Sooner or later, this question arises. After all, if a new renovation is made in the apartment, and the interior looks stylish and comfortable, you really don't want to see a balcony with peeling paint or uncovered brickwork.

The external appearance of the balcony is made up of many components and the decoration of the ceiling plays an important role here.
Primary requirements
- Primary requirements
- Waterproofing and thermal insulation
- Waterproofing
- Thermal insulation
- Choosing a material for finishing
- Plastering and painting
- Wooden lining
- Plastic panels
- Expanded polystyrene plates
- Drywall
- Stretch ceiling
- Video: Insulation of the loggia ceiling and installation of PVC panels
- Photo ideas for finishing the ceiling on the loggia and balcony
An ordinary balcony has a limited area, which means that repairing it will not be too expensive, neither in time nor in terms of money.

The ceiling forms the overall impression of the interior of the balcony space
There are some requirements that must be met during the renovation or renovation process:
- If we are not talking about cosmetic decoration, but about the reconstruction of the ceiling on the balcony, then mainly pay attention to waterproofing. It is important to completely exclude leaks from above and the capillary spread of moisture through reinforced concrete slabs. Believe me, not paying due attention to these measures, as a result, money for expensive repairs will be wasted.
- If you plan to use the balcony not only during the warm season, but also in winter, consider the thermal insulation of the ceiling. After all, even if only the walls and the floor are insulated, warm air, rising upward, will "meet" a cold concrete slab, and, as a result, unjustified heat loss will occur. With any heating system, without ceiling insulation, money is wasted.
- When the issues with waterproofing and thermal insulation are resolved, there is only one thing left - the decorative design of the room. In this matter, the preferences of the apartment owners play a key role. The main thing is that it is pleasant and comfortable to be on the balcony.
Waterproofing and thermal insulation

You can start finishing a balcony or loggia only after high-quality preparation of the base
Ceiling waterproofing should be done regardless of whether the balcony is glazed or not. Water or melted snow can easily seep through the cracks in the ceilings and flow down the walls to the floor. Any repair will suffer from this impact.

Without waterproofing, water can enter the room, which will lead to deterioration of the interior decoration
The most affordable option for waterproofing the ceiling on the balcony is the treatment of seams and crevices with silicone sealant. And the surface of the slabs is covered with a special hydrophobic primer. But this option is only suitable for those whose neighbors have glazed their balcony on top and created waterproofing on the floor. If in your case the neighbor's balcony is not "processed" in any way, the best option is to negotiate with the neighbors and carry out expensive waterproofing work together.
In the case when it comes to the balcony on the upper floor, the apartment owners will have to carry out waterproofing both from the inside and outside. And to do it yourself (at least from the outside) will not work, the work can only be performed by specialized services with strict adherence to safety rules and processing technology.

If there is a concrete slab above the balcony, it will be enough to close it with roll material

If there is no roof over the balcony, you will have to make a canopy with a slope
Thermal insulation
The complex of works on the insulation of the balcony is not required. It is carried out only when it is necessary to fully or partially combine the balcony with the living room. Then thermal insulation will reduce heat loss and make the adjacent room more comfortable. Also, similar work is carried out when the balcony from above is not insulated or the owners are absent.

Ceiling insulation is made from the inside of the balcony
When choosing a heater for a balcony, pay attention to the following criteria:
- thickness;
- weight;
- hygroscopicity (the material should not accumulate moisture in itself);
- noise insulation properties.
The best options for insulation are polystyrene, penofol, expanded polystyrene or mineral wool.

Wooden slats are used to fix the foil material.
In the process of work, the insulation is mounted in a specially prepared frame, which is made either from metal or from wood. A waterproofing layer is glued under the insulation: a film or membrane.

To fix mineral wool, a frame is built from wooden blocks or galvanized profiles
The foam can be attached without a frame. And if you chose mineral wool, then there must be a vapor barrier membrane on top of it, since wool itself is very hygroscopic.

Plate insulation is mounted with or without a frame, depending on the type of subsequent finishing
Choosing a material for finishing
Coming to the final stage - finishing work - the main thing is not to be mistaken with the choice of material.
- Weight and thickness. These are the main parameters that pay attention to. Since the material is attached to the waterproofing, the load on the floors increases and the heavy weight of the finish is unacceptable. In addition, due to the thickness of the material, the ceiling height becomes smaller.
- Compliance with sanitary and fire safety standards. In other words, give preference to non-flammable and environmentally friendly materials.
- Sound absorbing properties. Although this criterion cannot be called defining, additional sound insulation never hurts.
- Style. Materials are also chosen depending on the stylistic solution.

The choice of material for the ceiling covering is largely determined by the style solution of the balcony interior
Plastering and painting
If the balcony is not glazed, then plaster is a budget, and the best option. There is no point in spending money on expensive materials that will constantly get wet in the rain or "fry" in direct sunlight.

Painting or decorative plaster is often chosen for finishing the ceiling of an open balcony
Most often, latex, acrylic or PVA paints are chosen for such a decor. They are appreciated for their ability to evenly "lay down" on any surface, as well as a variety of colors, which, by the way, you can create yourself with the help of colors.

A high-quality plastered and painted ceiling looks attractive and is quite inexpensive
To create an unusual ornament on the ceiling, apply a layer of paint, and on top of it treat the surface with a fluffy brush or washcloth. If you don't have a brush or washcloth on hand, use a piece of tulle.

And such a decorative pattern is easy to make with a spatula-comb.
Suitable plaster mixes for balconies in the form of powders, mortars or pastes. They are usually made on the basis of cement or gypsum.
When choosing plaster as a finish, remember that the ceiling surface must be perfectly flat, so take the time to prepare.
Wooden lining
Loved by many material. It is appreciated for its decent appearance, environmental friendliness and versatility. If you decide to use lining for finishing the ceiling, then it is better to arrange the walls in the same way. The lining ceiling does not look in itself.

Wooden lining is environmentally friendly, beautiful and effective
Today, all kinds of antiseptic compounds are available that significantly extend the life of a natural wood surface. So, with proper care, a balcony lined with clapboard will serve you for many years.

Wood in any form is great for decorating an open balcony

The decoration of the balcony ceiling with wooden slats looks original
Plastic panels
This finishing option has already earned the title of "Balcony Classic". It is perhaps difficult to imagine more common material.

The ceiling made of PVC panels is moisture resistant and easy to clean
This demand for PVC panels is simply explained:
- affordable price;
- the widest assortment - a variety of not only colors, but also size and texture;
- high rates of thermal insulation and sound insulation;
- resistance to moisture;
- ease of installation - even without special education, you can easily cope with the installation of PVC panels on your balcony or loggia.

Plastic panels can be installed in a frame way or simply glued to a concrete surface
The disadvantages of plastic panels include the gradual fading of the material when exposed to direct sunlight, as well as the impossibility of operating in conditions of temperature extremes. Therefore, the material is applicable only to insulated loggias.

Plastic panels are also suitable for decorating walls of a balcony or loggia
Expanded polystyrene plates
Another budget finishing option. By the way, it is actively used not only for the ceiling on the loggia, but also for decorating the ceiling space in the kitchen, bedroom or hallway. Such a tile is an excellent heat insulator. It is also appreciated for its ease of installation - the plates are glued to the ceiling, and then additionally fixed with dowels. If desired, a layer of textured paint or decorative plaster is applied over the slabs. Let's admit a laconic decor.

Polystyrene boards can be painted in the desired color with water-based paint
This material is also in demand for kitchens, bedrooms or hallways. To decorate the ceiling on the loggia, a special moisture-resistant version of plasterboard sheets is used. After sheathing, the surface of the drywall is covered with a special water-repellent paint in several layers.

Using drywall, you can form two-level structures with built-in spotlights
Stretch ceiling
This method of finishing the ceiling on the balcony cannot be called the most popular, and, nevertheless, it has a right to exist in insulated spaces.

Stretch PVC film at low temperatures loses its elasticity and becomes brittle, so such a coating should not be used on cold balconies
Its main advantages:
- exquisite appearance;
- a varied palette of colors;
- quick installation (provided that there is the necessary equipment and work experience);
- the ability to create an interesting lighting system;
- ease of use - the surface is very easy to clean;
- moisture resistance and durability;
- absolute tightness of the ceiling space.

A huge assortment of stretch fabrics allows you to choose the desired color of the shelf covering

If desired, the interior of the balcony can be decorated with a stretch ceiling with photo printing
These are not all options for finishing the ceiling on the loggia. Obviously, even without serious financial investments, you can make a practical and beautiful balcony ceiling. If you have the skills to work in this area, then you will quite cope with the task on your own. If there are no such skills, then it is better to turn to specialists.
Video: Insulation of the loggia ceiling and installation of PVC panels
Photo ideas for finishing the ceiling on the loggia and balcony