot. And the more the charge, the more confidently such batteries will stand up. And without a charge - jump off the table and fallPHOTO:
And then watch how the battery fell. If it falls, then the electrolyte has solidified. If the electrolyte is still gelatinous, the battery will stand rooted to the spot. And the more the charge, the more confidently such batteries will stand up. And without a charge - jump off the table and fall

Not all batteries in the remote control run down evenly

This also needs to be borne in mind: if one battery has shown a drop in charge, it is not a fact that the second will be just as "tired". So do not rush to throw everything away at once, sometimes it is enough to replace one battery.

Save the hedgehog!

And now about why you still do not send a dead battery to the trash can. Perhaps you have doubts about the correctness of such an act. And this is not in vain. In fact, this food element contains a lot of toxic substances, including mercury.

Once in the environment, one food element is capable of infecting 20 square meters of soil. About as much as one hedgehog needs for a habitatPHOTO:
Once in the environment, one food element is capable of infecting 20 square meters of soil. About as much as one hedgehog needs for a habitat

Plants for the processing of batteries are still under construction and not everywhere there are collection points for such waste. So, if possible, do not throw it away, but find a container suitable for storage for dead batteries and store until it becomes possible to hand them over for recycling. And be sure to keep this vessel out of the reach of children.

In addition, watch an interesting video about how ordinary batteries can be recharged!

How do you determine the battery charge and have you tried charging conventional batteries? Share your experience in the comments!


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